r/CharlotteHornets 3d ago

[Wojnarowski] BREAKING: Free agent Klay Thompson plans to join the Dallas Mavericks on a three-year, $50M deal with a player option, sources tell ESPN. Thompson ends his historic Warriors run as part of a multi-team sign-and-trade that’ll also send Josh Green to Charlotte. Social Media


109 comments sorted by


u/IamOlderthanMe 3d ago



u/NotManyBuses 3d ago

He’s better than any of the free agent wings out there. I’d have him over Trent in an instant. Cheap team controlled deal for 3 more years too. Peterson might actually be legit


u/IamOlderthanMe 3d ago

Exactly! We sniping all of DAL's wings.


u/awwmusta 3d ago

Take care of him man, gonna miss him as a Mavs fan 🥲


u/magicisnotforanyone 3d ago

out of all the players dallas sent josh green hurts 10x more than all others combined, cause he has that dog in him


u/killa_k99 3d ago


u/tbloom117 3d ago

Nets fan chiming in. He was very highly regarded in Brooklyn and I’m rooting for his success. Off to a great start!


u/CompetitiveLine1938 3d ago

LETS GOOOOOO. Wanted him at the deadline for PJ. This makes up for it.


u/NotManyBuses 3d ago

Jeff is cooking


u/AJTHolt 3d ago

Same! We got our wish.... six months later. Humdiddlydee!


u/KTBERYL 3d ago

what is Charlotte's role in this chat


u/killa_k99 3d ago

I imagine it went something like this


u/DoubleAmigo 3d ago

2nds to the warriors and probably reggie jackson


u/kingBankroll95 3d ago

Josh green


u/a_moniker 3d ago

I’d imagine Miles Bridges is going to GS


u/killa_k99 3d ago

I highly doubt that


u/a_moniker 3d ago

Why? What else would we be sending out?

GS needs something that helps them win-now more than Josh Green.


u/Cubelar 3d ago

Just 2nds is the report. We're here to absorb salary not send salary out


u/a_moniker 3d ago

That seems weird on Golden State’s side. They desperately need all the talent they can get


u/Fallingcity22 3d ago

They are trying to get under the apron then they’ll move from there


u/BoopasaurusRex_____ 3d ago

Makes sense. We are heavy benefactors then bc Josh green is not just cash considerations. Dude can absolutely play and he’s been developing with Luka so he should fit alongside Melo easily. He’s just everything we need im so happy this FO is racking up dubs


u/DanimalsAndChill 3d ago

The new cap rules really benefit small markets. We are living in a new world you are not used too yet 🥲


u/SheinhardtWigCompany 3d ago

They get a few second round picks instead of not receiving anything if Klay just signed with another team


u/a_moniker 3d ago

I guess. That still seems weird from Golden States perspective.

I have to imagine that they’ve got other moves still in the works.


u/SheinhardtWigCompany 3d ago

Klay was leaving no matter what so you might as well get whatever you can for him. They should get a trade exception as well (not entirely sure how the rule works in new CBA) so they can bring in someone else if they can find a trade


u/michaelalex3 3d ago

They’re trying to trade for Lauri


u/Amazing_Owl3026 3d ago

That win now player is Klay. What I'm assuming is that we're taking him as a salary dump without seconds cuz he's the asset.

If Miles was part of the trade that would be getting reported, it probably makes a bigger difference


u/a_moniker 3d ago

No, I mean what win-now player is Golden State getting? Klay for Green makes sense for the Mavs.

Other reporters have claimed that the 3-way deal isn’t fully negotiated yet, but should happen soon. My assumption is that that means that GS is finalizing negotiations on Miles’s next contract (and maybe anything else we are getting in exchange).

Woj just reported the pieces that basically already finalized (ie Klay -> Mavs, Green -> Hornets).


u/Cubelar 3d ago

nah man the Warriors are likely just getting some picks and a trade exception to use later this offseason. If miles was in this trade his name would be all over twitter reported rn, especially with Klutch


u/Amazing_Owl3026 3d ago

Oh right, they could just be getting some assets if the alternative was losing Klay for nothing


u/everclearking 3d ago

That would not be equal value. They would have to send us more than a bench warmer


u/a_moniker 3d ago

They very likely might be sending a pick and/or Moody or something as well.

Miles would just be the primary thing that we’d be sending out. Josh Green + a future Pick would be more than equivalent value, considering Miles is currently a free agent.


u/Lowballwest 3d ago


Jeff the chef is cooking


u/Panther_Pilot 3d ago

Chef Peterson lmao


u/SponsoredHornersFan 3d ago



u/Salvalicious252 3d ago

Mavs fan here, ya'll gonna love Josh Green. Especially if you play a fast pace. He has incredible hustle, runs the floor hard all the time, has become a significantly better shooter every single year of his career. Also his most underrated skill is passing, he has some WILD career passes. Him and Lamelo gonna fun as hell to watch.

