r/Damnthatsinteresting 2d ago

Drone footage of prehistoric circular stone structures Video

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68 comments sorted by


u/MosesOnAcid 2d ago

" Multiple circular stone structures, belonging to different typologies, are found across the entire territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and beyond (notably in Jordan and Syria, where stone circles are dated to the Middle East’s Neolithic period — 8500 BCE to 4300 BCE). The Hejaz and Hisma regions are particularly rich of such structures. They present different designs and sizes. Some of them have a diameter ranging from 20 to 50 meters. Their scope and use are still debated. Some specimens are interpreted as circular burials while others as suggested by the presence of a central chamber in their middle, of much smaller diameter, have been identified as agglomerations of houses, as the stone circles are sometimes imbricated into each other. "



u/JoySubtraction 2d ago

You know some PhD student wrote that. "the stone circles are sometimes imbricated into each other" - why not just say, "the stone circles sometimes overlap"?


u/jfrey123 2d ago

He was so deeply programmed to use x amount of words in an essay that the habit of adding fluff words overlapped into his doctoral studies.


u/Next_Boysenberry1414 21h ago

Why not use beautiful words when you can? Everything should not be ELIM5ed.


u/meisteronimo 2d ago

I learned about stone circles in the Middle East (actually Egypt) in Assassin’s Creed Origin.



u/Industrial_Laundry 2d ago

I’d like to think I’m not a superstitious guy but i gotta draw a line somewhere because something tells me that lying down in the middle of an ancient ring just seems like a recipe for disaster.


u/RedPandaReturns 2d ago

The chances he's laying somewhere where something gross or awful happened is statistically pretty high, even if not supernatural.


u/meisteronimo 2d ago

Its like a cathedral, but before we kept history.


u/HikeyBoi 2d ago

Is the shape or the age or the unfamiliarity or something else that gives you this feeling?


u/No_Analyst650 2d ago

Where in the world is this and is there any civilization associated with such things in said region.


u/MiskoSkace 2d ago

A bunch of prehistoric dudes were bored.


u/Usedcumsocks 2d ago

Mother Earth's areola


u/RedPandaReturns 2d ago

Space Tiddy


u/CakeMadeOfHam 2d ago

And because of global warming it won't never get hard god damn you big oil!!!


u/merrimoth 2d ago

its crazy how perfect they look geometrically


u/mrswashbuckler 2d ago

Put stick in ground, tie string to stick, place rocks where string ends as you walk around the stick. Perfect circle every time


u/QuipCrafter 2d ago

Because circles are the easiest. Get a bunch of some kind of braided cordage, weigh/stick it in the center (or have another just hold it. and mark off that distance every direction, keep adding more. It wouldn’t take long at all to have a perfect circle and it’s just intuitive for a human mind. Their brains were at the same biological developmental stage as ours today. 


u/Ghost-of-Bill-Cosby 2d ago

We know who did this…..


u/FacelessGreenseer 2d ago

The White Walkers?


u/Jules385 2d ago



u/ZongMeHoff 2d ago

Don't flatter yourself


u/Jules385 2d ago



u/FearCure 2d ago

Some poor slaves had to toil in desert sun - carrying and arranging rocks to make circle thingy to appease the master's gods


u/trele-morele 2d ago

It wasn't a desert back then, middle east used to be much greener in the past:



u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/SanguineSoul013 2d ago

Which one?


u/jawbreakerzs 2d ago

Mormon jesus


u/secretjammer21 2d ago

Looks like the eyes of a chameleon


u/oscillationripple 2d ago

Desert loving in your eyes all the way


u/Gnarlemance 2d ago

thats ring worm.


u/EanmundsAvenger 2d ago

Wow they knew what a circle was back then? Amazing! I thought we invented circles recently


u/the_m_o_a_k 2d ago

They discovered circles as soon as they tied a slave to a stake.


u/PreparationPossible2 2d ago

Aliens told us what circles are. No way we could figure that out on our own.


u/rk_crown 2d ago

That’s what I was thinking about carrying things. I grew up thinking that was invented in modern times


u/Govermentofworld 2d ago



u/Ill_Sector_8254 2d ago

Not sure, but I think it's here: 21°06′53″N 11°23′39″W


u/stoicallyinclined 2d ago

I thought this was in Saudi


u/Gotifod 2d ago

Bro this thing has 10 km radius doesn't look like one in the video


u/sillygitau 2d ago

That looks like a meteor impact doesn’t it?


u/Phreak3 1d ago

This particular one was found by another comment, 18°45'32.2"N+41°31'46.7"E I found different ones that are shaped like triangles, 25°51'09.9"N+39°18'46.3"E


u/1BigBoy 2d ago

«This seems like a great place to build a Wal-Mart»


u/half-baked_axx 2d ago

Dollar General


u/DismalClaire30 2d ago

Definitely boobs right?


u/DaZozz 2d ago

I don't think I'd be laying there...


u/VanGoghXman 2d ago

Didn’t even notice that was a dude in the middle the first time.


u/CorsaLevarius 1d ago

I did a reverse image search and found this location... I assume the camera icon marks the spot. https://x.com/shroq_hali/status/1531933928378052609


u/Phreak3 1d ago

You're actually right, I found it close to that location. I tried looking for it before, but from what I've read, there are an estimated 20,000 of them, in different shapes and sizes, scattered all across the peninsula. So I thought I shouldn't really bother to look for it.


u/MurkyCoyote6682 1d ago

What does prehistoric mean tho? Something before humans started noting down history?


u/Phreak3 1d ago

Exactly, that's why we really don't know much about it. Why they built more than 20,000 of them in different sizes and shapes is speculation. Animal sacrifices and engravings of animals that we wouldn't expect to be there were found, which suggests the climate was very different at the time, beyond that, we have very little else, so all we have are conjectures. Writing was invented between 3400 and 3300 BCE, while these structures date back to around 7000 BCE.


u/Major-Click- 1d ago

Imagine if the drone fell back down on him


u/KyCerealKiller 2d ago

Meteor impact caused this


u/Trollimperator 2d ago

that looks less like a structure and more like a seismic event


u/THISdarnguy 2d ago

It was ancient aliens!

(No, I don't believe that, but it's the first thing you hear people say about things like this)


u/sik_dik 2d ago

this is where earth milk comes from


u/Gotifod 2d ago

So after all these are boobies


u/ImaReallyFungi 2d ago

Earth nip


u/rohnoitsrutroh 2d ago

Full metal alchemist intensifies


u/THISdarnguy 2d ago

Well, I upvoted that, fuck these squares!


u/weasel_mullet 2d ago

So what exactly about this tells geologists/archeologists that this is man made and not something like an impact crater?

I understand concentric circles seem very deliberate, but could a pattern like that also be caused by different layers in the earth's surface being blasted outward or something like that?


u/No-Question-9032 2d ago

Wat are you smoking?


u/weasel_mullet 2d ago

Only the best. But what does that have to do with a genuine question?

BTW, I love how honest questions get down voted into oblivion. Y'all are a bunch of troglodytes.


u/Phreak3 1d ago

There are over 20,000 of them, with some having chambers for animal sacrifices. They come in different shapes triangles, circles, and rectangular ones. Some are linked up to smaller circular structures, carvings depicting animals in the same areas from the same time period, so it's obviously man made.


u/weasel_mullet 1d ago

Thanks for taking the time to actually answer my question instead of just downvoting it. That's pretty amazing!


u/Phreak3 1d ago

You're welcome. Strangely enough, some of the structures are actually very close to impact craters and volcanic craters, so they might have drawn some kind of inspiration from them. It's all speculation, but I see the similarities.