r/BeAmazed 6d ago

Wow Place

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u/urnotpatches 6d ago edited 5d ago

Actually, I first experienced that screen in the Ontario Pavilion at Expo ‘67’

It was a 360 degree screen.

We actually had to hang onto a railing because it was so real you would just fall over as we dove toward Niagara Falls.


u/SluggishPrey 6d ago edited 6d ago

I watched a documentary about that Expo, last week. I wish I could have experienced it!!! It really felt like a whole new promising reality was opening up!


u/urnotpatches 6d ago

Where did you see the documentary? I’d love to watch it.


u/SluggishPrey 6d ago edited 6d ago


Here you go. I'm from Montréal, by the way. I knew about it since I was a child, but I had never fully appreciated how much of a global event it was. Aside from sport, no event ever brought humanity together like it did


u/urnotpatches 6d ago

A friend and I drove from Vancouver to Montreal to see expo ‘67’

He had a ‘55’ Ford and when we left Vancouver we had about $47 between us,

We stopped in Calgary and went to the casual labor place and a farmer hired us to stack hay bales for four days at his farm out in the foothills.

Then we drove nonstop from the farm to Montreal and expo. I believe it was 58 hours.

One of us would sleep and one would drive.

In Montreal we came to a bridge that had a minimum speed limit of 60mph.

It was all the old Ford could do to go that fast. We were putting in a quart of oil almost every time we got gas.

We were 18 and 19 and what an adventure that trip was. At that age, you’re fearless.

On the way back we picked tobacco in Tillsonberg because we spent all our money at expo.

Stompin’ Tom Connors did a song called Tillsonberg because he had picked tobacco there as well.


u/Not_a__porn__account 6d ago

This is an incredible story.


u/urnotpatches 6d ago

I’m an author and have written nine books, and was thinking about writing a book about that trip, but don’t know if there would be much interest.


u/Not_a__porn__account 6d ago

I would be very interested!


u/Famous_Bit_5119 6d ago

" Tillsonberg ? My back still aches when I hear that word."


u/urnotpatches 6d ago

That’s the one! You were bent over at the waist picking that tobacco for about 10 hours in the heat of the day.

Not many people made it through the entire season.

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u/urnotpatches 6d ago

Just watched the video, thanks.

Brought back memories. We went onto all the major pavilions, rode the Expo Express, and went to the La Ronde amusement park at night.

My biggest regret is not saving the Expo Passport we had stamped at the pavilions.

At first they expected about 12 million visitors.

It became a world sensation and 54 million came.


u/[deleted] 6d ago


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u/gunawa 6d ago

Instead we got a 3 decade long overheated housing market, stagnating wages, infrastructure planning lagging two decades behind the population increase in the city and an over priced Olympics that was so/so to attend in person 

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u/0x7ff04001 6d ago

I think for me it was Ontario place. It probably wasn't as impressive as I remember, when I was a wee lad.


u/urnotpatches 6d ago

What I thought was very cool was when Bell did a presentation on one of the very first cordless phones.

They were so proud of it.

It was about the size of a walkie talkie.

If they only knew what the future would bring.

I think what we actually witnessed was the birth of the first cell phone.

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u/Itchy_Blacksmith_280 6d ago

Mine was at the Washington Pavillion

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u/Mistress_Of_The_Obvi 6d ago

This sounds like it's so much fun. I would love to have this experience to know exactly how it feels. 


u/zadtheinhaler 6d ago

I had the same experience at Expo 86 in Vancouver!

What I remember most vividly is a part where "we" were on a mountainside, and an avalanche completely enveloped where "we" were. It went from a brilliant sunny day, to mahoosive thundering noises...

To zero light and zero noise, apart from everyone in the theatre who loudly lost their friggin' minds.

