r/ClashOfClans TH16 | BH10 2d ago

Supercell threatening teams for being transparent about how things work. Discussion

Bad timing 😤


141 comments sorted by


u/JadeNoodlesOfficial TH15 | BH10 2d ago edited 2d ago

this is standard for any large organization. most issues should be resolved internally rather than simply leaked to the public with no context. even if this whole drama wasn’t happening, this would still be official policy.


u/Imaginary_Thing_1009 2d ago

if Eric understood that, this whole drama wouldn't have happened. he could have contacted SC privately and resolved this, but this all began by dragging this all out into the open.


u/mastrdestruktun Unranked Veteran Clasher 2d ago

this all began by dragging this all out into the open

This all began when supercell started using copyright strikes as a weapon.

Personality conflict is just part of the internet. I don't know who was originally in the right or in the wrong. But lying by saying that someone's youtube video violates their copyright was wrong.


u/Imaginary_Thing_1009 2d ago

that's not quite how it happend. the copyright strikes happened a few months earlier, and Eric didn't make a video about it then. he only included them in his video where he called out SC. imo if it's such an important issue for him personally, why did he mix that up with his personal drama so it seems that both are connected?


u/annoyedmf 2d ago

The two situations are related though.. it’s just that Eric brought up the discussion after his own content was targeted, which is understandable. In both cases, some content creator had their content platform restricted in some way due to Supercell abusing their power.


u/Busy-Scallion5795 2d ago

How was Eric‘s content targeted? Did he get strikes or anything?


u/annoyedmf 1d ago

Eric being removed from the creator program directly influences the content he outputs. Official creators have more resources to use for their content, not to mention the incentive of promoting their creator codes.


u/Busy-Scallion5795 1d ago edited 1d ago

So his existing content has NOT been targeted, right?

and Yes, I understand how that the future content might be impacted, but that’s probably what happens when an employee gets fired: he can’t use the company material anymore, or being paid by them.

I see your point, though, just not agreeing with the “look with what happened with Time2Clash, and now they are doing the same to me“ stance.


u/mastrdestruktun Unranked Veteran Clasher 2d ago

the copyright strikes happened a few months earlier

Yes, the beginning usually does come earlier.


u/MigLav_7 TH15 | BH10 2d ago

You usually start at the begging. You dont just let it sit in the drawer and bring it up 3 months later when it seems useful


u/Imaginary_Thing_1009 2d ago

sure, quote only half a sentence so it suits what you want to think.
so anyway, I'm right, correct?


thank you for agreeing with me.


u/mastrdestruktun Unranked Veteran Clasher 1d ago

Are you now denying that the copyright strikes happened a few months earlier? That's the part that we agree on. Though we agree on the rest too: I made no claims about the importance of the copyright strikes to Eric, whether or not he has any hypocrisy, or the validity of mixing it with his personal drama.

The beginning wasn't telling people about the copyright strikes, the beginning was the copyright strikes (or the personality conflicts that drove them). If supercell hadn't done that, all that's left of this kerfluffle is more meaningless internet personal drama.


u/MigLav_7 TH15 | BH10 2d ago

No. This all began when Eric dragged it INTO the Open. The copyright strikes happened in April and He had no damn problem with them until now...


u/Skydiggs TH16 | BH10 1d ago

I mean he did have a problem with them but he also does this as a job and didn’t bash the hand that feeds at that time, which is understandable if you want to keep providing for his family. But when he got removed from casting , and the max situation on top of the copy right stuff, that pushed him over the edge .


u/stonedboss 2d ago

I'm still not convinced the copy right strikes were used as a nefarious weapon, rather than a defensive tool. 

Time2clash posted leaked content. They had a right, even morally in the right, to copyright strike him in that case. 

The fluxxy shit isn't good but it's a sideline issue. People are using a misconstrued big issue to fight against supercell and itzu. And conflating the two issues to provide more justification. 


u/musakhar_1234 2d ago edited 2d ago

Who said time to clash posted “leaked content” No he didn’t lmao. He ain’t even a supercell creator so he don’t even have the dev build.


u/Skydiggs TH16 | BH10 1d ago

Again , people on Reddit making shit up acting like they know what’s going on . Spreading misinformation


u/stonedboss 2d ago

congressmancoolrick said it. but this highlights the whole issue- all we know is shit got copyright striked. people are blaming supercell for doing it with bad intentions, but can you point to me something that shows that all the content was fair use?

you also dont need a dev build to find out about leaks and discuss it. someone could have shared it with him.


u/CornerInACorner Disciple of the Cult of SenFGr | Top 20 Global Clan Capital 1d ago

Do you remember roughly where Rick said that, somewhere here in a Reddit comment or in the latest podcast episode?


u/Skydiggs TH16 | BH10 1d ago

What leaked content ? I don’t know if that’s true . I thought it was him just talking about a possible troop but that troop never released or anything like it .


u/lucky_husky666 TH13 | BH10 1d ago

I don't really knew when copyrighted stuff happen in april. But i seen myself 1 week before eric video that some coc video with 700k views that already uploaded 6 days priors. After trending it just poof gone when i want to see it the video was deleted.

