r/Conservative Conservative 2d ago

Joe Biden Makes Another Gaffe in White House Address, Reads ‘End of Quote’ from Teleprompter


158 comments sorted by


u/GrahamHancocksBong 2d ago

“Repeat the line” - Joe Biden


u/142Ironmanagain NYconservative 2d ago

Pause - Joe Biden


u/nataku_s81 Kiwi Conservative 2d ago

Is Jackie here? Where's Jackie?


u/max_intense 2d ago

“Cornpop was a bad dude”


u/jetboyterp NY Conservative 2d ago

"You know the thing..."


u/Fredest_Dickler 2d ago

“In beer brew here... Huh ish issah use to make the brew beer here.. Issh Weer-fining... Oooooh Earth Rider... Thanks for the Great Lakes .."


u/B_Wise_Citizen 2d ago

It's one of my absolute favs! And the crowd cheered!


u/coveredwithticks Conservative 2d ago

TIL this was something Biden said and not some bizarre lyric from ICP


u/free_SPM 2d ago

"So I learned about roaches" - Joe Biden


u/Full-Equipment-4922 2d ago

"...and I love kids jumpin' on my lap"


u/Jakebob70 Conservative 2d ago

"I got hairy legs"


u/Klutzy_Carpenter_289 2d ago

“My butts been wiped”


u/free_SPM 2d ago

"So I learned about roaches" - Joe Biden


u/Selway00 2d ago

We should stop pointing all of these out for another month or so until it is 100% too late to replace him.


u/navyzev Moderate Conservative 2d ago

Jill Biden probably - "Good job, Joe! You read all the teleprompter lines!"


u/Pinot_Greasio Conservative 2d ago

And you get extra credit because you even read the lines you weren't supposed to!!!


u/princevegeta951 2d ago

The smile Biden gave her was hard to look at because you can tell he doesn't have a fucking clue what is going on and he was just happy for a reason he didn't really understand. Jill Biden is a colossal POS


u/Crisgocentipede Reagan Conservative 2d ago

Yay!! Who wants ice cream??


u/intelligentreviews Conservative 2d ago

"End of Quote" - Joe Biden


u/Plastic_Poet8374 2d ago

"Mr. President do not read the prompt word for word" - Joe Biden


u/HNutz Conservative 2d ago

"(He) will read anything that is put on that teleprompter. And when I say anything, I mean anything."


u/No_Chef5541 2d ago

I’m Ron Burgundy - go F yourself, San Diego. 😂


u/09121522051001160114 2d ago

I'm Joe Biden - go F yourself, America.


u/Mega_Dragonzord Abortion is Murder 2d ago

He's been saying exactly that for close to 50 years.


u/HNutz Conservative 15h ago

"End of quote. Repeat the line."


u/DonaldClineVictim 2d ago

that's... what you say when you quote somebody. this is not a gaff, lol

"I concur with Justice (Sonia) Sotomayor’s dissent today. Here’s what she said – she said, ‘In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law. With fear for our democracy, I dissent,’ end of quote."

note that this breitbart article linked is now deleted? very telling


u/No_Chef5541 2d ago

Yeah, I noticed the same when I saw the flu - this is not the same as him saying “repeat that line” or “pause here”

Watch any general or sports news program, and at least once during any broadcast they’ll say “and here’s the reply from the office of the commissioner, quote “blah blah blah,” end quote.” For all the many criticisms I have of the President, this isn’t one

End quote 😂


u/kwinz 2d ago

100% this.

Biden has made mistakes before including the famous "repeat the line", but this is not one of them.


u/ValuesHappening Constitutionalist 2d ago

that's... what you say when you quote somebody. this is not a gaff, lol

Yeah seems like a slow news day.