I don't recall anything to hold on to though. It was wild!


u/Bosteroid 6d ago

Yup. I went in one in Buenos Aires in 1983. 360 screens are nothing new. And are really dizzying

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u/diverareyouokay 6d ago

Just go to a local planetarium. Many have full IMAX (not the lesser version at normal movie theaters). This has been a thing for decades.


u/sik_dik 6d ago

IIRC, this is called omnimax. I first saw it as a kid. I can't recall where it was, but the movie was about space. the filmed an evacuation drill from the space shuttle and had another part where they were talking about motion sickness tests for astronauts and the entire screen was showing the underside of a spinning umbrella. they had to tell people if they were feeling nauseous to just close their eyes.. I was one of those people who had to close their eyes


u/Orack 6d ago

Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago


u/xubax 6d ago

MoS in Boston, too.


u/ThePrettyOne 6d ago

Who put the bomp...
in the bomp...


u/si4ci7 6d ago

My dad was always highly entertained by that


u/sweep-the-neck 6d ago

Did he grow up three blocks from there?


u/dadneedsabeerbad 6d ago

Core memories


u/Icy_Extreme8590 6d ago

Science Museum of Minnesota has had their omni theater since 1996.


u/xubax 6d ago

1987 for Boston. And Leonard Nimoy did an audio introduction because he "grew up a few blocks from here. "


u/SavingUsefulStuff 6d ago

That’s spok from Star Trek!


u/GrandSquanchRum 6d ago

The Hall of Justice (aka Cincinnati Union Terminal) has had one since 1990.


u/Rambling-Rooster 5d ago

who put the bomp?!


u/Entreprenuremberg 6d ago

St Louis science museum in STL Missouri has one too. Went all the time as a kid.


u/The-state-of-it 6d ago

Yep and it makes me dizzy and nauseous every time

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u/SuperSiriusBlack 6d ago

Cincinnati at Union Terminal, as well! That building inspired the design of the hall of justice, the DC comic hero headquarters!


u/PDGAreject 6d ago

I watched the Everest documentary there, fucking incredible.

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u/a-tiberius 6d ago

Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh as well


u/kyredemain 5d ago

OMSI in Portland, OR as well. Though they call theirs "OMSImax" for obvious pun reasons.


u/HistoricalIssue8798 6d ago

Science center in stl has one. They sometimes play actual films on it,but I know someone who went and anything over 45 minutes long just isn't comfortable. Best for documentary type stuff

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u/RatTeeth 6d ago

I'm still bummed that they shut down the one at OMSI in Portland.


u/snipsnapsnot 6d ago

Worst decision Portland ever made

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u/MukdenMan 6d ago

I remember there was (or is) one at NASA in Huntsville


u/sik_dik 6d ago

that was probably it, actually. it was my original thought, but I couldn't find online that they had one


u/Anonymoosely21 6d ago

They call it the Intuitive Planetarium now. It was an Imax dome. Mcwayne Center also has one. Imagine my disappointment when I went my first normal movie on an Imax screen and it wasn't a dome. Being from Alabama I just thought Imax meant dome.

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u/jsleeze5 6d ago

My town had one that closed about 15 years ago… this isn’t that future it’s the past.

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u/Animanganime 6d ago

Compared to IMAX,it’s much larger (44 times), much higher dynamic range (each pixel emits light by itself), 6.6 times brighter, perfect black (each LED can turn off completely), 120fps and super high resolution (16K X 16K, 31 times more pixels than 4K)

I watched this in Vegas and I cried at the exact moment in the video.

Edit: added more numbers for comparison.


u/Mahadragon 6d ago

The audio at the Spere is also significantly better than anything IMAX. Each seat has a dedicated set of speakers. Not to mention the wind generators and rump shakers. IMAX isn’t remotely close.

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u/ohbyerly 6d ago

Why’d you put a T in planearium?


u/diverareyouokay 6d ago

I’m in the USA and that’s how they’re spelled here. This is my local one:


Wait… was planearium a South Park reference?


u/UWGWFTW 6d ago

I understood that reference.

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u/draugotO 6d ago

Future? Screens like that were already around when I was a todler and I've yet to see they used outside the planetarium and some half-dozen disney attractions, and by disney I mean all of florida's thematic parks, including those who aren't owned by disney


u/gregfromjersey 6d ago

I will make it out to the Sphere one day but while in Iceland, I went to something similar called Flyover Iceland. However, there was wind and water as well which made it all the better.

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u/TRoosevelt1776 6d ago

We had one like this Philadelphia when I was a kid where you could go and watch max movies there. I believe it might have been at The Franklin Institute. I remember watching several exploration documentaries there about discovery of the wreckage of the titanic, the grand canyon, space exploration, etc.