The content just about which is the best equipment for heroes. Just that but its gone? That mess up


u/StinkweedMSU 2d ago

Lol. Nobody ever heard of Time2Clash before this. It's a waste of time to "use copyright strikes as a weapon" against someone no one cares about. There's plenty of bigger voices they could have gone after if that was their intent to silence creators. It's pretty clear that there was something in his discord that was egregious and warranted a permaban and the YT channel was collateral damage.


u/SkullFumbler TH16(x4) TH14 TH10(x3) 2d ago

Any use without permission violates copyright. You disregard rules and lose your privileges and permission to use the content. It may be petty but it isn't lying or abuse to enforce your rights.


u/PreatoriaVosc 2d ago

By that logic why does SC not manufacture content creators like korea manufactures kpop?


u/SkullFumbler TH16(x4) TH14 TH10(x3) 1d ago

It's not a "logic", it is fact.

So, just so we are clear - are you under the impression that a company that grants access to proprietary content/software, extends privileges only creators can enjoy, allows them monetize their efforts while also boosting the company's footprint, all while bound under strict terms... isn't "manufacturing creators?"

Are there a bunch of successful channels covering Clash that are not sucking some part of the corporate tit? Not just anyone can get a creator code...

People churn out Clash content for viewers with the intent to profit, and SS allows/partners with them for the exposure and interest they generate also for profit. If covering Clash wasn't making creators good money, they wouldn't waste their time. If creators damage the brand, game the system, or cause distress to employees, SS also doesn't have to waste their time continuing a relationship with them when they can "manufacture" another creator.

You should be applauding creators like Eric for no longer being a part of the manufacturing, and choosing to buck the system. His channel and profits will wither and die, but at least he is speaking his mind, yeah?

Almost everything entertainment is manufactured. I hope this isn't a shock to you.


u/BigYugi 1d ago

Cuz they're fine with creators as long as they follow the rules. Don't leak confidential information or reupload official streams. That creator had a history with sc and had been warned


u/PreatoriaVosc 1d ago

Eric with one hive put it better, they disagreed with supercell and got striked and harassed off multiple platforms that sc does not own. Its a gross miss use resources that goes beyond corporate professionalism and shows that they can do this to any one. Allowing this behavior will cause other game companies to do these practices as well.


u/BigYugi 1d ago

What do you mean do this to anyone? Most people aren't content creators that signed contracts to get early access and follow certain policies


u/mastrdestruktun Unranked Veteran Clasher 1d ago

Nobody needs Supercell's permission to show gameplay videos, screenshots of their base etc. Supercell doesn't own the copyright to every gameplay video or screenshot.


u/BigYugi 1d ago

They literally do... As does every game developer. It's commonplace to let people upload game footage as it's good for the community. But, they're not your characters, music, or games. They're supercells.

Think about it. If you just rip cutscenes from a game, you didn't make anything...


u/mastrdestruktun Unranked Veteran Clasher 1d ago

Agreed about cutscenes, but not gameplay footage. Gameplay is the creative work of whoever the player is. A base layout is the creative work of whoever created it. These are freely shared by their authors through the game, through youtube, through reddit etc.

I have seen people argue that a video of gameplay or a screenshot of a base is a derivative work created by whoever made the video or screenshot, and that these are the exact kinds of derivative work that Congress envisioned when they used the term "fair use" in the USA's copyright laws: instruction, criticism, commentary etc.

That's plausible, but I would take it a step farther: a gameplay video isn't "Fair Use" it's just "Use". A gameplay video isn't a copy of the game; the game continues to reside on the player's device and the video doesn't contain any of its code. The video contains the output of the game, but that's not what supercell has copyright over. YMMV but USA courts have recently (2018) ruled that you can't claim copyright arbitrarily over the output of your computer program. (A company sued Disney claiming that the computer graphics in movies generated using that company's software were owned by that company; Disney won.) Normal use of a video game includes playing it, making a movie of gameplay, and taking screenshots of gameplay.