Also he's on a great contract that starts next season.


u/QuoteOpposite6511 3d ago

Damn Tobias Harris getting 26 million a year and Klay getting 16 million a year doesn’t seem right but okay.


u/decriz 3d ago

Tobias has a very good agent to say the least


u/Tuckboi69 3d ago

Klay is washed butches still better than Tobi Two Shots


u/ImChz 3d ago

Awwwww shit love this for us. This type of move never got made under MJ/Cho/Kupchak. This offseason has been an absolute breath of fresh air so far.


u/EntertainerOverall32 3d ago

Mavs fan here! Just wanted to say that you guys have an absolute DOG in Josh Green. His hustle consistently got us key offensive rebounds throughout the playoffs, and how fast this man is in transition cannot be understated. He's a hustler through and through, and can hit open 3s (some nights)! You guys got a good one.


u/imeanYOLOright 3d ago edited 3d ago

He’s starting out a 3yr/$41M extension next year.

At age 23, that seems like a neutral-ish value, so it’ll be interesting to see what we (are?) paid


u/pennyguise 3d ago

As a fellow Aussie, I’m loving this trade


u/captwombat33 3d ago

Yeah get ready for a heap of Aussies joining in your discussions

And no fucking "throw a shrimp on the barbie" jokes thanks.

We call them prawns 😂😂😂


u/dave-train 2d ago

As an American, I've watched Taskmaster Australia, Crikey! It's the Irwins, and the most recent season of I'm a Celebrity, so I feel qualified to be the liaison between our two beautiful cultures.


u/captwombat33 2d ago

You are on your way grasshopper.

Watch the following movies:

Crackerjack The Castle Wolf Creek

Then your qualifications will be certified.


u/dave-train 1d ago

Yes sensei. Thank you sensei. G'day sensei.


u/ThuperThonik 2d ago

Damn, as an Aussie I feel called out. Time to join another nba subreddit ig. Go Charlotte lol.


u/Isguros 3d ago

The Warriors supposedly don't want any contracts in return, so I doubt we'll add Bridges in this deal. So we probably hand over a couple of picks to GSW. Either way, a big win.


u/OsuuDrive 3d ago

Josh green has a lot of untapped potential take care of him for us.


u/Decimate_2K 3d ago

Let Peterson cook


u/Chili_dilly 3d ago

Y’all are getting a dawg in JG. He’s got a high ceiling that y’all should be able to tap into. Take care of him.


u/thatguysunny 3d ago

Wonder what we gave up to participate in this trade hmmm


u/CasualHindu 3d ago

Hell yeah. Let's see the rest of the details. Prob took on a bad contract.


u/BetweenTheBuzzAndMe 3d ago

Green likely is that "bad contract"


u/MavsBro 3d ago

Mavs fan here, he is a great young player on a low cost contract


u/smokybbq90 3d ago

Not really low cost. He is making $12.5, 13.5, 14.5



u/MavsBro 3d ago

With your team you can afford him lol. Also I guarantee he looks cheap after this year


u/mF-Jonezy 3d ago

Seeing a lot of people on here making matter of fact statements about a player they definitely know nothing about 😂


u/Candid-Ad2162 3d ago

first day on Reddit?


u/cyre_one 3d ago

dont think so the mavs need to get off a little more money to make it work and josh fits in the hornets mid level trade exeption


u/smokybbq90 3d ago


He is making $12.5, 13.5, 14.5. It's not a bad contract. It's pretty much exactly what he is worth. Maybe a slight overpay.


u/DoubleAmigo 3d ago

Just 2nds out


u/DoubleAmigo 3d ago

Just 2nds out


u/a_moniker 3d ago

My thought is that Miles is going to Golden State.

Him and Draymond are buds going back to Michigan State, the Warriors don’t want to waste Curry’s last years, and this allows them to match his salary.


u/CasualHindu 3d ago

I'll throw a parade


u/a_moniker 3d ago edited 3d ago

Yeah, this would be the absolutely best outcome! Green is just what we need, and I wouldn’t have to watch Miles be around the team anymore.

The following lineup is good enough to stop the young guns from developing bad habits, but bad enough to keep our pick in 2025:

  • PG: LaMelo, Micic, Simpson
  • SG: Green, Mann, NSJr
  • SF: Miller, Cody, [MLE], McGowans
  • PF: Tidjane, Grant, Poku
  • C: Mark, Richards


u/palmettowhig 3d ago

I think Grant will start over Salaun.


u/a_moniker 3d ago

Yeah, I was more just thinking future/excitement-wise lol. Grant would definitely start the season as the starter.


u/planningmyescape_ 3d ago

from a mavs fan ima miss josh green man but wish him the best of luck in Charlotte yall got a killer in b miller fr🫡


u/SOLR_ 3d ago

I love this, wtf! Let’s go. Fits right in with new culture we are building


u/AlphabeticalMedical 3d ago

Absolutely fuck yeah


u/MineFine69 3d ago

Jeff the chef


u/UpTheChelsea- 3d ago

He fits the MLE


u/juanopenings 3d ago

Mavs fan - I love Josh Green and hate to see him go, but I sincerely hope he absolutely thrives in CHA. He's a hustle player that can step up and hit big shots on occasion. If he can build his confidence and develops consistency, he has All-star potential


u/Tu2 3d ago

Wasn't Green the one at the end of that sick steal, alley oop play?

