r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ 2d ago

HNIC of making sure that frozen chicken was thawing

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209 comments sorted by


u/OlympianBattleFish ☑️ 2d ago

Going to tell my siblings and my cousins that my aunt said “bring yall muhfuckin asses inside”. I received the pass to cuss when I was deputized.


u/freshprinceofbayarea ☑️ 2d ago

For me it was holding the light while my day was fixing stuff, it was not a pleasant work environment


u/OlympianBattleFish ☑️ 1d ago

Oh I’m already knowing


u/ChugHuns 1d ago

You just can't ever hold it steady enough.


u/TheRussiansrComing 1d ago

Flash backs of helping dad fix the car intensify.


u/Digita1B0y 2d ago

I too, once tasted that power, and it was overwhelming


u/OlympianBattleFish ☑️ 1d ago

I started levitating when I said it too.


u/Digita1B0y 1d ago

😂😂😂😂 All pre-teen Super Saiyan n shit 


u/OlympianBattleFish ☑️ 1d ago

That shit was so cold homie😭


u/RandAlThorOdinson 1d ago

Did you glow

I bet you...glowed? Glew? Glow?


u/OlympianBattleFish ☑️ 1d ago

Yeah levitated and had electricity coming off of me with my braids unraveling raised and all.


u/813_4ever ☑️ 1d ago

You had the Glo 💪🏾✊🏾😂


u/OlympianBattleFish ☑️ 1d ago

They could’nt tell me shit! I was untouchable!


u/RandAlThorOdinson 1d ago

Oh my god Black Starlight is a whole mood


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u/Itsmeeeeebabyyyyyyy 1d ago

Then you get hit with "ian tell you to say all that" good Ole days lol


u/bailey25u 1d ago

Did you show your mother the my note?



u/HungAndTheRestless 2d ago

Walking to the store with a note stating what type of cigarettes my mom wanted and what numbers (lotto) to play.


u/ebbiibbe 2d ago

This was mine. Walking to the store with a note for Cigs, beer, and Lottabody lotion for my grandma on Saturday 😂


u/taneshaslaw 2d ago

And putting it all on my grandpas tab until his payday.


u/Digita1B0y 2d ago

Oh damn. White guy here....was my first job a black job? NGL, my old man smoked Newports. The only difference is that dad let me take the station wagon. I was 12. (In my old man's defense, it was rural North Carolina, and there was only about 100 foot of paved road, and we had been driving since I was 9).


u/ebbiibbe 1d ago

Driving to the store at 12 to get Newports is the top tier of early black jobs.

I used to drive at that age too but only on our family land and my dad would let me drive is parking lots. I could drive manual transmission better back then than now.


u/dustmybroom88 1d ago edited 1d ago

Does a note for Benson & Hedges Menthol (the green ones!) count? Sometimes also having to bring back that bigass awkward Carlo & Rossi wine


u/LupineSzn 1d ago

A note for B&H?! Is your dad James Bond lol


u/dustmybroom88 1d ago

My mom. B&H Menthols. If they were out, I had to get Kools… or some brand I think that was called Chic or something

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u/HungAndTheRestless 1d ago


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u/Salt_Cabinet7001 1d ago

My dad taught me to drive at 5/6 by sitting me on his lap in empty parking lots and letting me tell him what pedal to push. He would get out to run inside stores and tell me “if the car starts rolling step on the brake til I get back”. He would send me in the gas station to pay sometimes, while he pumped gas, and then we’d leave pretty quick. I realized later he was shorting them a $ or 2 at a time and we were leaving before they could stop him 😂 I miss that man RIP

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u/slick_pick 2d ago



u/blacklite911 ☑️ 1d ago

Saaaame lol. We would get those quarter juices and some candy or chips with the change


u/IntelligentDesign77 ☑️ 1d ago

You got notes? I had to memorize mine. A tin of railroad mills snuff, and Newport shorts in a box.


u/MF-Sol 2d ago edited 2d ago

First black job was not losing the house key because somebody would “break in, steal our stuff and kill us” if it did 😭


u/BlackberryOne7065 1d ago

I dropped my key down the sewer drain and my aunt cussed me out 10mins straight about someone coming in the house lol I was like who??? Ninja turtles cuz that key gone and the address isn’t engraved on it 😂


u/Pure-Drawer-2617 1d ago

I presume we all got a disciplinary for asking “how will they know which house the key belongs to?”


