r/Fallout 2d ago

Its smug aura mocks me Fallout 76

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8 comments sorted by


u/Xszit 2d ago

Cat pictures were the key to 100% settlement happiness for me.

I gave them more than enough beds, excess resources, ample defenses, built the highest level vendors, etc... it made them mostly happy but not completely satisfied.

Then I plastered every square inch of every wall with cat pictures and that finally made them achieve maximum happiness.


u/Blegheggeghegty 2d ago

My favorite painting.


u/H377Spawn Atom Cats 1d ago

It insist upon itself.


u/GreenRoom09 1d ago

"smug aura" lol perfect description.


u/Logical_Brain28 1d ago

My cat of 16 years is dying now. He hasn't eaten in 6 days now, wasting away to nothing. Longest cat I've ever had. Gonna miss the bugger when he's gone.

Got to keep reminding myself I gave him a good life, better than I got.


u/Darth_Painguin 1d ago

Sorry for this time you and your cat are going through. Stay strong friend. I hope the time left is wonderful and the passing is far from painful.


u/Apollo-VP-AVP 1d ago

Hitlers painting, the key to the nuclear apocalypse?


u/sergr2001 1d ago

Ryan Gosling playing youuu? Ridiculous