Compare it to a software piano. If I have an app that mimics a piano, that app is copyrighted by its creator. If I use the app to play an original song, that performance is my creation, and isn't copyrighted by the people who made the app. Similarly a video of me playing a piano song using the app is not copyrighted by the piano app copyright owners. In contrast, if I like the app so much that I make it publicly available to download from my google drive, the copyright owner is fully within their rights to issue a DMCA takedown notice / go through the google copyright strike process.


u/SkullFumbler TH16(x4) TH14 TH10(x3) 1d ago

The content creators getting struck are not simply fair-use, public domain actors. They are people who enjoy privileges like broadcasting series events, utilizing company provided build modes, gaining revenue through developer codes, displaying official branding as game representatives...

This is not about someone showing their gameplay and discussing with people in general. The content creators that make the most profit are those with the inside access and privileges, all of which hinge on the company favoring their attachment.

The content creators that got struck are still posting videos about gameplay and discussing the game and the company without issue, but now they are cut off from reproducing otherwise protected content and making money in-game from players.


u/mastrdestruktun Unranked Veteran Clasher 1d ago

Supercell is always welcome to drop people from their creator program at any time. What I'm complaining about is abusing Google's copyright strike system to get someone's youtube account closed. That was a guy who was still posting videos about gameplay and discussing the game.


u/BigYugi 1d ago

That's a whole lotta words but no, just playing a game isn't transformative. Supercell has the copyright to the content they created. Like you said it's "use." Just like if you watched a movie and re-uploaded it. It wouldn't count as your content.

I get why it's confusing because there's a whole industry built around gameplay. But you do still see it happen, Nintendo does it quite often. Maybe the laws will change or one of these creators will fight it and set a new precedent.


u/mastrdestruktun Unranked Veteran Clasher 1d ago

That's a whole lotta words but no, just playing a game isn't transformative. Supercell has the copyright to the content they created. Like you said it's "use."

Supercell (and every other creator) does not have copyright over "use". Supercell only has copyright over what it creates, not pictures or videos of what it creates, just like Microsoft doesn't have copyright over documents you create while using Word or Excel.


u/DramaticRope 2d ago

Didn’t he say he contacted them before he made the video?


u/MigLav_7 TH15 | BH10 2d ago

I might BE missing something but he did not say that either on twitter nor on any of the YouTube videos


u/MyLadyBits 2d ago

For views. He did it for the views.

That is his business. It’s unlikely he expected to be dropped.

I’ve never heard of most of the people this sub has been consumed with these last few weeks. Most players haven’t either.


u/RemLazar911 2d ago

The only reason I know the name "OneHive" is because like a decade ago that was the name of an obnoxious group of hipsters who constantly complained that TH10/11 were too hard and so they refused to upgrade past TH9 and would only war at TH9 so they could always have perfect wars.

Then they got caught using scripts to attack and kinda fell off and I hadn't heard the name since, so this was pretty good awareness generation for this guy when it lasted.


u/black_berry900 TH 11 Maxed 1d ago

Eric contacting supercell would have achieved nothing. They would've ignored him.


u/Puzzleheaded-Tree141 2d ago

There are multiple issues - VM Legacy/Max, copyright strikes, unequal enforcement (VM Legacy special treatment over others including Navi very recently), and now this.

In all of the above, there has not been an ‘internal resolution’ that many find fair. That is why controversy persists, even though some in this thread are trolling at Eric. But in a complete vacuum of information, what can we do? Shine a bright light on it — with sunlight being the best disinfectant.

If VM Legacy really has received preferential treatment over Navi, then silencing all participants (as mandated this morning), will prevent the transparency and fairness that we all want and expect. SC has promoted Fair Play for some time for all players. Why won’t they stand behind applying this to their own actions…?


u/JesusIsGod777 2d ago

Because its always the same for people with money and power, “Rules for thee, but not for me.”


u/Iron_Wolf123 2d ago

Is it also the standard for a company owned by Tencent?


u/InstantFire 2d ago

do esports teams count as part of the supercell organization? is it like this in professional sports? we hear about disputes in professional sports all the time. i agree that inter-organizational stuff is typically confidential, but unless i'm misunderstanding the relationship here, this doesn't seem like an equivalence to me.

edit: a quick search just revealed to me that professional athletes do not have non-disclosure agreements. is the relationship for e-sports different?


u/omkarislegend 2d ago

Early access changed brawl stars


u/Bullzi_09 TH14 | BH10 2d ago

Wtf do you mean “bad timing”? This has always been the case


u/Goblin_King_CoC #StopPhishing 2d ago

“Failure to abide by this rule may result in disqualification of your team…” unless it is VM Legacy.