u/texasproof 1d ago

Bro what was parents obsession with this idea?? I was always like “but how would they know which house the key goes to??”


u/No_Stock_7201 1d ago

They always thought whoever found the keys was finna come STRAIGHT to the crib lmao


u/_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN ☑️ 2d ago

Getting yelled at for changing the channel when the game was on even though your ass was obviously sleeping.


u/Sharcbait 2d ago

Dad's don't sleep, they were just resting their eyes.


u/Boo_Guy 2d ago

Just checking their eyelids for holes.


u/Additional_Corgi_617 1d ago

🤣🤣 do u mines if I used this


u/Boo_Guy 1d ago

It's not like I came up with it. 😀

I think I got it from Sisko on DS9, he said it to Jake.


u/Human-Dove 2d ago

My dad be on his phone while the game is on


u/Itsmeeeeebabyyyyyyy 1d ago

I once didn't understand until I too mastered the secret arts.


u/ChugHuns 1d ago

Damn ain't that the truth. Tbh I say the same shit now and I'm not even a dad lol.


u/vishy_swaz 1d ago

That gif is so perfect for this 🤣


u/AwkwardLawyer706 2d ago

My parents calling me from the other room to get them the remote that was right next to them.


u/itsSRSblack 2d ago

Fuck, I just posted this. I swear to God that shit is one of the reasons I have an unconscious feeling of dread when I hear my mom call my name.


u/AwkwardLawyer706 2d ago

Oh shit! You got PTSD 🤣


u/2creams1sugar ☑️ BHM Donor 1d ago

First and Middle name? I’m in trouble. Edit: word


u/burkabecca 1d ago

That's why the first and middle names are so important - for the threats called through the house!


u/nigel_bongberry 1d ago

fucking same, its wild


u/Agile_Tea_2333 2d ago

Lol I do this shit to my kids all the time. Them tell them it builds character.


u/AwkwardLawyer706 2d ago


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u/JgL07 1d ago

Being used as the remote because my siblings lost it and they wanted to switch the channel.

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u/TheSouthsideSlacker 2d ago

Ash tray that she left right over there. See it? Hated that shit.


u/NeneObichie 1d ago

Hated that shit when I was a kid and now I’m a mum I do same to my kids


u/AwkwardLawyer706 1d ago

Love the GG reference…. One of my faves


u/UchihaT2418 2d ago

My first black job as well


u/helel_8 1d ago

You all had remotes? Fancy


u/Upstairs_Wishbone_88 2d ago

Running down to the corner store to pick up a sixer and some smokes for the adults at the family function because they knew homeboy working there wouldn’t think twice about handing that to a child.


u/JimmyBraps 2d ago

As long as you had a note it was legit


u/purplearmored 2d ago

Writing the score for dominoes


u/Mistavez 2d ago

Under rated job. You got to sit at the table and listen to all the shit talking you normally got shooed out the room for


u/ebbiibbe 2d ago

And every once in a while they would let you get a sip.


u/SlackerDS5 2d ago

You had to learn the lingo too, through all the trash talk and domino slamming. Took me a minute to figure out what ”CHRISTINE! Yo momma callin you” meant.

“Boy put fifteen down on the board. Don’t you be pencil whippin nobody.”

I was 7.


u/Mistavez 2d ago

Lol ida never guessed that

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u/PermaBanComingSoon 2d ago

Picking up trash and putting up chairs and tables after family functions.


u/Jenetyk 1d ago

Once people started leaving; the real work began.