This was in the 90s.


u/grendel303 6d ago

Yeah in San Diego we had a 76 ft 360 degree dome imax.... in the 80's.


u/Noirsnow 6d ago



u/grendel303 6d ago

Not sure. It's the oldest still running Imax. It was the 2nd imax built, no one knows what happened to the first one, they replaced the film projector to digital a decade ago I believe.

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u/Beaglegod 6d ago

I was so confused the first time I went to imax at the theater. I thought imax was this sorta thing, because we went on a school field trip once and everyone kept calling what we went to “imax”.

I was like 8 maybe. So early 90s.

I was so excited to go to see actual movies in imax when that started to come around more. Obviously I was completely disappointed with the non-sphere non-mega enormous one after I had been blown away by the big boy years earlier.

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u/jeromecha 6d ago

Yup. At the planetarium at the Franklin Institute!


u/nonexistentnight 6d ago

It wasn't the planetarium, it was its own theater. In about 2000 I remember they did a little mini festival of Omnimax / IMAX films. I actually worked for the Franklin at the time and would sneak away each day to watch whatever they were showing. The best was the documentary about an Everest expedition they were filming for the special theater. There was a terrible blizzard and something like a dozen people died while they were up there, so the doc became about that). But there was also a short hand animated film (maybe an adaptation of Old Man and the Sea? yup) where each frame was individually painted.

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u/orangotai 6d ago edited 6d ago

yes! i've been to that one in Philly many times as a kid too, these have existed for at least 20 years

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u/DrBarnaby 6d ago

Maybe the future part is half the crowd not even watching what's on the screen, but just filming it on their phones for internet videos.

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u/XxRocky88xX 6d ago

That’s because in a movie where there’s multiple characters on screen and different things you need to focus on having a the screen completely envelope you is a fucking awful idea that would be the movie difficult and disorienting to watch.

Works great for landscape immersion where you focus is on either one specific thing like a planet, or on nothing in particular like a star field or mountain range, doesn’t work great for experiencing narratives.

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u/tomahawkfury13 6d ago

IMAX in Ottawa had a whole dome projector screen on the roof over 25 years ago. Went to see an Everest movie in it and they had an avalanche play on it like it was falling on you.


u/nylawman21 6d ago

The concept of a screen kinda like this may have existed for a long time, but there is really nothing comparable to Sphere. The size is massive — hard to comprehend in video. And the resolution is insane.

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u/LusterForBuster 6d ago

The Science Center on St. Louis has an Omnimax too


u/nausicaalain 6d ago

Was thinking exactly about that one when I saw this. Future? I've gone there every other year or so to watch a nature documentary or something for years.

The problem isn't the theater tech per se, tho it's outrageously expensive. It's that it's also outrageously expensive to produce anything for it. Most shows for it are like 45 minutes long, and mostly documentary footage. It'd be insane to try to shoot something feature-length scripted for it, and do CGI that looks good at that scale, and all.

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u/I_aim_to_sneeze 6d ago

Not even the first rendition of it, but the first time I remember seeing a screen like this was the universal studios “back to the future” theme park ride. It was shut down so long ago, people that can can legally vote/drink are too young to have ridden it.


u/Jaybbaugh 6d ago

Damn...it got replaced in 2007. I knew it was gone but it t doesn't feel like it's been that long. RIP. I loved that ride.


u/I_aim_to_sneeze 6d ago

The simpsons one that replaced it is a great ride. I just wish it wasn’t built from the bones of one of the greatest theme park rides of my childhood. There’s no way to separate the two, the line and the ride itself are the exact same with a new paint job


u/melanthius 6d ago

Iirc those imax cameras have always been absurdly big, heavy, expensive, etc.

Now it’s all digital but it’s still cumbersome for studios to shoot in larger format, and probably doesn’t increase a lot of profit on most movies


u/Most-Net-5665 6d ago

Yeah I think I first saw one in the late 90s in Mexico which probably equates to late 80s -early 90s in the US.


u/stonedecology 6d ago

Science Museum of Oklahoma


u/Jaderosegrey 6d ago

Although it wasn't as impressive and we were standing instead of sitting in chairs, the amusement park called Geauga Lake (closed in 2007) in NE Ohio had a large tent-like structure where you could see movies like that: POV of airplanes and helicopters flying around mountains, for example.

