r/Invincible Green Ghost Mar 29 '24

Here a quick question what is your opinion on Shrinking Ray being a girl in the show COMIC SPOILERS

I honestly don’t care but I’ve seen people complaining about in online


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u/WithoutAnyUsername Mar 29 '24

Race/Gender swapping not very well known or nothing characters will always depend on the writing, The Boys and Invincible show did the writing part right and i've never seen anyone complain and i've seen a lot of people liking these changes. The only time people will complain about it is when they butcher the writing or it's about highly known characters.


u/hav0k0829 Mar 29 '24

The boys isnt faithful to the comic anyway i heard. There is more of a plot in the boys show while the comic is just really edgy.


u/WithoutAnyUsername Mar 29 '24

I know, they changed the story but the characters are still there.


u/BiDiTi Mar 29 '24

The people saying that tapped out during the second trade.

Not defending the first 10 issues, to be clear…but the book changes DRAMATICALLY following the introduction of Vas.


u/Invincidude Allen the Alien Mar 29 '24

I'm kinda sad we didn't get to see Hughie explaining what happened to Robin to Starlight, leading to Starlight revealing she's a superhero, leading to Hughie absolutely flipping his shit on her for what he thinks is a sick joke, before noticing she's now floating about a foot in the air.

"I'm so sorry, Hughie."


u/BiDiTi Mar 29 '24

As far as I’m concerned, The Boys starts with Annie begging Hughie “Please, PLEASE be nice to me.”


u/evrestcoleghost Mar 30 '24



u/BiDiTi Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

You know how the show is a searing indictment of America’s fetishization of the military industrial complex?

That ALL comes from the book…which makes a hell of a lot fewer excuses than the show about the Nature of America.

The first 10 issues ARE really rough!

…but it would be nice to see the occasional critique from someone who made it to at least issue 20.


u/MRgibbson23 Mar 30 '24

I finished the comics twice! But it was so long ago, I actually thought they were good lol. In fact, it had been so long that when the show came out I was watching the trailer thinking “huh, this is kinda like that comicbook I read once” and took me almost the whole trailer to realize it was lol

I still don’t think it’s as bad as people say. It has some awful shit I’m glad the show changed, like Hughie calling Starlight a slut for being assaulted and having her begging for his forgiveness…

But there was some pretty good shit too. I REALLY hope that for the love of god they keep some form of the ending (regarding the members of The Boys). Would it make sense given a certain character’s development? Absolutely not, but they got two seasons (fifth is confirmed, right? hopefully the last) to figure it out.


u/iHateThisPlaceNowOK :omnipotus: Omnipotus Mar 29 '24

Literally the only time where the on screen adaptation is better than the source material.


u/Daztur Mar 29 '24



u/iHateThisPlaceNowOK :omnipotus: Omnipotus Mar 30 '24

Damn. I’m uncultured. I had no idea Godfather was a screenplay.


u/Daztur Mar 30 '24

Plenty of films better than their source material. Just in those cases the source material gets so overshadowed that people don't think of them as adaptations.


u/Elhmok Mar 30 '24



u/iHateThisPlaceNowOK :omnipotus: Omnipotus Mar 30 '24


Both were good.


u/Elhmok Mar 30 '24

The movie was better. it was able to use visual cues and transitions to show how each of the stories were related and connected, which wasn't as clear in the book.


u/iHateThisPlaceNowOK :omnipotus: Omnipotus Mar 30 '24

Good point. But there were a lot of key points missing from the movie that were important in the book.

Like Stanley being obese, and therefore a target for bullying.


u/Pharabellum Mar 29 '24

Indeed. I actually prefer Victoria Newman (?) in The Boys instead of Vic the Veep in the comics. She (the actress) has a very particular way to be terrifying and underline nefarious, specially with her power set. The casting was mostly on point in that show anyway.


u/RobBrown4PM Mar 29 '24

Best thing the show did was distance itself from the comic.


u/BiDiTi Mar 29 '24

The people saying that tapped out during the second trade.

Not defending the first 10 issues, to be clear…but the book changes DRAMATICALLY following the introduction of Vas.


u/BadgerSoft344 Green Ghost Mar 29 '24

You’re better than most of the MK fanbase.


u/WithoutAnyUsername Mar 29 '24

What do you mean


u/BadgerSoft344 Green Ghost Mar 29 '24

There are rumors(seriously it’s not even confirmed yet) that in the next game the minor character Cyrax will return genderswaped(as a girl) and the MK fanbase just keeps complaining about how that this one change will ruin the entire franchise(not joking)


u/ThunderBlack14 Mar 29 '24

Because Cyrax is a old character with a lot of fans, he just isn't used much by Ed Boon.