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u/imnotkeepingit 2d ago

Making all of the bootleg CDs/DVDs


u/el_throw 2d ago

I miss my CD-R/CD-RW drive. 🥲


u/pimp_juice2272 1d ago

Oh so you were the dude with the van around town. I saw so many movies thanks to you

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u/GildedPlunger 2d ago

Bringing in groceries in a undershirt, gym shorts, and church shoes.


u/Fit-Rub-2620 2d ago

Taking the meat out the freezer before my mama got home


u/olliekuro ☑️ 2d ago

Way too many times that chicken went directly onto our hot water heater because I’d forget to take it out when I got home from school. “why is this package warm?” 🤔


u/pimp_juice2272 1d ago

Lol never understood this. You can thaw a whole pack in minutes with just a small stream of running water and a pan. Did they not know this or did they just want us to build character?


u/ebbiibbe 1d ago

Your mom let you run the water bill up like that? 😂 I thaw meat out like that all the time now. My mom would have flipped over that kind of laziness when I was a kid.


u/pimp_juice2272 1d ago

Hell no she didn't. But I also didn't know about this until I was older. Could've saved a lot of time. And it only needs a little flow. Less than a gallon probably


u/B_Werking 1d ago

*taking the meat out the freezer right before she pulls up from work because you forgot to take it out when she called on her lunch break 🙃


u/Flat-Stop-4954 2d ago

Letting everyone know when the fish grease got hot.


u/ReallyReal4 2d ago

Making the executive decision amongst my siblings of staying outside when it was “stay in, or out!”


u/813_4ever ☑️ 1d ago

As a fellow elder cousin I too had this hard job. A lot rode on your shoulders at 3pm…do we stay out? There’s water…but we can go in and get a juice and be stuck in for the rest of the day. I salute you 🫡


u/womanistaXXI 1d ago edited 1d ago

That’s why on my street a lady that had had no children distributed water and lemonade to us kids. Otherwise it’d be ‘you come inside, you stay inside’. All the mothers had this mantra and we knew that if someone went in the house, they’d be gone.


u/DJMagicHandz 2d ago

Becoming the family mechanic when my father was in the Persian gulf for 6 months. And he would guide me over a shitty international phone call.


u/ButtBread98 2d ago

I love that


u/DisastrousWalk8442 1d ago

That is seriously beautiful


u/CocoaSaidWhat 2d ago

Picking a good Playlist to put on at the July 4th cookout when I was 12. Never been so stressed.


u/Chanela1786 ☑️ 2d ago

Lmao DIABOLICAL.  You know they're just gonna complain and rearrange it how they want. 


u/CocoaSaidWhat 2d ago

And did! 🤦🏾‍♀️


u/pimp_juice2272 1d ago

Electric Slide, I wanna dance with somebody, step in the name of love. Now that you're older, you can play This is how we do it and Back that azz up.


u/ButtBread98 2d ago

Damn. That would make my anxiety go up.


u/SuchFaithlessness335 1d ago

I gave you an update because the stressed part made me lol.


u/Narc212 2d ago

Running the stats book for my uncle's basketball tournament


u/TheMoorNextDoor ☑️ 2d ago

Helping the old man that be mowing lawns in the neighborhood in order for him to cut our yard for free.

Cleaning to music on a Saturday or Sunday.

Getting my black ass inside before the street lights came on.

Making sure the dishes was always washed and doing laundry.

Getting bootleg dvds with my brother and making sure we had movies to watch.


u/Salt_Cabinet7001 1d ago

Saturday morning we got woke up by the stereo and that meant it was cleaning time.

And getting your ass beat if the street light came on and you weren’t ON the front steps


u/ShaqSenju ☑️ 2d ago

Staying outta grown folk business


u/JeromosaurusRex ☑️ 2d ago

First job was dodging street lights..


u/Living-Advice3043 2d ago

sitting in the car with my cousins and making sure they don’t get out while my aunt was in the club. 😂


u/No-Bat-7253 2d ago

Reading all these comments, I can’t even remember my real first black job😂 we been overworked since the beginning! Lmao


u/InternalGood1015 1d ago

Same here 🤣🤣🤣


u/Gun_Monger ☑️ 2d ago

Making kool aid for family dinner


u/itsSRSblack 2d ago edited 2d ago

Going into my mom's room to hand her the remote from the other side of the room.

Edit: switching this up cuz it was taken.