Fixed it.


u/Thanmarkou Almost Divorced | #2LUVLYVVU 1d ago

You must have missed the news then.


u/Mookel_Myers 2d ago

Didn't max breach his contract and harrass multiple members? Isn't max the one who posted the screenshots? Correct me if I'm wrong I actually don't know the story I'm just being a sheep and going based on what I've seen


u/Goblin_King_CoC #StopPhishing 2d ago

TL;DR Version

Tribe & Navi both had to abide by existing rules, but VM Legacy did not when doing similar things to Tribe & Navi.

Full Version

When Tribe gaming wanted to replace a player, they had to get an agreement by all players on the team (including the one being let go) and the prospective new member before Supercell would consider the roster change. That is in accordance with the rules. When VM Legacy wanted to kick Max, there was no open discussion or agreement with Max. That is different than what SC required of Tribe.

When a player on Navi was found to have broken the fair play rules that player was banned from competitive play for a year, Navi’s World qualification was removed, and Navi was disqualified from competing for another qualifier for a month. When a player on VM Legacy was found to have broken the fair play rules, VM Legacy was not punished.

Why did Tribe have to have negotiations with the leaving player and not VM Legacy? Why was Navi punished for a cheating player but not VM Legacy?

EDIT: My original comment was jokingly made knowing that VM Legacy was not required to follow other rules, so why would we expect they would be required to follow this other rule?


u/Mookel_Myers 2d ago

I see. Thank you for your explanation. Apparently people didn't like it and downvoted you but I gave an upvote to put you back at neutral cause it was detailed enough that I could understand it


u/Goblin_King_CoC #StopPhishing 2d ago

No worries — happy to help. I’m sure there is a lot more to all the stories, but even just the “appearance” of issues is often enough to set off a community…especially when thousands of dollars are on the line for the impacted parties.


u/Wardendelete TH16 | BH10 2d ago

He talked shit behind the team's back, and ninj(guy who buys accounts) found out and reported him, and got Max removed from the team without any compensation even though he qualified for the Golden Ticket.


u/ltllamaIV TH16 | BH10 2d ago

i dont think he harrassed anyone i think he just didnt get along with them or something like the team chemistry was not there; he stated that he would put his personal feelings aside to help compete with the team. i think the screenshots were posted by some kid named ninj


u/Reins22 2d ago

I’ll admit, I’ve not kept pace with any of this at all so idk what the whole drama is about beyond that some guy named Eric is deeply involved in this

But this seems like a standard thing most organizations have members/players agree to. Unless they’re trying to cover up something serious that would result in criminal or civil charges, I don’t think this is worth getting mad about


u/lrt2222 2d ago

I wonder what the impact on the game would be if SC ended any connection to ESL. Private leagues could use hard mode, have tournaments, etc. but if SC just gave up on it?


u/HydreigonTheChild 2d ago

I mean if it's a rule that exists then it should prob be reminded to be followed... if u knowingly joined with the rules being read or shown tk you then yeah...

And I bet this is anyway gonna cause a lot of dmg for Eric and maybe for future stuff


u/HikerStout 2d ago

"Threatening teams" by reminding people of the rules they agreed to when they signed up. MONSTERS


u/The_Bloons 2d ago

Let’s Boycott Supercell 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


u/GamerA_S TH11 | BH9 2d ago

Why are you being downvoted it's obvious that you are joking if the ammount of angry emojis didn't send that


u/The_Bloons 2d ago

Redditors just can’t detect satire sometimes, it’s sad


u/nitroboomin97 2d ago

It's definitely eric trying to spin something that's pretty standard into a conspiracy. But the "rules" that sc has are a fucking joke. It's also against the rules to buy,sell, and/or share an account, yet its open secret that 90% of the pro players are using an account that they bought which is against the "rules".

They did enforce their "rules" on pcastro once it's also interesting that his teammates on navi were very vocal about their disapproval of the meta but banning klaus, stars, or gaku wouldn't be a good look for supercell.

It reminds me of governmental corruption in china/russia. It's also an open secret that everyone is corrupt, but nobody gets punished for it until someone starts saying things the big man on top doesn't like...


u/MigLav_7 TH15 | BH10 2d ago

They banned Pcastro for piloting. They do enforce most their other rules apart from account buying, and Pcastro was banned because of that

Lets not get the tinfoil hats out here.


u/nitroboomin97 2d ago

So, getting paid to push someone's account in Legends League is a big no-no.

But buying an account that was either phished away from its legitimate owner through supercell's shitty 3rd party support or used a fuckton of farming bots that suck away the loot from tos abiding players is a-ok.

That's nice to know. Thank you for informing me of the difference...

