r/Fallout 17d ago

Original Content Gave cosplaying a try. Take a guess at who.


r/Fallout 24d ago

Original Content My Fallout Vault dweller cosplay


r/Fallout Mar 14 '24

Original Content Every BoS has it's flavor (Updated edition!)

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r/Fallout May 06 '24

Original Content Fallout Manhattan

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r/Fallout Jan 15 '24

Original Content A hypothetical Fallout 5 map, taking place in New Orleans.

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r/Fallout Apr 15 '24

Original Content Got myself in a predicament

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r/Fallout May 12 '24

Original Content I painted Diamond City in oils

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It’s 9”x12” on canvas, was a fun little piece!

r/Fallout May 11 '24

Original Content Maximus in the power armor

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Art work by me

r/Fallout Apr 12 '24

Original Content Wasteland pixel art inspired by the show


r/Fallout 22d ago

Original Content An idea so obvious I am surprised it hasn't been done more, Fallout in the style of Doom.

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r/Fallout May 03 '24

Original Content NCR Veteran Ranger Cosplay

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r/Fallout Feb 26 '24

Original Content Nerf blaster into a laser pistol


Took a Nerf blaster it did my take on a laser pistol. I got lazy on some aspects as I realized emulating something was harder than just doing your own thing. I did learn some new techniques with lot of trail and error. It is by no means perfect but am quite happy with the overall results.

r/Fallout May 31 '24

Original Content The game was rigged from the start


r/Fallout Feb 26 '24

Original Content [WIP] Fallout: Wisconsin Wasteland Map

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r/Fallout Mar 26 '21

Original Content I once got sent to the school therapist for the day for writing about Fallout.


When I was 15 or so we had this creative writing class and were told to write a story about anything. I had just played through dead money so I decided to write exactly what happened in my play through except I pretended that I made it all up.

Fast forward a few days and I am pulled out of class first thing in the morning and I started getting asked a lot of questions. I was really confused about what was going on and eventually she started reading my story out.

Apparently the whole thing with the explosive collars. My teacher thought it was a metaphor for how I was feeling and I laughed it off and explained it to her how i wrote about a game but they weren't buying it and kept me in for the entire day speaking to different people.

I'm sure they had to keep me in regardless but this just came into my head and it is funny to think back on.

r/Fallout May 07 '24

Original Content I did some studies of Maximus and was told to post here 🫡

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r/Fallout Feb 17 '24

Original Content New-NCR Seal and Flag redesign


r/Fallout May 04 '24

Original Content I saw an opportunity on the brochure the Jehovah's witnesses left for us today

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Don't judge me though, I'm not an artist lol

r/Fallout Feb 13 '24

Original Content Zack (Twig) here. I wanted to share a better look at my new Vault 10 vault suit. I'm very proud of what we're making and would love to know your opinions on the retcon/redux of the Twig's look! Fallout Breaking is a continuation from Nuka Break, so the design follows in that direction.

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r/Fallout Apr 05 '24

Original Content My brother, my cousin, and I behind the scenes, as Feral Ghouls, for a new Fallout film.


r/Fallout 23d ago

Original Content lets be honest, who wouldnt want one? 😃

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r/Fallout Oct 07 '21

Original Content My 9y/o just started playing FO3.


Up until this point, he’s just been playing Minecraft and Roblox. (Although last year, he did get really into playing Super Mario 3 on my old NES; that’s when he learned that many old games didn’t save your progress so you had to leave the system on all night. Ah, memories.) He’s watched me play through so many different series: Elder Scrolls, Borderlands, Fallout, Far Cry, Uncharted, Assassin’s Creed, and more. I don’t know what it is about this series that caught his attention, but last week, he asked to play FO. He’s on day 3 so far and loves it!

As a gamer, I’m proud and excited of course. But I realized something else: as a parent, I’m really excited to see how playing this game affects and improves his reading and problem-solving skills, patience, and ability to pay attention and think ahead. He has ADHD and isn’t interested in reading if he doesn’t have to. However, the nature of this game requires the player to pay attention to details, to take the time to read, to think ahead for what skills they should level up, etc.

I mean, yeah, I know that right now he’s pretty much just running around the Capitol Wasteland exploring and killing things (he accidentally killed someone in Megaton, turning the town against him, and I had to explain to him that he needed to reload a previous save, bc a stunt like that this early in the game is BAD.) But as the game grows on him and as he begins to discover the various layers and the complexity of the game, it’ll push him to improve the skills he struggles with. It’s one of the main things I love about video games and why I think that many of them are incredibly beneficial for kids.

It’s gonna be a fun journey; have fun exploring the Wastelands, kiddo! 🤘

r/Fallout May 18 '24

Original Content “Trust me, a can opener won’t be enough”

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Damn, the fallout show remembered me how much I love power armor! I finally had a chance to make an illustration of my vault dweller fixing what he could find in Appalacha

r/Fallout Sep 10 '20

Original Content Fallout New Vegas DND Player's Guide, a comprehensive 120 Page handbook for a homebrew 5e Campaign!


Introducing my homebrew DND 5e Fallout New Vegas Player's Guide, featuring 120 pages detailing the backstory of the Mojave, 13 unique classes, and extensive background on the various factions that inhabit New Vegas. Filled with in-game quotes, screenshots, and fanart, I'm excited to have created a handbook filled with the same character that made me fall in love with Fallout and DND.

Player's Guide

Player's Guide in PDF form

Character Sheet Image

Mojave Map at start of campaign


  • Caravaneer
  • Cowboy
  • Doctor
  • Greaser
  • Musician
  • Paladin
  • Prospector
  • Raider
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Soldier
  • Tech Junkie

Why create this custom campaign?

I have really enjoyed organizing DND sessions before, but I never ran a continued campaign due to the work it requires. I either grew dissatisfied needing to railroad players into specific areas, or I lost motivation attempting to plan extreme amounts of content.

Then it hit me: what if I used an existing world? What if I set a DND campaign in the Mojave Wasteland of Fallout: New Vegas?

With hundreds of hours spent playing New Vegas, I am confident that the Mojave is a stellar setting for DND. If players want to know what’s south of Goodsprings, I know the answer is Primm. If I am making maps to play on, there is a pre-existing wealth of resources through the Fallout wiki. If players want a campaign where they can influence the world, the conflict for Hoover Dam affects every area. New Vegas seems to be the perfect setting!

Thank you for reading!

r/Fallout May 29 '24

Original Content I made Vault-Tec Playing Cards👍