Having to go into restaurants to put our name on the waiting list while my mom found a parking spot. Houston's and Olive Garden ain't worth all that trouble.


u/cailian13 1d ago

Having to go into restaurants to put our name on the waiting list while my mom found a parking spot

swap that out for dad usually, but wow this is a memory I didn't know was in there until I read this. it makes me oddly happy 😊


u/waxinarc 2d ago

Making sure my pops didn't burn the chicken -- he'd put em on the grill but then go back and watch Hercule Poirot. If you don't know what that is, it's an old black n white fictional detective series on his computer. I'd casually get up and flip the chicken a few minutes each time. By the time he'd realized he forgot the chicken, I said don't worry it's done and it ain't burnt. My mom would be hella mad if the chicken is burnt. That and the beef ribs. She'd be heated!


u/ZipperJJ 1d ago

As a lilly white Poirot fan I absolutely love this! 😂


u/GrandStyles 2d ago

Momma had me washing dishes with a step-stool. Where is my back pay???


u/Charizard4eva ☑️ 2d ago

Getting my granddaddy a drink. Always bourbon and ginger ale


u/Firm_Engineering_265 2d ago

My first black job was not confusing the difference between my mother and Boo Boo the Foolish


u/Exotic_Page4196 2d ago

Going to retrieve the belt when it was time to catch that ass whipping I earned myself.


u/Plus25Charisma 1d ago

Man, my dad used to make me go pick which one I was going to get whooped with


u/Exotic_Page4196 1d ago

I wish I woulda had a chance to pick lol. He had a special leather one with the buckle removed lol.

Runner up jobs include “not running in and out” and “closing that damn screen door”


u/InternalGood1015 1d ago

My mom had a removable purse strap. I would get my ass whopped on site that I earned 🤣🤣🤣


u/Heat_H 2d ago

Scratching and oiling scalps for my aunts. Years later I went to cosmetology school and continued doing that job for 11 years.


u/nixbraby 1d ago

See I was looking for this!! Lol


u/Heat_H 1d ago



u/bebop1065 ☑️ 2d ago

My first black job was changing the TV channel for when momma and her friends started smoking those cigarettes that smelled sweet when you lit them the first time.


u/wh1t3ros3 2d ago

passing out those MLK fans at church


u/Yikes_My_Toe 2d ago

holding the gel while my mom manhandled my scalp


u/InternalGood1015 1d ago

Heavy on the mandandling. Now she tells me I'm heavy handed. Ma'am, I got it from you lol


u/SortovaGoldfish 1d ago

I can't remember mine, but my littlest siblings got the same entry position:

Collect the plastic grocery bags after all the big people unload and sort the groceries and put them all in one bag for later. Additional duties may include but are not limited to: putting the toilet paper under everyone's sink.

Next position: kool-aid stirrer.


u/BluBeams 2d ago

My first black job was going down to Food Land with a note and 5 bucks to get my mom a pack of cigs and a candy bar when I was 6...


u/Dependent_Work1597 2d ago

Hiding my dad and uncle’s drink whenever we get pulled over by the police 😂😂😂


u/Givemeurhats 2d ago

Changing the channel


u/olliekuro ☑️ 2d ago

…When we had to get up and walk to the tv


u/Cheesencrqckerz 2d ago

Gathering my siblings when the streetlights came on


u/Gilgamesh107 2d ago

holding the flashlight for my dad


u/kalisto3010 2d ago edited 1d ago

First Black Job was riding my Bike to the Store with a Note from My Mother to buy her Cigarettes.

EDIT: This was actually possible in the 80's, would never fly today.


u/hazeldazeI 1d ago

Or just go to the restaurant that had a cigarette machine. Didn’t even need a note


u/sucobe ☑️ 2d ago

I got to accompany my dad every Sunday as we went around to members’ houses and asked for tithing. Growing up Mormon was weird.


u/ditzy-feet_o 2d ago

My first black person job was staying in a child's place


u/InternalGood1015 1d ago

I was looking for this!! Staying out of grown folks business


u/Feisty_Researcher325 2d ago

Being the annoying little cousin someone had to watch


u/Typical_Extension_62 2d ago

Holding the antenna higher so tv was clear lol


u/246lehat135 1d ago

I’m Mexican so my first “Hispanic Job” was holding the steering wheel for my Tio while he rolled a cigarette lol.

