r/BlackPeopleTwitter 7d ago

Jj reddick, reference Country Club Thread

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Everybody knows about duke white ballers by now.


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u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/[deleted] 7d ago edited 7d ago



u/Navynuke00 7d ago

I mean, we're talking about Duke- they call that "Thursday."


u/Unfair_Finger5531 ☑️ 7d ago

I know that’s right. North Carolina is, hands-down, the most racist state I’ve ever been in. I mean they fucking HATE black people there, for real.


u/newbrookland 7d ago

Is that the only "Southern" state you've been to, because you're missing out on some really elite racism.


u/Financial-Ad7500 7d ago

I grew up in the south, went to college in Vermont. I was shocked how public and blatant the racism is in the north. Are there a lot of old racists in the south? Obviously. You know who else there are a lot of in the south? Black people. The racists in the south kept to their little ignorant racist jerk off bubbles, in the north they were wayyy more open about it. I’ve never heard a single white person say the n word out loud in the south. Dozens of times in the north.


u/newbrookland 6d ago

Never lived up north, but you're right. I'm white, so I have the distinct privelege of hearing all the shit they wouldn't say around you.


u/hubris105 ☑️ 6d ago

Grown up in the north (have lived in NY and RI, MA and NH), went to school in Virginia, worked in Ohio. Never been to the south for any length of time. Racism was worst in Ohio. Never been called the n word in the north.


u/Unusual-Tie8498 7d ago

Best racism hands down.


u/siege-eh-b 7d ago

Hey don’t sleep on the northwest racists. Washington has a really good team this year.


u/Unfair_Finger5531 ☑️ 6d ago

Nope. I spent a good amount of my adult life in the South: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, and Alabama—been to all of them.

And YET, it is the racism in NC that strikes me the most. It was so hostile. The only place similar was Miami, broward county, where the people were not only racist but generally unlikable and miserable.

That’s my take on the south. Glad I’m not there anymore and don’t plan on going back.

That said, now I’m in the southwest, and this is a whole new level of racism. So there’s that. But, no, I’ve lived all over this great nation. North Carolina for the win. The people are venal, nasty, aggressive racists.


u/SophiaPetrillo_ 7d ago

My guy. Spend a day in Mississippi or Alabama and tell me if you still feel that way.


u/Unfair_Finger5531 ☑️ 6d ago

Been to both. North Carolina stood out to me because the white people there were openly and aggressively hostile. In Alabama and Mississippi, they were just like “fuck off and get out of town before we kill you.” But In NC, they wanted a fight.


u/ummizazi 6d ago

I’ve been to Biloxi. It was delightful and the food was great. Stayed a night in Mobile, AL and another in by orange beach without incident.


u/trentonharrisphotos 7d ago

Missouri enters the chat


u/Unfair_Finger5531 ☑️ 6d ago

Fair enough. But the hate in North Carolina is visceral and aggressive. In Missouri, it was kind of simmering with a flyover state fake niceness.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/Unfair_Finger5531 ☑️ 6d ago

You wanna clarify that statement?


u/YizWasHere ☑️ 7d ago


Racism isn't really a prominent issue at Duke... it's not LSU or Ole Miss where people hang confederate flags up over their dorm windows and wear it proudly lol.


u/Navynuke00 7d ago

Oh, but it really is.

You forget the kinds of entitled asshats who come from all over the country to go there, and how many of those places have institutionalized racism and segregation in very deliberate ways.

Also Durham is very much a historically black city, and Duke has a very long history of being a very bad neighbor to the community around them.

Source: live in Raleigh, nearly went to Duke, do a lot of work with the university and community.


u/YizWasHere ☑️ 7d ago

I'm a black guy, I actually graduated from Duke a couple years ago, and currently work at Duke... it's far less racist than NC State (where I've actually heard people freely drop the hard R) and UNC (where people went to war for Silent Sam). The entitled asshats tend to be more progressive than rural North Carolinians (I've lived here my whole life).


u/Gadritan420 7d ago

Born in Durham and lived in the RDU area for 30 of my 42 years alive.

This is accurate.


u/Either-Durian-9488 7d ago

We aren’t racist! We are rich!


u/Rude4n0reason 7d ago

what does that mean?


u/caretaquitada ☑️ 7d ago edited 7d ago

This might be the case. If she has said it many times then there would probably be some kind of record of that. I'm gonna stay very neutral on this one until there's some more info


u/[deleted] 7d ago edited 7d ago



u/Shonuff_shogun 7d ago

I don’t think her waiting is causing people to be mad at her, but definitely reason to question it. It’s not like this is a situation involving SA, where the victim would remain silent for numerous reasons.

The only scenarios i could imagine someone waiting to come out with this info would: 1. She still worked for the program until recently and no longer feared backlash. This could be verified if that were the case 2. She just made it up for any number of reasons


u/[deleted] 7d ago edited 6d ago

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u/dh2215 7d ago

This is my thing. I almost can’t believe how one person saying something is taken as concrete evidence. We’ve never heard anyone else say it about him. His teammates who have been predominantly black haven’t mentioned anything like this. They all seem to legitimately respect him. That has a little more weight to me than random Twitter user


u/caretaquitada ☑️ 7d ago

There isn't anything wrong with her saying it now. I didn't even suggest that. I just don't have much reason to believe one way or another because there is almost zero information as to what happened.


u/dh2215 7d ago

I think it’s reckless as fuck to just assume he said it. I’m not saying for sure that she’s lying but just taking some random person at their word for anything these days is dumb.


u/lacubriously 7d ago

We don't know what happened, or the context. A college kid seeking approval from his peers and calling someone nigga one time is waaaaay different than saying some straight up racist shit and a hard Nnr.

