r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ 2d ago

I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

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33 comments sorted by


u/EmperorBamboozler 2d ago

Oh for sucks sake I can't believe I just found this out like 18 years after leaving organized religion.


u/LastDaysCultist #FFFFFFboy👨🏼 2d ago

There’d be other reasons to leave anyway


u/Due-Landscape-7359 2d ago

That's why I left the church. I don't mind religion as a concept, but organized religion has been historically evil.


u/EmperorBamboozler 2d ago

Yeah I left when a pastor told my friend his suicidal brother should have done it. No repercussions or anything to them saying that even after her mom went fucking ballistic and called every person she could in the church trying to get this guy fired. There were a ton of witnesses too, including me. Idk any organization that is willing to keep people like that around is one I didn't want to be a part of. Even as a young teenager that was enough to ruin church forever.


u/DiZzNaSte ☑️ 2d ago

That happened to me when the pastor asked me why I had a semi-colon tattoo along with my other tattoos. Told him the meaning that I could have ended my story (life) but chose for it to continue. He said due to my tattoos, sin is sin and I should have gotten a "." instead. Fuck him and I'm glad every bad thing that followed happened to him.


u/jesusdrownsbabies 1d ago

What happened?


u/DiZzNaSte ☑️ 6h ago

1) He bullied a guy into self harm during bible study because he was gay.  The father and older brother found out and they drove over to the college campus and beat the shit out of him when they found him at the study group.

2) Wife got sick(piece of shit too) and he slept with another member of the church. Divorce followed and his two kids are no contact with him. 

3) Defended a rapist and during his service stated "Whatever happened, it happened as a means of testing and forgiveness." Why so lax? The rapist was also a leader of another church. Lost his pastor role and was pushed out of the church.


u/Due-Landscape-7359 2d ago

Wow that's really bad. It's even worse when you realize Christians believe you go straight to hell for suicide. Basically said the brother should have gone to hell


u/apinchofsulk 2d ago

Because the true meaning is what a lot of religious leaders do!


u/Relevant-Pen3742 2d ago

You are spot on! Explained it perfectly.


u/GylesNoDrama ☑️ 2d ago

I also grew up thinking this until I got older and realised white people used God’s name to convince themselves they are the main character and as such they’re allowed to enslave, exploit, rape, pillage and genocide the rest of the world.


u/stillestwaters 2d ago

That’s pretty interesting, I never thought much of it - but yeah surely “in vain” goes much further than just repeating the words without any purpose.

I always thought it was just another curse words, just one for Christians.


u/Purple-Quail3319 2d ago

If people widely believed it was the latter religious leaders would have a much harder time


u/stillestwaters 2d ago

lol I don’t mean just saying ‘God’, I mean saying it in a way that doesn’t have a religious connotation. Saying “Oh my God” was like “Shut up” level in my house, weren’t supposed to say it.


u/Prestigious-Mud 2d ago

Everybody I knew told me it was going Jesus Christ or Goddamn. Fucking wool over the eyes.


u/imf4rds ☑️ 2d ago

They be using it for evil shit.


u/Halo-HornE 2d ago



u/MuscleWarlock 2d ago

Only because our dumb adults had it wrong lol


u/banjofitzgerald 2d ago

That’s kinda the problem. Religion is based on interpretation of the Bible but taken as if it were the teachings from thousands of years ago.


u/darkwulf1 2d ago

In fairness, the people who were claiming one were the ones doing the other.


u/PM_Me_Your_Clones 2d ago

This is the reason why they don't actually teach what it means. As the story goes "The call is coming from inside the house".


u/sunshine10zeros 2d ago

Those people are going to hell lmao


u/hassett 1d ago

You thought that because you got taught that. It's not a personal shortcoming!


u/wehere4E 2d ago

Damn the preachers ain't hear this one


u/CounterfeitChild 1d ago

You can't tell people this, either. I had a lady commission something from me, tried to tell me not to "say god's name in vain," and wouldn't accept it when I gave her multiple texts showing what it actually means to do so. I'm atheist via apostasy, and one of the things I do not miss about religious conversations is the absolute inability to accept anything that doesn't confirm their preheld beliefs. I'm fine to admit when I'm wrong because it means I learned something. They often won't because they grew up viewing challenges to their beliefs as this innately horrible thing they simply cannot entertain.

I am not speaking every religious person, but gods damn, a lot.

Most people who profess to be Christian do take their god's name in vain every day. Every. Day. Because they refuse to learn what it actually means, and their leaders refuse to either learn or teach it, and they violate the tenets of their belief system everywhere they go. It's a huge reason people take religious beliefs seriously less and less as time goes on. If you can't admit you're wrong when you're patently wrong then you just come off looking childish and silly. There are so many wonderful religious people out there, but not the ones who pull this crap.


u/Willing_Purple9390 2d ago

Why don’t millions start saying “Oh my Anna” or “Oh my George”, etc. Why should we invoke the name of God if we are not allowing Him into our situation???? In other words, leave God out of your profanity, jokes, snide insults, etc. GOD IS REAL, and should not be used like an old dish rag.


u/curiousiguess1234 ☑️ 2d ago

You are doing the exact same thing, invoking God when you're really talking about petty human shit. Quit tryna speak for God and let God speak for itself.


u/throwawaygoodcoffee 2d ago

400 years of chattel slavery and he doesn't blink once, but someone saying "oh my god" gets him fuming. Fucked up priorities if you ask me.


u/CornCobMcGee 2d ago

Not only that, but they were pointing to the Bible as the justification the whole damn time.

"It's fine, God says we can use these black folk instead of inventing tractors"


u/GonzoElTaco ☑️ 1d ago

Get over yourself.