Let's stop pretending that supercell is just being pragmatic by turning a blind eye to pro players' buying accounts. If anything, it's also rather convenient that a majority of the pro players are breaking the rules so that if they ever become troublesome, supercell has legitimate means of banning them from the tournament.

Compared to what others are doing, piloting an account is rather minor imo. It was definitely something else that got him banned. Why would supercell no longer give him the blind eye when they had been for years?


u/nitroboomin97 2d ago

So getting paid to push someone's account in Legends League is a big no-no.

But buying an account that was either phished away from its legitimate owner through supercell's shitty 3rd party support or used a fuckton of farming bots that suck away the loot from tos abiding players is a-ok.

That's nice to know. Thank you for informing me of the difference...

Let's stop pretending that supercell is just being pragmatic by turning a blind eye to pro players' buying accounts. If anything, it's also rather convenient that a majority of the pro players are breaking the rules so that if they ever become troublesome, supercell has legitimate means of banning them from the tournament.

Compared to what others are doing, piloting an account is rather minor imo. It was definitely something else that got him banned. Why would supercell no longer give him the blind eye when they had been for years?


u/MigLav_7 TH15 | BH10 2d ago

Supercell doesnt enforce ToS When it comes to buying accounts. On other stuff, they do enforce it. They banned Pcastro because thats When He did piloting.

When you're talking about a competitive scene, piloting is ages worse than buying accounts. Pcastro was banned due to piloting. Thats simply it, its not hard to grasp.

Are they both ToS violations? Yes. Should they both be enforced? Also yes. Are they both enforced? No.

(Also bots dont make it past TH13. You dont buy bot accounts unless you wanna see your money go down the drain. Several people that end up quitting the game decide to sell their accounts for some money, accounts bought arent just result of shady phishing/botting and certainly isnt the preffered origin of those)


u/nitroboomin97 2d ago

You shall not (or attempt to) purchase, sell, rent or give away your Account, create an Account using a false identity or information, or on behalf of someone other than yourself; You shall not use the Service if you have previously been removed by Supercell, or previously been banned from playing any Supercell game.


On a side note I noticed you are making a separation between "buying an account" and "piloting an account" as if they are two separate offense that are prohibited by two separate rules.

When in fact according to the tos, they fall under the broad rule that prohibits account sharing regardless if it's buying an account or playing another account. So pcastro and ninj have both broken the same rule but one is punished but the other got a slap on the wrist.

That is my interpretation of the tos. I would love to hear yours and why there is a separation between "buying an account" and "piloting an account" instead of both violating the same rule and therefore being the same violation of account sharing.


u/MigLav_7 TH15 | BH10 1d ago

I was specific with what I Said. Supercell doesnt enforce the ToS when it comes to account buying. They still enforce their other rules and still enforce the other things on the rule where they deem account buying agaisnt ToS. They just dont punish esports players for account buying specificly. Everything else can and Often Will be enforced and result in bans

Pcastro was on the esports for years, and He Saw several players getting banned for piloting. He knew He would get banned too if He was caught, which happened. Its not like He had some sort of misinterpretation. He Saw live examples of it happening, He knew what the consequences could be

Well, account buying is different. Supercell has historically not banned players for it, which leads to other players practicing it - if One of them was banned, they could severely Damage the esports reputation about the matter. As the years went buy it became increasingly common to buy accounts, simply because its very cheap given how much time you're saving

And so it enters this vicious cycle. Currently, Banning someone for account buying is just asking to have the esports scene suffer a considerable hit. Enforcing account buying consistently would mean world Championships would likely get Taken away retroactively, and that several if not all the teams would have at least 1 banned player. It can lead to loss of sponsors of the teams or tournaments, aswell as loss of interest in the esports scene overall - who would want to see the video of the golden babies that get to break ToS? They're already favoured enough and most people still dont have the slightest idea how many rule violations happen up there.

Now, why did supercell not enforce account buying bans for years? Idk

Pcastro getting banned and Ninj not getting banned shouldn't be surprising at all though given how the esports scene has worked in the past years


u/nitroboomin97 1d ago edited 1d ago

I think I misunderstood you. I didn't understand why you were treating buying an account and piloting an account as two separate things when they are both account sharing and therefore both against the tos. But now I understand that supercell arbitrarily treats them as two separate things.

I don't think this is an impossible problem to solve and if it was enforced it would destroy the esports scene. Xmod used to be really common, but supercell brought down the hammer on anyone who used it. Similarly, supercell could put out a statement saying that they will treat buying accounts more harshly moving forward. My understanding is that Pro's buy accounts because they ain't got time to actually play the game. So, just simply giving pro players temporarily a full maxed base for friendly wars for the duration of the tournament would give them an alternative way out of having to buy an account.