"Hmm what will we tell our readers today... Oh a bear wandered into a local town that'll be good for like 8 minutes of screentime... Oh here we go!"


u/Mankriks_Mistress Conservative 2d ago

Page not found.


u/1Perfect_Kangaroo 2d ago

Same here. Seems the censorship team got this taken down.


u/Mankriks_Mistress Conservative 2d ago

Maybe, maybe not. Based on the existing comments here, it seems like it could've been an organic reading of the phrase. I'd like to just watch the video.


u/Rybo13 Millenial Conservative 2d ago

Ol Biden got himself a spray tan. Wait...I thought orange man bad? 🤷‍♂️


u/GlenntreeSavage 2d ago

When I saw him yesterday, that was the first thing I noticed. Spray tan, hilarious.


u/MusicApollo93 Gen Z Conservative 2d ago

I seriously don’t understand what they’re doing with Joe. It seemed like this one that they brought out yesterday to make their whinny statement against Trump’s immunity was a entirely different Joe Biden and not the corpse one they had for the debate last week.


u/B_Wise_Citizen 2d ago

But he had a cold that day!


His staff OVER prepared him!

I want a head on a stick. Which one of you over-prepared Joe?!?


u/JustinC70 2d ago

His cold was so bad he went to the waffle house after the debate.


u/Blacksunshinexo Atheist Conservative 2d ago

Dementia meds aren't consistent. Some days they work, some days they don't really have an impact. 


u/Pinkgettysburg Conservative 2d ago

They haven’t gotten his cocktail of medicines just right yet…


u/Specialist-Age1097 Conservative 2d ago

That convinced me he's fit and healthy.


u/Derek-Ess Conservative 2d ago

To defeat the Orange Man, you must become the Orange Man!


u/coveredwithticks Conservative 2d ago

Orange is the new jacked


u/Iamstillhere44 Conservative 2d ago

They are trying to cover that zombie grey hue…


u/TrickyJesterr 2A 2d ago

Of course they did, they’re trying to convince us Bidens scratchy throat was what made him a vegetable.

“See, look how pale he was compared to when he’s healthy and still can’t read and walk!”


u/spin4200 2d ago

If you can’t beat ‘em join em


u/Cylerhusk Conservative 2d ago

Biden has PLENTY of gaffs. Honestly, I don't think this is one. The way he said "end of quote" didn't sound like he was just reading a line from a teleprompter. It sounded like a perfectly normal thing that someone might say to indicate they're finished with the quote they were just reciting.

I'm not pulling out my pitchfork on this one, sorry.


u/TacosForMyTummy 2d ago

He was literally quoting a supreme court justice. After the end of the quote, he said, "end of quote". This was not a gaffe. There is nothing to see here.


u/Jakebob70 Conservative 2d ago

Yeah, that was my thought too. If it's a gaffe, it's a minor one, that phrase can be used in normal conversation.

He's made plenty of others though where he read lines off the teleprompter that were clearly not meant to be read.


u/jimmyrhall Pro-Life Conservative 2d ago

Same, it's just weird that he hasn't said "end of quote" while quoting anyone before, to my knowledge at least.


u/B_Wise_Citizen 2d ago

A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth. End of quote.


u/heavenleemother 2d ago

Ffs, dont let him off easy... for the furniture and the future of our children he made a gaffe while reading a teleprompter!


u/ImmortanSteve 2d ago

I’m Ron Burgundy?


u/Goldiscool503 2d ago

My first thoughts as well.


u/Best-Dragonfruit-292 Originalist 2d ago

He's goofed in the past, but I'm not so sure that was a gaff, so much as him clarifying his words vs hers.


u/MySalsaBringsDaGirls 2d ago

While I agree that that is true in this instance, I also believe they deliberately wrote it like that on the prompter to try and offset his past embarrassments…


u/SirVixTheMoist 2d ago

Um...saying "end of quote" is a normal thing to say when quoting someone.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/superduperm1 Anti-Mainstream Narrative 2d ago

I can understand your logic for “end of quote” but “repeat the line” and “pause” are absolutely gaffes.


u/kog 2d ago

Which is why the article has now been deleted lol


u/monobarreller Conservative 2d ago

Oh in that case I guess everything is fine! Joe Biden is doing great in fact.


u/SirVixTheMoist 2d ago

If that's what you take from that simple comment, then you have issues.


u/monobarreller Conservative 2d ago

Well please clarify for me, do you think Biden is doing ok?


u/SirVixTheMoist 2d ago

He's old and is acting like an old person. I can't comment on his medical condition as none of know.


u/PM-PicsOfYourMom 2d ago

When you hear hoof beats look for a horse not a zebra.