I was also the designated kid who got beers out of the cooler for the adults at family parties.


u/manny_the_mage ☑️ 2d ago

sweeping up my Dad's old menthol cigarette butts from the front porch


u/CryResponsible2852 2d ago

Running to the store to buy cigarettes on a big Wheel


u/Flat_Wash5062 1d ago

I'm curious, is whoever sent you to get cigs still smoking?

I'm the only one in my family who smokes now but I wasn't alive when you could just send someone with a note.


u/CryResponsible2852 1d ago

All dead by the mid 90s


u/lowtoiletsitter 2d ago

Holding the flashpoint while my dad worked on the car


u/Ncav2 2d ago

Zeus Network security guard is the GOAT black job


u/Happy-North-9969 2d ago

At the football games on Friday nights, my dad and his friends would send me down to the concession stand to buy cups of Coca-Cola, and have me drink about half of each one so they could use the other half as a mixer for the E&J.


u/FiPhillips1999_SW 1d ago

Making sure the stack of Jet and Ebony magazines were stocked in the bathrooms for some light reading.


u/Human-Dove 2d ago

Cleaning the whole house cause my mom didn't like a dirty home


u/Kresha86 ☑️ 2d ago

Captain D’s, I kept the dining room and bathrooms cleaned and stocked the bar.


u/olliekuro ☑️ 2d ago

Not squealing on my dad because it was easier to get one over on mom, but not by me.


u/Mountain-Professor89 2d ago

My first Black job, taking the chicken out the freezer.


u/AfternoonPast3324 2d ago

Standing outside and turning the TV antenna pole slowly until my mom or sister yelled “it’s clear” out the window


u/TheLameness 2d ago

Going to get a pack of cigarettes from the corner store. They used to sell them to 10 year olds


u/Garth_W00kz 2d ago

Being the lookout for my older brother and cousins while they sold weed


u/BerniceK16 1d ago

Handing them the remote


u/OptimistPrime527 1d ago

Taking out the other ladies hair who was also waiting to get her hair done by my stylist. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


u/InternalGood1015 1d ago

My auntie had me washing the wash cloths and sweeping at her shop as she was working on her other clients


u/pimp_juice2272 1d ago

Having to get up from all the way in the living room, while comfortably watching my show, my mom's bedroom turn off a light switch that was 3 feet away from my her. I almost took up smoking cigarettes to calm my nerves.

2nd job was killing spiders for my aunt who was deathly afraid of them. The pay was amazing! Like $5-$10 per kill. Shit had me wanting to breed a spider farm just for her visits.


u/agutema ☑️ 1d ago

Stirring the pulling the stems out of the greens while they soak


u/samson44465 1d ago

Mine was making sure I didn’t answer the door for NO ONE after school when my parents were at work.


u/DrillteamJMoney 1d ago

I made sure not to open the door for NOOOOOOOOOBODY


u/Formation1908 2d ago

Wiping the counters and turning on the stove light before going to bed


u/WolflordBrimley 1d ago

Pops handed me a Tupperware bowl and told me to go catch the mouse behind the couch


u/the_abyss_is_staring 1d ago

Do tell the story, please.

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u/My_cat_is_ur_Dad 1d ago

Sitting in the corner at my uncle’s house parties, bopping to ‘The Parliament Funkadelic’ tracks, and not asking questions about that smell of burning leaves or why people are putting their keys up their noses.


u/My_cat_is_ur_Dad 1d ago

Also rehearsing my stories to tell my mother when I got sent home after the weekend. “What did we do? Nun, played basketball and made art.” Knowing damn good and well I was actually at the Cambridgeport version of Studio 54.


u/mstrss9 ☑️ 1d ago

Preparing a whole chicken (remove skin & fat, cut into pieces) and fish (scale, gut, cut into pieces).


u/blacklite911 ☑️ 1d ago

Taking the chicken out the freezer before mom got home.