u/Grouchy_Appearance_1 Debbie Grayson Mar 29 '24

But is the entire franchise dependent on Cyrax keeping his penis? (You say "yes", you don't know MK at all)


u/llMadmanll Mar 29 '24

I don't think people detected the sarcasm


u/Grouchy_Appearance_1 Debbie Grayson Mar 29 '24

Idc man, my entire point was just to make people see how ridiculous it is, if you're mad about a CYBORG, not having a penis, you have grossly misunderstood the character


u/Objective-Farm6514 Apr 19 '24

If you're mad about people being upset about random nothing changes for the sake of "diversity" you have grossly misunderstood the world you currently live in.


u/CaCa881 Battle Beast Mar 29 '24

Eh that one’s a little different . Whenever you have an established character that has gone unchanged for literal decades , then yeah some people are gonna have a problem with it . It doesn’t matter how little the change actually affects the plot to them .


u/Grouchy_Appearance_1 Debbie Grayson Mar 29 '24

It doesn’t matter how little the change actually affects the plot to them .

But that's genuinely how some to half of them are acting, they wanna claim "it's a slope" that leads to the whole franchise being terrible and they haven't even seen anything yet, it's stupid, but yeah this doesn't effect the plot at all, even if Cyrax stayed a guy, he'd become it when they start the cyborg Lin Kuei


u/SammyChaos Mar 29 '24

Well I mean.. when you're changing a 30 year old character maybe there is reason for some to believe it's a slippery slope. I don't give two shits but I do see the reason for emotion


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

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u/RangoDjangoh Mar 29 '24

I wouldn't say Cryax is a nothing character nobody cares about. I mean I know that robot dude and I never played MK.


u/Afraid_Union_8451 Mar 29 '24

Not an MK fan but that does sound stupid, I've heard of Cyrax so he probably isn't a minor character


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

 I've heard of Cyrax so he probably isn't a minor character

What are we considering minor characters? He's not a main character. He's not an original character. He's one of multiple colored robot characters. He's as minor as a playable character gets in MK.


u/BadgerSoft344 Green Ghost Mar 29 '24

No he is He’s just a really popular one.


u/hell_jumper9 GDA Troopers Mar 29 '24

and the MK fanbase just keeps complaining about how that this one change will ruin the entire franchise(not joking)

Make him a hot woman so half of the worried fans will do a 180 lol


u/Ghost_Mouse__ Mar 29 '24

If it was Capcom like how they did Seth in Strret Fighter 5 who looks amazing then yes people would be happy but if it’s like Janet Cage in MK1 who looks very meh then no thanks


u/bootylover81 Mar 29 '24

They made every Man in MK1 hotter than before and made the girls uglier save for Sindel and Li Mei, Kitana looks so bad conaidering she looked so good in MK11


u/Sea_Newspaper_565 Mar 29 '24

The gamers who have a problem with this hate women so making them hot won’t change their mind.


u/taskmaster75 Mar 29 '24

Huge MK fan here, Cyrax being gender swapped after 30 years is dumb and unnecessary to be honest, he's a very very popular character and not as minor as Shrinking Ray is in invincible, in general he's far more popular than shrinking ray, all they cyborgs in MK are fan favorites and klassics


u/Surfing-millennial Mar 29 '24

Smh they made Frost a sick cyborg and they still can’t be happy


u/taskmaster75 Mar 30 '24

I thought frost was okay and cool idea as a cyborg, I think I still prefer Deadly Alliance Frost though, could be my nostalgia talking here though


u/Surfing-millennial Apr 26 '24

Could be, I didn’t get into MK/NRS until the first Injustice so I don’t have any attachment to either Frost. That being said at least the cyborg design sets her apart from just a female Sub Zero


u/Broken_drum_64 Mar 29 '24

Cyrax being gender swapped after 30 years is dumb and unnecessary to be honest, he's a very very popular character and not as minor as Shrinking Ray is in invincible, in general he's far more popular than shrinking ray

Okay... but why does it matter? Are his robot parts powered by his penis?


u/taskmaster75 Mar 30 '24

Well before he was a robot, he was a man named Cyrax, and a lot of cryax's character arc is his depression over losing his body and humanity and turning into a cyborg, his human past really does matter to his story. We shouldn't make Tanya, Sheeva, Frost, Sindel,Kiara,Milena,Jade,Centurion,Kronika,Saree a, ect into males either, because that's not how the characters are and have been, it's not because those characters couldn't be "powered by their vagina" it's just how they are, and I wouldn't want them any other way


u/MagicBeanDev Mar 30 '24

Okay... but why does it matter? Are his robot parts powered by his robot penis penis?



u/PreferredPronounXi Mar 30 '24

Are you saying his new vagina will give him new powers??


u/Broken_drum_64 Mar 30 '24

quite the opposite, I'm saying that nothing will change if it has a vagina rather than a penis


u/LMD_DAISY :shrinkingrae: Shrinking Rae Mar 29 '24

Not next game, story expansion


u/WithoutAnyUsername Mar 29 '24

I think you misunderstood my comment. What i said isn't that i hate every single gender or race swap, in fact i like a lot of them. Like every character change in Invincible and The Boys makes more sense to me bc they executed it right. And we have characters in Daredevil and in The Punisher too where these changes make more sense. The only thing i've ever hated in these swaps is that they keep making ginger Wally West black. I don't really care about any other characters swap.