He's an 81 year old man who has been visibly struggling for years now. We all know what it is.


u/zetruz 2d ago

Indeed, but two things can be true. This case could be harmless and fault-free even though Biden is too old and dulled.


u/monobarreller Conservative 2d ago

Lol that's some serious coping right there. You're either a bad liar, highly regarded, or both. My guess is both.


u/SirVixTheMoist 2d ago

I'm not a doctor. I don't speculate on the health of people.


u/monobarreller Conservative 2d ago

So if you saw someone on the ground, bleeding, you wouldn't bother trying to help them since you're not a doctor and don't want to speculate on the health of the person?


u/SirVixTheMoist 2d ago

if if if if if

the good ol if game.

If I saw someone bleeding, obviously I know someone is injured.


u/monobarreller Conservative 2d ago

Really? How can you be so sure? You're not a doctor after all. Perhaps this hypothetical person just likes to bleed for fun, right?

Look, we all know he has dementia. Everyone can see it, and what happened on Thursday was undeniable. To even act as obtuse as you are currently being is sad. Like that last Japanese soldier believing WW2 was still going on 25 years later. Just clinging to hope and his own fantasies.

Assuming you are being serious here, it looks like you are going through the various stages of grief. And your grief is legitimate. You watched a presidency and a campaign die last Thursday. It was very jarring for a lot of people such as yourself that probably has believed every single lie the democrats have spoon-fed you over the years. But try and process the shock and work on accepting this loss. Otherwise, the next 4 months are really going to take a big toll on you mentally.

Take care, buddy. We're all pulling for you!

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u/Stev2222 2d ago

No Biden is not doing ok. He's losing his mind. But this, isn't evidence for it. Its perfectly normal to say end of quote after quoting somebody.


u/Clear_Daikon4794 2d ago

In what universe is that a thing? I've NEVER heard ANYONE speak like that. Unless they're talking In the third person or something.


u/halfcow Conservative 2d ago

This particular one is not a gaffe. As some other comments have said, it is not uncommon to say, "End quote" or "End of quote." You can find it heavily used when a news reporter quotes someone. Otherwise, it can be difficult for the listener to know when the quote stops and the speaker's own words begin.


u/RebelWithoutASauce 2d ago

I am genuinely confused by people who haven't heard that said. I think it might be falling out of fashion a bit, but it's a common thing to say when speaking out loud because you can't see quotation marks when someone is talking. I feel like it's actually pretty common in political speech.


u/No_Chef5541 2d ago


“repeat that line”

“pause here”

Accidentally revealing true feelings:

“poor kids can be just as bright and talented as white kids”

"Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point."

He provides plenty of quotes that range from cringeworthy to outright awful. I’ll stick to harping on those


u/Routine_Tip6894 2d ago

Meh, "end of quote" is not really a gaffe


u/B_Wise_Citizen 2d ago

How about "repeat line" and "pause"?

Do you really, really (repeat word) think that way? (pause) Doesn't it seem like he's lost the ability to objectively think? (pause)


u/Routine_Tip6894 2d ago

Those are definitely gaffes


u/irving47 2d ago

I agree. I think he's a few buttons short of a remote, but in the context of that speech, it sounded like he was trying to make a very specific, defined point. "End of quote" seemed it was more of a way of making a very cutting point of something said, verbatim.


u/intelligentreviews Conservative 2d ago



u/Alternative_Spell140 Conservative 2d ago

This guy is literally Ron Burgundy. Why do they keep putting that in the teleprompter?


u/Ok_Temperature_5019 2d ago

I'm Ron Burgandy?


u/StealyMeeseeks 2d ago

He was quoting Sotomayor's dissent.


u/Iamthe_sentinel 2d ago

I think the old guy is totally gone mentally, and I'm 100% on the Trump train. But, saying "end of quote" while speaking is a common way to distinguish the end of when someone else's content stops and your content starts again. There are more eloquent ways of doing it without saying that, but it is a fairly common way of doing it.