u/TurnoverFancy6920 1d ago

Mixing simple cocktails at West Indian parties and sipping it to make sure the mixture was right. At like 8


u/Senorjayprime ☑️ 1d ago

Get up and change the channel using needle nose pliers. #Imold


u/813_4ever ☑️ 1d ago

Cleaning the grill for my pops. Told my homie I wanted to learn how to grill…he said ok bet. Told me the first thing I needed to learn was how to clean the grill 😂 miss my nigga man


u/AliciaDawnD ☑️ 1d ago

Being called from the main floor to bring my brother something to the basement, taking the laundry to the laundromat, defrosting the meat for my mom, and watching soap operas with him during summer vacation just in case he missed something, I could recap it.🧍🏾‍♀️


u/Yuri-temporada 1d ago

When I was young , it was being a phone booth for my older brothers in jail.


u/ThatboyMjay3207 1d ago

My first black job was being a Instacart for my relatives when I’d visit them in the country. They’d send me to the store with a list of stuff to get and what I couldn’t pay for they’d give me anyway because they always got paid back and turns out, they were family too. Lmfao.


u/Ambitious-Display702 1d ago

Watching all the kids while my aunties went to the club. Was an unpaid job of course lol


u/SuchFaithlessness335 1d ago

Well I'm a white girl but my 1st black job was driving to another county to buy beer for my 2nd dad because we lived in a dry county


u/durants ☑️ 1d ago



u/SnowDoodles150 1d ago

Head N**** In Charge.

I can't spell out that second word but I think that's enough context to fill in the blanks lol.


u/YouAfter5107 1d ago

Remote control and antenna 😂 I was 8,9 years old


u/SirNortonOfNoFux 1d ago

Learning how to do the moonwalk as a kid


u/stellarinterstitium 1d ago

My first Black job was washing dishes even though we had a dishwashing machine. Stepmom showed up, and all of a sudden the dishwasher was fine to use...for her.


u/lioneaglegriffin 1d ago

Severing dinners at a church fundraising fish fry.


u/noletex107 1d ago

I was the bartender at 13 years old at a family reunion. I forgot to water down the drinks, had unc and aunty 🔥AF. Needless to say my bar was empty by 9:30.


u/Pedrosbarro 1d ago

I'm dying reading all the responses. I'm not black, but apparently I've had all of the first black jobs, except for the dominoes one and wearing gym shorts.


u/toolsoftheincomptnt ☑️ 1d ago

Can’t recall exactly but pretty sure mine was to get the “roller bag” for my mom so she could prep her hair for slumber.


u/Itchy_Wealth5973 1d ago

My first black job.. Peeling the potatoes and all of the miscellaneous vegetables those three days before thanksgiving. Watching the cakes in the oven and making sure nobody runs near the stove and ruins them on day 1. Tasting the spoon. Washing all of the dishes & telling momma what’s missing after tasting the unbaked dressing before it goes in the oven 😂😂😭


u/Tren_avar_testube 1d ago

Remote control. “Turn the channel to 5”


u/DGVega93 1d ago

Babysitting my younger Cousins so my older cousins can turn up with each other at the family functions


u/Fluid_Measurement963 1d ago

Taking the chicken out the freezer before mom got home from work


u/sirckoe 1d ago

Getting and making sure we only use the burnt fork to make glizzys on the stove.


u/vera214usc ☑️ 1d ago

Does shelling peas or shucking corn count? That's the earliest job I can remember


u/MsLoveHangOver 1d ago

Buying Pall Mall Reds for my grandma. IYKYK.


u/-teachable 1d ago

Shutting my mama’s door on the way out of her room


u/DependentMedium7706 1d ago

Driving the car home at 11, when my mother got too drunk at the function.


u/sea_319_carnivore 1d ago

Closing the garage door and running under it because the remote was broken


u/IntelligentDesign77 ☑️ 1d ago

Buying cigarettes for my uncle and snuff for my grandmother at the corner store. They always let me keep the change, which I promptly spent on penny candy!

I was 6! No note or anyways required, the clerk just handed me cigs or snuff upon request.


u/KGreen100 1d ago

Going to the store on the corner to get everything my mother forgot to get the first time. I pointed out to her that it might be a good idea to make a list next time and... well, I never suggested that again.


u/L-O-Kitty 1d ago

Mine was turning up the tv, changing the channel and moving the antenna.


u/leelee3589 21h ago

My dear dear mom thought it was a good idea to bus my sister and I out to a predominantly white grade school. So my first job was teaching white kids and teachers not to fuck with me.