r/FluentInFinance 13d ago

“Medicare for All” would save the U.S $5.1 Trillion over 10 years Discussion/ Debate


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u/BigPlantsGuy 12d ago

That’s a chicken-egg situation. Most places in the Us are not walkable so people don’t walk.

Walkable cities is a political choice.


u/Old_Height_8351 12d ago

I live in a walkable city in the US, but long term don’t want to be in a walkable city. I hate the noise, pollution, price, etc of large cities that are walkable. I think a lot of people have the same desire because that’s the culture of Americans. We want big houses, big yards, more more more. You know?

I think the culture here is just different and that’s why you see the politics reflecting that


u/BigPlantsGuy 12d ago

A highway is way louder than a sidewalk.

Walkable areas are more expensive because they have more demand than supply.

Walkable areas come in all shapes and sizes. 60 years ago even small towns were walkable. Suburbs could be walkable if they allowed mixed use zoning.


u/Old_Height_8351 12d ago

Do people want that though? I personally want to live in a residential area with a short drive to whatever I need. I want peace and quiet. I’ve lived in cities of all sizes and have realized how much I like a nice quiet city with not much around. That’s of course my opinion. Idk how many people share it


u/BigPlantsGuy 12d ago

Think of all the political decisions that would make you not want to anymore:

  • higher gas taxes

-less subsidization of roads and maintenence

-lower tax incentives for car ownership

  • land value taxes

-ending single family zoning laws

-no highway

-ubiquitous, frequent public transit

-ending cities subsidizing rural areas, meaning fewer services and infrastructure


u/Old_Height_8351 12d ago

I would love better public transit in the US—totally agree.

I personally drive quite a bit to get away from city life. Going to mountains to snowboard, hike, mountain bike, etc. and it would not be possible to do 2/3 of those things from public transit.

I personally am willing to pay higher taxes to live the life I want. Higher gas taxes and property taxes would not be a deterrent. To me my happiness and health takes precedent over any of the things you mentioned


u/Old_Height_8351 12d ago

I would love better public transit in the US—totally agree.

I personally drive quite a bit to get away from city life. Going to mountains to snowboard, hike, mountain bike, etc. and it would not be possible to do 2/3 of those things from public transit.

I personally am willing to pay higher taxes to live the life I want. Higher gas taxes and property taxes would not be a deterrent. To me my happiness and health takes precedent over any of the things you mentioned


u/BigPlantsGuy 12d ago

Why do you think it is not possible for a train or bus to go to mountains? I have taken trains to mountains before