Biden has enough actual gaffes that we should just highlight those instead of these sort of non-gaffes.


u/142Ironmanagain NYconservative 2d ago

I think there’s enough dementia to spread not only to Biden and his family, but the entire Democrat Party at this point.

It’s beyond ridiculous


u/wwonka105 Conservative 2d ago

I am still trying to figure out why you would have “end of quote” on the teleprompter to start with. He just needs to read the words, no stage directions needed.


u/142Ironmanagain NYconservative 2d ago

You just can’t make this shit up, folks!!!


u/max_intense 2d ago

Biden won’t win in November. His brain will be fried by then.


u/Sodola321 Arizona Conservative 2d ago

He'll probably cast a ballot for Trump, his brain is so bad.


u/Super_Mario_Luigi 2d ago

I'm Joe Biden?


u/calmly86 2d ago

If only we could bribe the person in charge of the teleprompter to sneak in a line like “we should all vote for Trump” or “we have to save our country from the Democrats.”


u/weshouldgo_ 2d ago

That dang stutter got 'em again


u/nein_nubb77 2d ago

I’m the orange man now 🤣


u/MudstuffinsT2 2d ago

He does this at least once a week


u/Lifeisagreatteacher 2d ago

Now take two steps back and turn to the right before walking off the stage


u/ThenSpite2957 2d ago

Guys, this is not a gaff lol. People use this as a literary device all the time to add emphasis to what they just quoted.

The damage is already done here, let's be sane. Talk about reaching.


u/Wookieebalboa Conservative 2d ago

I don’t know. There’s so much to get him on with his gaffes. This one could honestly not be a gaffe. People often say end quote when quoting.


u/gittenlucky 2d ago

Article is gone. That thumbnail has him looking really orange. Is that what he is like these days? Orange man bad….


u/RunMurky886 2d ago

Rough week, bro.


u/Poisencap Reagan Revolutionary 2d ago

Brandon: Chuck stand up let them see ya! Chuck: glares at Brandon with a puzzled look considering he's handicapt...


u/B_Wise_Citizen 2d ago

Oh OK Chuck! Sorry for not even giving a shit enough to remember you're disabled! Anyway.... Where's Jackie? Is she here??!


u/Poisencap Reagan Revolutionary 2d ago

Poor kids are just as smart as white kids.


u/Randy-_-B 2d ago

Jill: You answered all the questions! Good boy!!!


u/Relative_Carpenter_5 2d ago

They knew he was frail and covered for OVER 4 years. Don’t think for a second that the sudden debate exposure isn’t part of a bigger plan.


u/monobarreller Conservative 2d ago

I honestly don't think it is. I think they had hoped it wouldn't be this bad at this point but this decline has really picked up speed in recent months, which probably caught them a little off guard. And while I think they knew the debate wasn't going to be good for them, they probably thought that it would only be a few gaffes that they would be able to explain away and the press would go along with it.

But Thursday was so horrifically bad, for the press to go along with it would destroy any remaining credibility that they think they have. Acting like Thursday night was fine is like saying fire isn't hot and water isn't wet. It's just impossible to deny.

And the fact remains that at this point, getting him to quit opens up multiple cans of worms, each with its own set of ussues. If Biden drops the campaign, shouldn't he resign? Who replaces him? Kamala? Does she then become the defacto nominee? Who would be her VP? And if Kamala isnt the nominee, who do you pick? Thats an entire fight right there. And even if you do pick a replacement quickly that gets broad support from at least the base, will the rest of the party go along with it? And then would the public get behind the choice. And I haven't hit on the issue of getting on the ballot. Some of those states require Biden to die before they are allowed to be changed.

