r/BlackPeopleTwitter 5d ago

Jj reddick, reference Country Club Thread

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Everybody knows about duke white ballers by now.


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u/Certain_Giraffe3105 5d ago

So, 18 years ago...

No shade to the Twitter OP. I understand being upset about that but I'm pretty sure JJ now would agree that he was a complete sh-t head in college. He talks about it all the time.


u/Young_KingKush ☑️ 5d ago

That part, I've heard him say this in multiple interviews/discussion on his pod. Also I doubt he would have been able to get basically every current NBA super star on his pod if he had been a racist throughout his career. Bro damn near did 20 years in the league


u/blaintopel 5d ago

maybe hes just a racist with more than one brain cell and knew if he showed any racism in the NBA of all places it would basically ruin his life instantly.


u/sycamotree ☑️ 4d ago

...as opposed to while he was the most famous college basketball player in America and first round draft pick? It would have been even more risky then

Wouldn't be shocked if he did it though.


u/LiveLifeLikeCre 5d ago

Yes, because racist people are never around black people in their daily lives, like at work. 


u/Young_KingKush ☑️ 5d ago

There is a big ddifference between working with someone on a regular job where you don't even necessarily have to speak with eachother and being a starter on a professional basketball team with them. Athletes spend alot more time together than the average coworkers do.


u/SCirish843 5d ago

Being on a team together is hardly "work", those dudes are together 24hrs a day. Much easier to punch a clock and not be overtly racist Mon-Fri


u/Salt_Sir2599 5d ago

As a whitey I hear and see how two-faced white racists are. Amazing actors and actresses. Amazing as in very skilled at being manipulative and shitty. And if you point that out or if they become aware that you know ,and don’t agree, you’ll be ostracized. So there really isn’t anything that truly exposes them , they can absolutely exist for years being very successful, and very fucking racist.

Edit: adding that of course it isn’t a white quality but that’s what I’ve had exposure too.


u/imperatrixderoma 5d ago

Hilarious considering the history of this country and sports specifically.

Mandingo fights are quite literally a parallel to this.

People are fucking idiots I swear.


u/Young_KingKush ☑️ 5d ago

Not a parallel at all. Maybe if JJ was an owner not a player or if slave owners participated in Mandingo fights, sure.


u/Kite_sunday 5d ago

Luckily the owners are all stand up Gentlemen... 😳


u/monstargaryen 5d ago

I was a complete shithead but I never called anybody the n-word or any other racial slur.

Black community can decide how much grace yall do/don’t wanna give him but I’m just saying idk if shitheadedness and youth can explain away firing an n-word at a Black woman.


u/porkchop487 5d ago

Which he probably never did though? Why bring it up for the first time 18 years later when he’s been in the nba for 14 years and in nba media for the next 4 years


u/PrecisionAcc 5d ago

She’s cappin


u/odnamAE 5d ago

Not that it immediately invalidates OP but JJ was the most famous and scrutinized CBB player in the country. If there was any wind of him being racist, I think his haters would’ve dug that up


u/Mr_E_Nigma_Solver 5d ago

If you're in college and you're still using racial slurs then you're not just a sh-t head, you're a racist. Using a racial slur in college means you've had enough opportunities to learn, know, and be better and you're just choosing not to be. This is independent of JJ. Just any person using racial slurs in college should be cancelled.


u/SCirish843 5d ago

The man once said if he had NIL back in his day he would've spent it all on Natty Light and Lacoste polos...I doubt he's still proud of his past self. Most people aren't.


u/EaglesFan3943 5d ago

I mean a few years back he did "wish the Ch**ks in China a happy new year" on camera and then backtracked it by saying he got tongue-tied while trying to say "Chinese". Even though phonetically it sounds nothing alike. Only similarity is the first 4 letters of the words.


u/ShooterAnderson 5d ago

Hes still a complete shithead. He lived below my cousin in Brooklyn not too long ago. JJ was always finding something to bitch about and calling management on my cousin. She's a 40 y.o M&A lawyer, never home, and as basic white girl as you're gonna get.