It would also give coc esports more credibility as a purely skills based competition since it would be very difficult to make an argument that it's a pay2win tournament. It's not, but there is some merit in the argument that having maxed defenses is an advantage or that an epic costs 480 starry ore to max, but the most starry ore your guaranteed to get per month f2p is 220-310. You don't necessarily need to have every single epic fully maxed to get 3 stars, but it does give the person more options if they do.

We will probably never know the reason why supercell doesn't want to fix this problem but for me personally any organization where everyone is breaking the rules raises alot of suspicion as to why they allow it to happen. Given that it usually leads to a culture of mistrust and paranoia since technically anyone and everyone can be banned anytime. Maybe it hasn't happened yet but it is a possibility.

Edit: so apparently, a player from vm legacy got banned I guess this discussion was kinda pointless.


u/nitroboomin97 2d ago

Explain to me how piloting is worse? The way I see it let's just say pcastro decided to push his main account and finished number 1 he's going to knock down whoever would've been 1-199 down a spot. Pcastro decides to push the piloted account to number 1 for money again he's just going to knock whoever would've been number 1-199 down a spot. It's not going to make a difference. It's just a way for him to make some money on the side and given how CoC isn't the best game to become a pro player in I can't blame him for doing that.

While there might be some ethical sales of accounts, the whole industry is notorious for being filled with shady characters that fuck over the playerbase that play the game legitimately. How are we supposed to know that these accounts are from an ethical sale verse an unethical sale and the seller is just lying about the account belonging to them? They clearly don't have a problem with stealing, so dishonest buisness practices is peanuts to them.

Taking part in this industry in any way is supporting the scumbags that regularly fuck over the average player that make up the majority of the playerbase and most likely the majority of supercell's revenue. Which in turn funds the 1 million dollar prize pool. I'm genuinely curious to hear how that isn't ages worse than piloting.


u/Busy-Scallion5795 2d ago

Maybe because legend league‘s seasons are considered as tournaments? And only the owner of the account can play the account, and not someone else playing for him.

i think this is more about the integrity of tournaments than fighting bots in this case.

I remember a screenshot where a supercell guy was explaining to Fluxxy he could basically keep his bought account but not use it for legends or championships.


u/nitroboomin97 2d ago

So he acknowledged fluxxy breaking the rules and said just don't break the rules while in the tournament?

Sorry if I'm being too bull headed here, but what integrity is even left to be concerned about it? I thought it was an open secret and that people were atleast too ashamed to acknowledge, but acknowledging it openly is a new low.

Why even bother having rules for anything at this point.


u/Busy-Scallion5795 2d ago

Yes, pro have a different treatment than regular players. I don’t really agree with that position, but pro are actively promoting the game, so it might be a business decision, or not.
all this is speculation, of course.


u/LeoGuzzlesDannysMayo 1d ago

Lexnos had his account banned a couple years ago for buying it. He had to gem a new account when he was still an esport guy.


u/Rasdit 2d ago

This guy again, posting a screenshot of standard ToS/rule agreement and bringing out the tinfoil hat and illuminati conspiracies. SMH


u/Rasdit 2d ago

"If you break the speed limit on the highway, you might get fined!"

Those damned police officers threatening the public.

OP, probably.


u/Connection_Formal 2d ago

That's funny


u/Batyalas TH14 | BH10 2d ago

You are either unemployed or still a child. This is how organisations work


u/lburner220 2d ago

He knows the people that follow him are largely children. He knows very well this is common practice, but it’s an easy thing to use to keep his followers riled up.


u/Techsavantpro 2d ago

Call him out for child labour lol or abuse.


u/rifle8888 TH14 | BH10 2d ago

Nobody is being threatened. It’s in the rules and if you can’t follow them then don’t participate. It’s pretty simple. You act like this is something new around the block but it appears I’m many companies


u/certified4bruhmoment 2d ago

So we're ignoring the fact that fluxxy hasn't had no repercussions for obvious TOS break of the game?


u/HydreigonTheChild 2d ago

people prob know of it... but idt fluxxy is getting special treatment against it and its prb smth that a lot of players do and supercell prob is either

a. gonna deal with it all at once

b. ignoring it cuz they dont want to lose a lot of pros


u/MigLav_7 TH15 | BH10 2d ago

Yes, like weve ignored players buying accounts for years


u/certified4bruhmoment 2d ago

But people can get banned for simply sharing accounts but a pro who should be held at higher standards than the rest of the player base can freely buy and sell accounts? Someone who has connections to SC. Someone who's in the creator program when he doesn't have the required amount? Yeah favouritism or SC turning a blind eye.