u/MaybePenisTomorrow Mar 29 '24

If I were gonna develop the next MK game and troll like that I think the only way to stick the landing is to make the swapped characters as sexed up as 2000’s era MK. 


u/MinuteAssistance1800 Mar 29 '24

Did you just call Cyrax a minor character? Cyrax and sector are some of the most popular characters in the game and get asked for more than nearly any other character (except mileena) each game


u/BadgerSoft344 Green Ghost Mar 30 '24

Yeah but being a major character isn’t about being popular it’s about being important to the plot.


u/B33rtaster Mar 29 '24

Fighting game fans are more notorious since the companies making them see the genre as a niche they can't expand. So its all too common to milk the fans for money with sex appeal. Its a viscous cycle that only incentivizes a toxic male fandom. As the people the businesses care about fall into the Venn diagram of horny and very skilled. Since who else are going to pay hundreds of dollars for skimpy skins late into a games life cycle.


u/wolfwhore666 Mar 29 '24

…isn’t Cyrax like 99% machine? What does gender matter. I’m sure they barely have organs let alone sexual ones. It seems like it wouldn’t mater either way. Like how can fans be mad if they’re female when they were barely male.


u/BadgerSoft344 Green Ghost Mar 29 '24

I know


u/DrashaZImmortal Mar 29 '24

what reboot version are we on right now? 4, 5?

Honestly the story just got a reboot a few games ago and with the current timeline shenanigins of the new game. Female Cyrax could work pretty well and easily. You wouldnt even need to "gender swap em" Could just be like

"Yeah this is cyrax from a different timeline. Enjoy, bye!" and boom, female cyrax is here.


u/dumbass2364859948 Mar 29 '24

There is also a character interaction where they basically confirm that Fujin is a girl now and Raiden’s sister now


u/panthers1102 Omni-Drip Mar 29 '24

Ruin the franchise? No. But depending on the implementation, it could very well ruin the character for me, as a fan of the character.

We haven’t had a proper cyrax since mk9, and we haven’t had a proper human cyrax for wayyy longer. For cyrax to come back and not be the same character I’ve literally waited over a decade for, kind of feels like a slap in the face.

Like imagine if Janet Cage was an actual replacement for Johnny rather than a cameo? Don’t you think fans of Johnny Cage would be a bit miffed?


u/da_beava Mar 29 '24

I would not call Cyrax a minor character lol, at least not in terms of popularity


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

 and the MK fanbase just keeps complaining about how that this one change will ruin the entire franchise

This is the danger with having your entire fanbase be rabid kissless virgins


u/bullbob Mar 29 '24

Wait? They are already speculating about MK2 so soon after MK1? Continuing the trend of not supporting their games after launch.

Gave up on MK after MK 10. Nothing to do with gender swapping characters though.


u/misfit119 Mar 29 '24

The only valid part of that complaint is that they picked one of the few black characters to gender swap. Like there’s a certain amount of women and minorities they can have. After that the whole series… explodes I guess.


u/ArtisticVaultDweller Mar 29 '24

Jesus that's so sad for the twelve Cyrax fans lmao. He gets turned into a cyborg for the majority of the original franchise and the one game where he isn't is one of the least played ones, mk11 didn't even show his human form so honestly who cares ?


u/phatassnerd Let me break it down for you Mark Mar 29 '24

You forgot the people that complain about because they’re whiney little bitches.


u/Slumbergoat16 Mar 29 '24

Or being racist or sexist


u/Slumbergoat16 Mar 29 '24

There’s absolutely people who complain who never watch the content or before it comes out if it has a POC or women as the title character


u/QuestionablePotato42 Mar 29 '24

Which character in the boys is gender swapped from the comics?


u/ThePhoenix0829 Mar 30 '24

Who did The Boys swap


u/WithoutAnyUsername Mar 30 '24

I think i saw an article about the character swaps, search it on google. I don't remember the names of half of them.


u/n1cfury Battle Beast Mar 30 '24

Aside from The Boys, Battlestar Galactica comes to mind. Writing definitely matters.


u/Not_Another_Usernam Mar 30 '24

Rae isn't important enough for anyone to give a shit. It's the equivalent of race swapping Uncle Ben's college roommate.


u/LukeTheGeek :allenthealien3: Allen the Alien Mar 29 '24

The only time people will complain about it is when they butcher the writing or it's about highly known characters.

Or when a black character is race-swapped.


u/WithoutAnyUsername Mar 29 '24

Haven't seen that happen


u/throwaway1232123416 War Woman Mar 29 '24

I don’t think a black character has ever been race swapped


u/LukeTheGeek :allenthealien3: Allen the Alien Mar 29 '24



u/throwaway1232123416 War Woman Apr 23 '24

So you don’t even have anecdotal evidence of people getting pissy over it?