You're jumping to conclusions just like you accuse others of doing.


u/Freeze__ 7d ago

No one gets a pass, fuck how old you were. We can’t let casual racists skate, that’s part of how you combat Institutional racism.

The people in power are never the red necks that shriek racist shit at the top of their lungs. It’s the ones that cleaned up their act and learned to keep it behind closed doors. Like when they get handed leadership positions out of nepotism.


u/dh2215 7d ago

We don’t know he even said it at all. This shit is wild. Everyone on here taking this persons word as gospel. It’s like the blind leading the blind sometimes. If she can prove he said it then yeah, tee off on the guy but too many people on here are just like yep, that’s enough for me, he definitely said it and he’s definitely a racist. I could say literally anything about anyone just for some likes. That doesn’t make it true and I’d hope we could all be a little more discerning and a little more patient


u/DeafNatural ☑️ 7d ago

You’re not even remotely a kid in college. You’re at least 18 years old. You can vote but can’t understand why the n word would be bad coming from a white guy? Come on!


u/Ok_Concentrate_75 7d ago

When it comes to slurs context doesn't matter to the person being called the slur. You could be white and good in every hood in Detroit but goto Harlem and get curb stomped. Context or reason doesn't matter to the offended person, they were the one that was made to feel lesser than.

With that said it is a strong accusation to make, but that doesn't prove or disprove. Black people aren't equip with bodywork cameras so it rare she has anything more than hearsay but also why would a career oriented minority woman paint this type of target on her back in this Era of social media? Also if JJ had these issues i cant believe it wasnt brought up before, like when ESPN hired him or when he was in college? Idk I'm just gonna sit back and wait.


u/Omar___Comin 7d ago

If you ever find yourself saying "context doesn't matter", just take a deep breath, give your head a shake, and start over. Context always matters.


u/Ok_Concentrate_75 7d ago

Why did you stop reading after "context doesn't matter"? I said "context doesn't matter to the person being called the slur." If you have a hard r or a, if whoever your talking too isn't receptive it doesn't matter the context the person calling them that meant. Especially if they aren't a willing participant.


u/Freeze__ 7d ago

Because context also gives them an excuse that they have used to say it themselves


u/lacubriously 7d ago

That's a good point in your first paragraph, for sure.


u/jarpaulson 7d ago

Context absolutely matters. I had a college course on African American Lit. Day one professor says if you are reading or quoting literature with the n word in it, you say it as written. Hard R, A, however written. Then, immediately called on a white kid for the fist reading. Kid was uncomfortable but dropped 5 hard Rs in a row. Context matters.


u/Ok_Concentrate_75 7d ago

That's different than calling someone a slur.


u/Solo_is_dead ☑️ 7d ago

No. It's. Fucking. Not. You say the word you're at least an ignorant asshole at most a racist. Absolutely NO reason for him to say it.


u/NoConcentrate5853 7d ago

Because clout?


u/DeafNatural ☑️ 7d ago

People don’t like believing people who’ve been wronged. They like to pretend it’s about the timing of when they spoke up that makes them hard to believe. Truth of the matter is even if she had said something before, no one would’ve cared or listened because prominent white basketball player. It’s always been about what they were wearing or what their action may have been to deserve it. They forget we’ve seen this all before.


u/rouxthless 7d ago

No, people just like proof and context.


u/Nkosi868 7d ago

Why does everything need to be on “record” for it to be true? Contrary to popular belief, not all people post and share everything publicly.

If someone comes forward and corroborated her version of events, are you going to believe them?


u/caretaquitada ☑️ 7d ago edited 6d ago

It doesn't need to be on record for it to be true. It needs to be on record for me to believe it. Until then I'm not going to have a strong opinion either way.


u/trimble197 7d ago

I’m pretty sure it would’ve gotten noticed when he was doing the podcast with LeBron


u/yogurtgrapes 7d ago

That’s where I’m leaning as well.


u/street_raat 7d ago

I’m sure if she did, it will be brought up soon since that will help substantiate her claims. I would imagine that she has her story floating around out there closer to when it happened.


u/logicalcommenter4 ☑️ 7d ago edited 7d ago

Duke only has 6,000 undergrads and rumors get around fast. I would be surprised if she was called the N word by JJ and someone in the black community never heard about it so I will wait to see if anyone that was on campus corroborates her story. I say this as a Duke alum who was on campus during part of JJ’s time and I never heard this rumor, but it definitely could have happened because he was a dick in college.

Edit: nevermind, she was apparently in grad school at Duke so this rumor may not have made it to the black undergrad population even if it happened.


u/itsdiddles 7d ago

I heard no rumor around campus of JJ saying anything like this before 2003. If so I guarantee the black students would have crucified him…or staged a sit in to protest him being on the team. That said, JJ was around a couple more years after that so maybe?


u/logicalcommenter4 ☑️ 7d ago

Yeah that’s my attitude as well. I don’t want to doubt her but this just never came up when I was in undergrad. It doesn’t mean she’s lying, she would have been in her early 20s at this time and I understand that she may not have wanted to go public with her experience….but…it’s such a small community that I would assume she told at least ONE of her classmates or friends that the star college basketball player called her the N word.