r/BlackPeopleTwitter 2d ago

In denial Black Folks don't yall start lol

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u/Fluid_Mulberry394 2d ago

I Haiti my job.


u/ahsokatanosfeet 2d ago

I Dominicant do it


u/dngerszn13 Maple Syrup stan 🍯 1d ago

It's ok there's a Brazilian Black jobs out there


u/ahsokatanosfeet 1d ago

I don't Belize that 😭


u/BaronAleksei ☑️ 1d ago

You just gotta Peruse a job site


u/amey_zing1 1d ago

Jamaican me work WHERE?? 😳


u/occamsshavingkit ☑️ 1d ago

Yes you mexican.


u/Vegetable_Camera50 2d ago

I'ma a Zoe, no black job.


u/waxinarc 2d ago

I think fondly of Paul Mooney: y'all ain't different; y'all got dropped off first.


u/ConcentrateSelect668 1d ago

“Spanish is the language you speak. The people that were oppressing you. I speak English but I look nothing like Queen Elizabeth”

Miss this man


u/captainguytkirk ☑️ 1d ago

Was this the same show when he said Samoans “ain’t nothing but some moa niggas? 😂😂😂


u/DGVega93 2d ago

I’m no black wrestler Uce, I’m Samoan


u/sightfinder 2d ago

Except when he wanted to play Black Adam. Otherwise he IS living his best "racially ambiguous" capitalist life


u/BiddlesticksGuy 1d ago

Isn’t he Samoan and black? Plus also isn’t black Adam supposed to be Arabic, since he’s Egyptian. I’m not too familiar with the character so please correct me if I’m wrong


u/jesterinancientcourt 1d ago

Black Adam was born before the Arabs reached Egypt. But yes, the rock is half black & half Samoan.


u/Pimpwerx 1d ago

Rock is half-black and half-Samoan. No part of his racial composition is privileged. Not unless you think Samoans out here oppressing the rest of us.


u/mistersuccessful ☑️ 1d ago

Well said. I do think the WWE had him promote his Samoan side more and that’s the side most people associate him with


u/Osceana ☑️ 1d ago

Samoans are a VERY proud people with a very strong cultural identity. Dwayne lived in New Zealand as a kid which has the second largest Samoan population outside of Samoa with his mom’s family who is Samoan. His mother’s side has deep, deep roots in Polynesian wrestling.

So it’s weird to see people throwing shade on him for embracing his Polynesian side more. I’m biracial myself, black people are hella racist (particularly when you’re a kid) and they can’t peg you as “just” black. “You not black” becomes a common thing you hear. This would especially be the case for a kid that looked like The Rock who lived in fucking New Zealand. So makes total sense for him to rep his Polynesian side more. Besides, it’s not like he denounces his black side.


u/Sad-Knowledge-2899 1d ago

I get that identity is really complex. Tho saying black people are hella racist on a sub where the subject of prime industrial racism from Europeans, North and South Americans post is wild. The Rock went on Fox complaining about “woke” whatever that means, and was part of a blackface parody.I like him but let’s not pretend.


u/Sad-Knowledge-2899 1d ago

getting downvoted for not agreeing that black ppl hella racist on a black ppl sub. Ok


u/DGVega93 1d ago

Nah you was in your bag. They just don’t understand


u/Sad-Knowledge-2899 1d ago

Thank you bro


u/ventijuicebox 1d ago

Dude this sub be heavy on that tragic mulatto shit, you wasn't wrong


u/UnamusedAF 1d ago

All that would be cool if he didn’t have rumors swirling around about him denouncing his Black side in the locker rooms during his WWF days, and the fact he only reps his Black side maybe twice as humor in his comedy movies (which is condescending considering he takes his Samoan herritage very seriously in comparison). It doesn’t help that he panders heavily to the Conservative military gym-bro types who are predominantly White men. It seems like he wants to be friends with everyone except Black people because he thinks we won’t elevate his brand or socioeconomic status and it’s so transparent at this point. 