Every day Biden doesn't quit makes it even harder to make a change. At this point, they are stuck with him.


u/Relative_Carpenter_5 2d ago

The facade and cover for Biden’s ineptitude has been a constant for 5 years now— why did he campaign from the basement? They control the flow of information. Truism: they lied and covered up, by omission and misinformation, for Biden. This alone should make you pause and question everything you hear and see. They knew his competence before the debate. And, they knew there’d be fallout. They have a plan.


u/heavenleemother 2d ago

He couldn't read a teleprompter right for the furniture or the future of our children.


u/bootyboi_69 2d ago

how dense can you be. never heard anyone say “and i quote ‘xyz,’ end of quote.”


u/circlethenexus 1d ago

Well well, this gives new meaning to “ Orangeman bad” doesn’t it?🤣


u/Whoknew1992 1d ago

To be honest. This is a normal thing to say at the end of quoting someone. He just didn't start with the words "And I quote, ".


u/Important-Forever665 2d ago

“Stand up, Chuck!” -Biden


u/notablyunfamous 2d ago

News flash, he’s been doing it for years. The only difference is it can’t be buried any more because they all saw it on the debate. The same network who called it fake news that he stammers all over himself


u/Selrisitai Conservative 2d ago

He's turning into the president from Hot Shots.


u/BillyTheFridge2 Trump 2d ago

Corn Pop was a bad dude!


u/DorkWitAFork 2d ago

Y’all really will make anything a headline lol


u/Striking_Resist6343 2d ago

I thinking it would be a good thing to keep Biden in as their candidate as the thought of a Harris or Newsom presidency makes me ill..


u/red-african-swallow Black Conservative 2d ago

Not the worst one, you may even be able to slide it under the rung and say it was on purpose.

But why give him the benefit of the doubt when he said "repeat line" before.


u/Np956769 2d ago

Remember when he asked the paraplegic guy to stand up? Good times


u/Crisgocentipede Reagan Conservative 2d ago

Is there no limit to how humiliating it is to watch this?


u/Smarty_771 Constitutional Conservative 2d ago

Link broken


u/Griegz Federalist 2d ago

At this point, the problem is whomever is writing the script. No point blaming the guy whose diminished mental faculties are plain as day.


u/StayWhile_Listen 2d ago

"please clap"


u/pnw_sunny 2d ago

while biden clearly suffers from Delirium (i.e., reduced awareness, poor thinking skills, and speech difficulties) in this instance he read the tele-prompter proper, as the end quote was referring to the statement made by the alarmist judge.

and, just so people know, they now set up the teleprompter so that "end quote" and "pause" are taken out. They now use special large icon symbols.


u/WestinghouseXCB248S 2d ago

Ron Burgundy Biden.


u/shanktor 2d ago

My favorite vegetable


u/LonelyMachines 2d ago

Just a reminder: this person isn't just a candidate. He's the sitting President of the United States. And he has the nuclear codes.


u/papadrew35 2d ago

“Don’t die.”


u/AccomplishedWar1560 2d ago

I was at the gym this evening and CNN was on. They are pushing Kamala hard. They had the "expert" panel and were going on and on about how she is ready to lead.


u/Photograph1517 2d ago

Four more years.



u/paininflictor87 2d ago

Our Teleprompter in Chief.


u/CaliforniaBilly 2d ago

I call BS. Let's stop jerking each other around and focus on things that are real. We don't need to sacrifice our credibility to find problems with Biden.


u/M16A4MasterRace Eisenhower Conservative 2d ago

I call BS on you. This happened, and the president repeatedly showing advanced stages of dementia is the biggest and farthest reaching issue on the table right now.


u/CaliforniaBilly 2d ago

There are plenty of real instances of Biden's dementia. To manufacture instances just makes us look demented.


u/M16A4MasterRace Eisenhower Conservative 2d ago

How is this manufacturing an incident? The guy can’t even read off a teleprompter now without looking like he’s in the movie Anchorman.


u/Ishaye1776 Conservative 2d ago

It's clearly a cheap fake right?  Am I doing this right?


u/CaliforniaBilly 2d ago

Generally I agree with you. But providing examples where Biden is clearly lucid only undermines the argument. Also I feel jerked around and my time is wasted when it's misinfo.