r/Fotv 3d ago

Nuke being detonated in a building?

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u/omgflyingbananas 3d ago

Nope, nukes are small enough you wouldn’t even see them at the distance, they go so fast too you wouldn’t see them hit


u/southernfella81 2d ago

Tough to tell from this, and I can’t remember specifically, but nukes dropped from planes usually trigger a certain distance off the ground for a better effect. My memory of them all popping off in LA was of them ground level, so it’s possible.


u/largePenisLover 2d ago

Fallout 1 manual explains the nuclear doctrine of the fallout world.
Megaton weapons are rare. Most nukes are 250-750kt. Mirv type delivery systems are favoured to get a "shotgun blast" where each pellet is a nuke.
All nukes are impact based ground explosions specifically to maximize fallout.


u/southernfella81 2d ago

Dang. Thanks for the knowledge drop. Pun intended.


u/Mef989 2d ago

I just found a log in FO4 last night hinting at a MIRV, so that's definitely interesting to know they've been consistent.


u/RamblinWreckGT 2d ago

Where was the terminal? I always like finding the nuke-related ones.


u/Mef989 2d ago edited 2d ago

It was Captain Dunleavy's holotape:

This is Captain Mitch Dunleavy, 132nd Engineering Corps at Sentinel Site Prescott. All lines of communication are down and we're tracking multiple inbounds on radar. If this is a drill, we need confirmation immediately. We've got a lot of nervous soldiers over here, command. If this is the big one, they want to head home to their families before it's too late. Some of the inbounds are getting awfully close... wait a minute... the inbounds are splitting into multiple targets... Oh hell. This is it, isn't it? May God have mercy on our souls...


u/MysteriousPudding175 3d ago

Probably a bug just landed on the lens.