P.S he has also been exposed to be an infamous liar so I wouldn’t believe much of shit that comes out of his mouth concerning his upbringing.


u/waxinarc 1d ago

Same here with being biracial -- my son is going through the same thing of "not being Black enough" until they saw his parents, grandparents, and all his cousins. He's also quite Asian, so we teach him both sides of his identity; both are equally important and he can be proud of both.


u/knights816 1d ago

He did get a pretty big run with the nation of domination


u/mistersuccessful ☑️ 1d ago

I know but when he took over the NOD, he didn’t want them to be a “black stable” anymore


u/knights816 1d ago

Damn really? I didn’t know that.


u/BooBootheFool22222 1d ago

It's because High Chief Peter Maivia owned and ran a territory back in the day and Afa and Sika and all the cousins were wwf mainstays while Rocky Johnson was a mid carder or worse and actively made things difficult for other black wrestlers and sold Rick Martels car.


u/Radiant-Character-61 2d ago


u/WashyourPickle 1d ago

First off, some of you guys are going to hell. Secondly, this seriously looks like my cousin Flaco.


u/IsiahDaNerdiest 2d ago

Deep cut


u/waxinarc 1d ago

Sheryl Crow told us that the first cut is the deepest, so you spot on brosef


u/BraveTask7785 2d ago

T-Mobile salesman ass


u/SeaAnthropomorphized 2d ago

Papi I no black!

I no espiki inglis!

I only guant to ea' pernil


u/el_throw 2d ago

Y'all play too much 😂💀


u/TailOnFire_Help 2d ago

I thought it was Jamaicans that had all the jobs...

At least according to In Living Color.


u/golden_rhino 2d ago

Only one job? Lazy!


u/BlackberryOne7065 1d ago

I still say “I got Ten-teen jobs!!” From those In Living Color skits lol


u/Pl6netHer 1d ago

LMAOOOOOO this gonna piss off the lightskin dominicans, keep making posts like this 😂😂😂😂 imagine saying you not black but your hair just as coily as mine & your grandma my skin color? 😂😂😩

& i don’t wanna hear nun of that “we see race differently” bullshit because when Trujillo was president, y’all had blanqueamiento laws and would massacre MILLIONS OF HAITIANS. theres definitely a difference in how race is seen in latin america, but the anti-blackness is still there.

i’m haitian and dominican, & i will rant about this shit till i die. i speak spanish fluently and my skin is black, SO IM BLACK AND LATINA, NOT JUST ONE!!!!! None of them want to discuss how the real reason they don’t claim their blackness is because they don’t want to be associated with haiti. Go to my recent comment and you’ll see how a fellow dominican said he’d rather eat dirt and bugs than be associated with haiti, & this is how alot of dominicans operate.

they see race differently but demean black people the same way white people do, and its worse bc they have family members or they themselves look black. I said what I said & if any dominican wants to try and rebuttal, Im ready for it because Im sick of the I no Black papi shit.

LMAOOO i realized yall was joking but ik for a fact if any dominican who doesnt claim their blackness sees this, they’ll get mad so im leaving this educated comment for em 🧍🏾‍♀️


u/leroyp33 2d ago

Why can I hear this?


u/BeltReal4509 2d ago

Never not hilarious 


u/real_Bahamian 2d ago



u/kimmyxrose ☑️ 2d ago

screaming 💀


u/mango_chile 2d ago

I Dominican papi 🌶️


u/TypicalHaikuResponse 1d ago

This might be the first time they want the black benefits. I feel like Dominican Job pays less than Black Job.


u/blacklite911 ☑️ 1d ago

Dominican catching strays for no reason lol


u/Techygal9 ☑️ 1d ago

lol I’m getting downvoted for saying this same shit on a map of the black population! The Dominican Republic and the rest of Latin America looking real suspect.


u/Guygirl00 1d ago

looks like the post was removed


u/rinny02852 1d ago

I hollered!


u/Mango7185 1d ago

Rofl 🤣


u/NoyaBoyy 1d ago

I swear we are so unserious lmao


u/Funny_Breadfruit_413 18h ago

This conversation is so weird to me. Most cultures in the diaspora are anti-black and have ancestors who were killed for being black and, through this trauma, in some way embraced whiteness by lightening their race. The only reason this embrace did not happen in some countries is because there were not enough non blacks to lighten the race or in the case of AA they legally could not.

As AA, we are not the gatekeepers on blackness. If Dominicans and Puerto Ricans don't claim blackness, that's fine, and they don't have to, and guess what they're nationalities. It funny how so many black people will be quick to say that a biracial oerson isn't black when it benefits them but will have a chokehold on what Hispanics/Latinos call themselves. Just admit we are dealing with our own insecurities and placing it on other people who have their own complicated history with race.


u/GIGGLES708 1d ago

Godfrey is Nigerian. So Ni (don’t make me say it) job 💀