u/MigLav_7 TH15 | BH10 2d ago

Supercell has never enforced bans for buying accounts for years now on competitive play

And at this point, most teams would lose someone if they did just instantly ban the players that have bought accounts. The sheer amount of ToS violations that pass and have passed historically when it comes to account buying is nuts Its much more surprising to see someone banned from account buying that not seeing it

Also, itzu did correct Eric there . Fluxxy was a part of the creator program and had tier3 without the requirements the same way other esports players like klaus had. Esports players that stream somewhat Often get benefits they wouldnt get normally but they do get them because they're esports players. Is it stupid? Maybe. Is it favoritism? Not within the esports scene


u/certified4bruhmoment 2d ago

So its okay for the actual playerbase to get banned for it then? But SC turns a blind eye to the pro scene and please site sources on pro league players buying accounts because unless I have dementia I can only think of fluxxy who has clear evidence against him. Its in the TOS for a reason if it doesn't get enforced it shouldn't be in there simple but I guarantee let's say fluxxy steps out of supreme leader supercells line those dc messages will be flux right back at him.


u/MigLav_7 TH15 | BH10 2d ago

Im.not saying it isnt stupid. It is. But they not bannying fluxxy is just being consistent with what they've done in the past years, not the orher way around

And its also ironic to think that this drama helped some people understand the sheer amount of ToS breaking on esports scene ☠️


u/certified4bruhmoment 2d ago

Again please site sources of a PL player having evidence against him for buying accounts but you can't just say their being consistent when actual players get banned for the same reason


u/MigLav_7 TH15 | BH10 2d ago

Im saying they're being consistent within the esports scene. They're not consistent at all compared to most players. That would be asking for too much I guess


u/certified4bruhmoment 2d ago

So you're agreeing with me that it's favouritism within all of PL against clear TOS breaches that the normal player base would be banned for correct? These players should be held at a higher standard.

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u/Gold-Fan439 2d ago

The only reason they have that has a rule is because they don't want to deal with 2 players claiming the same account for a reason or another


u/Imaginary_Thing_1009 2d ago

wasn't it Eric who drew attention to this leak with his video? and now he's potentially getting people in trouble for this? isn't he going a bit too far?


u/Wizardwizz 2d ago

I guarantee he got consent or whatever he showed was publicly available.


u/DeGozaruNyan 2d ago

liberal use of threatening.


u/TheOnlyVibemaster th 27 2d ago

brother that’s pretty standard, anyone who is involved in anything anywhere knows you can’t share confidential information


u/Christian943 TH13 | BH8 2d ago

Omg 300 players out of 10s of millions of you are going to quit because supercell bad and you don’t like it, grow up. The game isn’t flinching.


u/Jwarrior521 2d ago

This guy is actually just blindly raging about it nothing now that he realizes his career is dead without clash lol. Brother they just gave a reminder of the rules


u/Already_Taken_sorry TH16 | BH10 2d ago

"Another sad day for clash of clans?" What the hell?

All I see is a broken, unemployed drama queen crying for someone to recruit him to the game again.


u/LavishnessLittle6730 2d ago

This dude really made it his existence to hurt the game as much as possible after they ruined his career :DD

Someone is extremely emotional and mad currently


u/BluCode99Alias TH15 | BH10 2d ago

Can this Eric guys shut tf up already


u/Lewdmilla_ 2d ago

Why are you so mad about him calling out supercell. You the community manager or sum? Lmao


u/Jwarrior521 2d ago

Bro how is this calling them out it was a league admin reminding players of the rules smh


u/TheBottomLine_Aus 2d ago

This dude has lost the plot. He's dug a hole far too deep and he keeps digging. Genuinely getting embarassing for him now.


u/DoomsdayDestructor 2d ago

Eric shouldn’t have brought this to the public, especially with this little info.


u/cnbesinn 1d ago

This is standard procedure in any company, you guys just want to see drama unfold lol.


u/BigYugi 1d ago

I feel bad for Erik. He's lost his mind


u/Commercial_Adv TH13 | BH7 2d ago

For once I'm agreeing with the comments here, rare COC community W


u/RowUpstairs8400 2d ago

So they didn't ban Ninj for buying account, even though they banned pcastro , but they will ban other players for pointing out this favoritism. Disgusting 


u/topcheese35 5h ago

Thems the rules we all agreed to by clicking ye's on the terms of service


u/Chopperxbean Brass League 2d ago



u/ketupatrendang 2d ago

Lmao what


u/Austen11231923 1d ago

I was really neutral in this whole thing, and even sympathetic for Eric, but now he's just trying to start a riot in his fan base that doesn't understand how things work in the real world. Companies are shitty sometimes. It happens


u/Eighty_88_Eight 1d ago

How are so many people in this comment section missing the point. You’re all saying ‘this is standard procedure etc etc’.

