r/ClashOfClans 3d ago

Happy 1 year anniversary and they’ve still done nothing 🎉🎉 Discussion

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starting a clan is still awful and the find new players button doesn’t even work for the first day, not to mention it still doesn’t have good filters and shows you people that are already in a clan


33 comments sorted by


u/Ladyhawke74 3d ago

They were working to release the new/updated Recruitment Tool in June but didn't get it finished in time for the update. Most likely, we will see it at the next update.


u/GodAFDN 3d ago

i didn’t know that, hope they do man i just saw that this post was a year old and i hadn’t seen any improvement


u/somethng-unique 2d ago

Hope you are not holding your breath for anything meaningful


u/Easy-Beyond2689 3d ago

Excuses, making cash grab things is more of a priority for Supercell


u/Justmebeingmelol TH13 | BH10 2d ago

I do not think so personally because otherwise they would not have made heroes to be usable during their upgrades event. So that might not be case of cash grab cuz we are aware that before ores system heroes used to be one of the biggest revenue sources for Supercell.


u/Jishnu21 Avg. App Force Close Enjoyer 2d ago

This event is a test to see if their revenue is getting a hit because everyone can use their heroes.

2 outcomes after this event ends. In the coming months, possibly the very next update, they will allow us to have heroes up even while upgrading. Because there is negligible change in revenue ( maybe some constraints, cant be certain)


This becomes an event that will be as rare as Hammer jam. Because revenue was hit hard.

If they found out that this feature is good enough to be a GP perk, they will do that too to even further increase their revenue, which I highly highly suspect will the outcome be if scenario 1 plays out.

Just like every other person here says, they are not a charity, they are a business. They will find ways to make money, if they can't find, they will MAKE that way, pave it later on and add a toll booth


u/Valuable-Ad71 TH16 | BH10 2d ago

They give use something good so that we forget about the bad


u/DoomsdayDestructor 2d ago

Stop playing if you think this game is a cash grab then


u/77aaron 2d ago

wahhh wahhh why do you keep playing then kid


u/CongressmanCoolRick Ric 3d ago

No matter what it is, it’s going to disappoint people here anyway


u/Own-Turnover-813 3d ago

if the changes are consistent with another year of “kicking the can down the road” then of course people will be disappointed. You cannot ask for feedback from a community, admit youve been slacking off and then continue to slack off, then release a subpar product. I would expect for people to expect a detailed, polished change to the recruitment system, that goes in line with the feedback they asked for. (albeit a year ago, where state of game was completely different)


u/GodAFDN 3d ago

bro i just want more filters which really doesn’t take a year to do, even a simple “not in clan only” button would save me hours of time. i get the language filters are a bit more complicated because it means players themselves will need to put filters on their self, but thats not too complicated either. overall, my point is that they said this a year ago and still haven’t done anything but they’ve certainly rolled out more things that mean they get more money (e.g: builder that requires like 5k gems to max)


u/StormyParis 2d ago

maybe because they didn't ask for any input, just for whether we'd like to score more 3* ?


u/thariduvanparys Legend League 2d ago

Its hard to do that when the only thing that fixes that mess is to remove that shit system and reintroduce global chat and monitor it better. Ever since global chat was gone i have not been able to get players via the game so i just gave up on my clan and went somewhere else (still have the lvl 20 clan since its mine and i will never get rid of it). I do not want to waste time on reddit and discord recruiting for a game, i want to do that stuff in game and well you simply can't.


u/Imaginary_Thing_1009 2d ago

well it sounds to me like that's the much better solution anyway? why do we need 2 million empty clans when you can just join an active one that already exists.


u/GodAFDN 2d ago

i wholeheartedly agree, but we all know global chat isn’t coming back so a little compromise would be great


u/IshaanGupta18 TH13 | BH10 2d ago

There were some small, leaks regarding it a few weeks ago


u/Then_Stable5990 3d ago

I'd bet it will be just fancy buttons with the same functionalities 😂, just like the progress UI, nothing special about except the animation and overlooked the most important thing of it, don't forget they suck at UX, so don't get too hopeful 🤡


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/Imaginary_Thing_1009 2d ago

I can only imagine all these people are children that can't think past their own narcissism. they think that THEIR random ass clan is the one that everyone would just love to join, if only SC allowed them to spam about it in some random chat channel. as if their trash clan isn't just one of millions that nobody actually cares about.


u/CongressmanCoolRick Ric 2d ago

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u/Then_Stable5990 3d ago

dafuq you're yapping about LOL


u/HardyaPandik 2d ago

least racist Supercell cuck


u/hkchew03 3d ago

They probably need to cleanup completely dead clan first.


u/lrt2222 2d ago

Since the start what I’ve hoped for (and requested but I doubt that matters) is that they make it like pretty much any other online shopping: a whole list of filters that they already have in the game: think all of the profile achievements, hall level, heroes, trophies, COUNTRY LOCATION, etc. As we all know with searches, if we are too restrictive with our filters sometimes we get no results and have to start over. No problem. Let us search that way.


u/kullehh TH13 | BH10 3d ago

it's actually almost complete, might go live before we know it


u/Federal-Garbage-1060 3d ago

Great company


u/Geometry_Emperor TH16 | BH10 3d ago

Well, we did get the more advanced Clan Chat features in April, so it is not completely ignored.


u/YourHomieShark 3d ago

wtf why are these neckbeards downvoting a fact


u/TheAloneGhost2 2d ago

maybe use ur mind and compare what the post was about (recruitment) and what the comment was about (clan chat)


u/YourHomieShark 2d ago

i think he meant the clan system was never completely ignored, therefore we still might have a chance


u/Justmebeingmelol TH13 | BH10 2d ago

this is truely a reddit moment


u/iHachersk TH16 | BH10 2d ago

OP, do you have any idea or prior experience of developmental timelines for concept designing, programming, testing and implementing new game mechanics?