Also, Jebronny Lames in shambles as he sees Thompson not joining his dream team


u/OokerDuker 3d ago

Does anyone wanna go to the Lakers where Lebron is running the show? Lebron made them draft his son and I bet money he will make sure he gets playing time on the court.


u/Suitable-Tomatillo54 3d ago

Nah that was Derrick Jones Jr (rip), but Josh can slam it


u/Dentist_Rodman 3d ago

random question but i wonder what it’s like to have trade talks in real time? Like is it a teams meeting between GM’s? Is it an email on outlook with all the important front office people CC’d? idk


u/captwombat33 3d ago

Zoom call, be much more dynamic.


u/taxman8507 3d ago

Mavs fan here. Y’all got a good one. He will quickly become a fan favorite, Jgreen has a high motor and leaves it all out on the court. I’m really sad to see him go, I will cheer for him in Charlotte.


u/gonzobonzofonzo 3d ago

I’m gonna miss Josh Green more than anything I’ve ever lost in my entire life


u/a_moniker 3d ago

Holy crap, I might’ve called the potential Josh Green/Miles/Klay 3-way sign and trade!


u/Total_Ad9942 3d ago



u/BetweenTheBuzzAndMe 3d ago

Hopefully our front office possesses savvy that Kupchak didn't and can extort an asset out of our cap room


u/smokybbq90 3d ago

Mavs fan: He is a solid player. His extension starts next season so he isn't a cheap young guy anymore. Basically at the max of what he is worth right now. He fit on the Mavs fine because he was the 5th-6th guy scoring option. He will hustle. Will be easy to trade if needed.


u/aminopliz 3d ago

Gonna miss Josh, his minutes on the court were full of explosive plays.


u/Qcconfidential 3d ago

We gave up two of the seconds we got from the Reggie Jackson trade holy fleece. We got him for free.99


u/Speenknow 3d ago

Mavs fan, I’m bummed we had to let go of Josh green. Yall will love him. High motor player that can guard point of attack, hustles for loose balls and offensive rebounds, can hit corner threes, plus he can create off the dribble a little. Great young piece for your team


u/Youngrepboi 3d ago

Josh green for free is insane


u/gundermifflin 3d ago

Waiting to see what we gave up but I love this, solid wing depth to hopefully replace some of Miles’s minutes


u/29671 3d ago

Is Green good?


u/Terrible_Shelter_345 3d ago edited 3d ago

He’s a good role player.

He’s an energy guy, you will like his offensive rebounds. Like how Russell Westbrook could do it. He’s very athletic.

He needs to work on a floater and finishing at the rim a little bit. Will get out in transition, catch passes, and dunk.

In the half court If he drives and kicks attacking closeouts, it’s usually rough. He’s not a ball handler. Not a black hole though like a Harrison Barnes, either. He’ll make the correct passes. Coaches appreciate guys like this.

He has great potential as a cutter and MAYBE movement shooter, but that needs to be developed. Dallas was not the place for that.

He’s a catch and shoot 3 guy. His corner 3 is great. His above the break 3 is okay.

His defense is solid. Can’t fight over screens sadly, and he can guard 1-3 but struggles against bigger wings. This means he can struggle when switching. But he’s a good team defender, played in a variety of defenses that Kidd executed. Doesn’t get lost or anything.


u/eofficial 3d ago

He’s cool, provided us with hustle and energy, decent defence, solid 3PT shooter. One of my favourite players on the mavs.


u/smokybbq90 3d ago

He is a solid NBA player. He is only ever going to be good for maybe 10/4 a game and a lot of hustle and good defense. He isn't a starter on a contender.


u/AFonziScheme 2d ago

Just to ammend/correct the guy who tried to give a breakdown: Green is a good shooter from pretty much anywhere. He's been better above the break than from the corners the past couple of seasons.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Isguros 3d ago

Tingus Pingus


u/Amazing_Owl3026 3d ago

Basically Cody Martin but a slight bit more offensive minded


u/net_403 3d ago

So our newest injury


u/Amazing_Owl3026 3d ago

Not that part (I think)


u/net_403 3d ago

That's just how we roll in Charlotte. If you're on this team and healthy, you almost certainly don't matter much, outside of Miller


u/jaemoon7 3d ago

What is all this celebrating? Josh Green is mid, I would hope we are getting a pick for compensation.


u/Captain_Charisma 3d ago

We were starting Leaky Black for stretches last year, I'll take all the talent we can get.


u/Cameter44 3d ago

No Leaky slander please.


u/LiveForMeow 3d ago

He's a cheap, young player that played meaningful minutes in the NBA Finals. He's probably already our 4th or 5th best player lmao


u/IamOlderthanMe 3d ago

We are worse than mid. We will settle for MID


u/MavsBro 3d ago

He’s 23. I think you’ll be surprised how he can play both sides of thebball


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/NoninflammatoryTed 3d ago

I would lose Miles for absolutely nothing except my happiness


u/---stargazer--- 3d ago

Why would we lose miles? We sent a couple seconds for green. That’s a good move. He’s better than anyone we’ll likely get with those seconds