Recently it has been exposed that supercell aren’t enforcing their own rules in a fair manner, this was proven via leaks of stuff that falls under their rule 2.6.1. The admin, by posting this ‘reminder’ of this rule, is trying to silence people from doing the same thing and hurting their image more, using the threat of the fact they can and will be punished for it.

Yes, it is factually true what the admin is stating, it’s the implication behind why it is being posted at this specific point in time that is relevant. Can you not see that?


u/Federal-Garbage-1060 2d ago

Wow, fucking corrupt Supercell. What a joke of a company


u/HydreigonTheChild 2d ago

this is pretty standard among companies ... and pretty standard of comp teams i hear to keep drama among themselves or smth and to solve it between them.

Anyway people breaking ToS is not really exclusive to fluxxy and a lot of pros do it... so we should either expect a big ban wave sometime soon (prob not) or this is just smth they dont want to deal with cuz it would prob result in a lot of losses of pros


u/Heafdelablake 2d ago

I read that this morning and though “fuck you david” I’m team Eric now


u/Rasdit 2d ago

Sounds like teenage girls talking about whether the male vampire or werewolf actor is better looking there, fanboi


u/Heafdelablake 2d ago

Maybe. I haven’t really been following the story but it feels good to choose a side! #teameric maybe we can get 7/11 to do the cups and everything like they did for Edward and Jacob!!!


u/Feather_the_Redemmed TH14 | BH10 2d ago

Most things, including this, should not be  be seen as no choosing a side, as it should be a more complex problem than liking one person more than a other.


u/Lakschmann_Laki 2d ago

OP loves drama


u/omniverseee 2d ago

Imagine an FBI agent being transparent with internal conflicts in US government LMAO.


u/lostfate2005 TH16 | BH10 2d ago

Don’t care.


u/MarionberryEqual4564 1d ago

The issue still persists with VM not being disqualified and rather being favored over NAVI / VAE.

If the internal resolution compromises the integrity of the esports league why should you keep mum? Thinking Supercell will still address it fairly is out of the question if they cannot promise anything.


u/Gullible-Ad-8264 TH15 | BH10 2d ago

David is a bozo


u/Eziolambo TH14 | BH10 2d ago


u/-pandaman_ 1d ago

At this point I’m starting to wonder what Eric is smoking


u/No-Bug-9266 1d ago

Okay here’s a situation. You recieve damning evidence of misconduct by your employer in your inbox, right now. What do you do? If your answer is not, "Immediately and publicly release the information and condemn the actions of my employer with zero regards for any consequences that could arise from doing so. Without confirming the validity and context of the information." Then your expectations of others are woefully out of line with your expectations of yourself....

Are you prepared to loose your job today? Are you fine with becoming the target of harrasment and attempts to disrupt your ability to work in your chosen field, with little or no ability to defend yourself? Do you trust that you are not being misled, or that there is not missing information? Are you sure that the person who sent you it is not just disgruntled? Do youfeel comfortable that you haven't consulted with a lawyer as to the liability, beyond losing your job, that you may expose yourself to, especially if the information IS wrong or mislading? Are you sure that it is even legal for you to disclose it? Are you ready to defend yourself in court against defamation/slander lawsuits from a company with near unlimited resources to litigate against you? Are you okay with becoming a pariah to people you used to consider friends or enjoyed working with?

If you consider all that, and your answer is still: "immediately and publicly release info and condemn company" Well, congrats on being the hero this world needs, but doesn't deserve. I wish we could all be more like you. But the rest of us are merely human.


u/Bulky-Top3782 TH14 | BH10 2d ago

Honestly I don't see this going anywhere now. The company is not even acknowledging the allegations by Eric


u/Adam10coc 2d ago

$upercell full of corruption


u/Apprehensive_Work_10 2d ago

its time to play this song for COC


u/NotMalaysiaRichard 1d ago

Literally do.not.care.


u/Stunning_Cancel7399 2d ago

Fuck super cell


u/brady93355 2d ago

Gatekeeping information in a public game makes this quite sour. No point in asking for "Supercell to fix their game," they're paid off and making sure nobody exposes their bullshit. Played for over a decade and getting pretty tired of these updates and restrictions.


u/SaucyStoveTop69 The Greatest Clash Of Clans Player That's Ever Walked This Earth 2d ago

99 notifications is crazy