I loved it, and my mother got motion sick!


u/teapot_RGB_color 6d ago

Good luck selling me on the future I experienced 30 years ago. Now I have my own VR headset and whatnot, if this is future tech of cinemas, I'd rather buy a ticket to the lounge room with couch and ample leg space, or the one that gives you a bed to watch the movie in.


u/phunky54 5d ago

I've been to the iMax and Omnimax before. I was at the sphere last week. It's definitely a bigger way more extreme version than those. This thing is huge. Serveral times bigger than any Omnimax. Also, the screen is so big it covers your entire field of view. The beam formed sound is something else also. There's a few city scenes in this movie and you can hear all sorts of distinct voices coming from all different directions on the screen.

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u/mrmczebra 6d ago

These screens will exist in the future is all.


u/MyHusbandIsGayImNot 6d ago

Unlikely in Cinema. No one is going to shoot a movie with a 360 degree view.


u/draugotO 6d ago

These screens will exist in the future

Well, can't argue against that... I just don't think they will ever get more popular than they already are

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u/Klingsam 6d ago

They've had omnimax for decades.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Klingsam 6d ago


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u/NuggleBuggins 6d ago

Seems like people know it too, whoollleee lotta empty seats in there.

Way too many seats in there butt-less for a place that costs over a million dollars a month to operate.


u/The_True_Libertarian 6d ago

IIRC this is the Aronofsky documentary that basically plays all day in that sphere when there aren't live acts booked. Not surprising it's mostly empty.

My buddy drove up twice to see Phish and Dead&Co there, said the place was completely packed every night of every show.

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u/talldrseuss 6d ago

Yep had one at the Franklin institute in Philadelphia for decades. Used to go to see shows in the 90s


u/RedditLostOldAccount 6d ago

Yeah I saw a movie at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh like 15 years ago and it was awesome as hell

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u/KeithBe77 6d ago

Put your phone DOWN!


u/Character_Maybeh_ 6d ago

I was sad laughing at all the people watching an amazing video about nature and consumerism, while taking selfies and recording peoples reactions instead. Very surreal and sad moment.


u/KeithBe77 6d ago



u/ThingCalledLight 6d ago

“This immersive surround screen is blowing my mind. I should make this experience worse for myself by dedicating time to capturing it on a device that will in no way do this impressive medium justice.”


u/Go-Brit 6d ago

Wow this giant screen is creating such an immersive experience better record it on my phone so I can watch it on the 6" screen later.


u/auxaperture 5d ago

I’m pretty amazed by this, and if someone hadn’t recorded it, I’d not have seen it. But i do get your sentiment

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u/AnAccidentalRedditor 6d ago

This is getting old IMHO. The future of the movie industry is a better sound for dialogue.


u/Narradisall 6d ago

Christopher Nolan: “No.”


u/truthisoptional 6d ago

Christopher Nolan: "No."


u/Substantial_Quote_25 6d ago

Hans Zimmer: 🎺🎺🎺📯📯📯


u/Jean-LucBacardi 5d ago

Dune Hans Zimmer: 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁


u/AmusingMusing7 5d ago

Aye, the future shall be BRIGHT! Color correction above 50% luminance value, combined with a breakthrough innovation called “backlighting for night scenes”! 🤩

Legend tells that Old Hollywood of decades past used to know these magical tricks of harnessing light, but they were lost to the ages somewhere around 2009 AD, when we were plunged into the darkness of 10% luminance value on average being acceptable, and “realistic night scenes” leave us staring at our own reflections in the screen, like some kind of Black Mirror psychological peering into the technological void to imagine our own moving images within our subconscious… and none of have liked what we’ve found there… the world has been plunged into darkness by proxy of our darkness-induced madness!…

…but there’s hope that the powers of harnessing light may one day be recovered. Then the world shall be saved.

And we’ll be able to see the f**king scenes again.

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u/NewStmoo 6d ago

I was in Vegas in December and went to the Sphere. It was honestly one of the most breath-taking things I've ever experienced. I know it's expensive but I would absolutely go again.


u/Animanganime 6d ago

People downplaying this don’t understand technology.


u/chironomidae 6d ago

I was lucky enough to be at the world premier for this film, and yeah... this video does NOT do it justice. Absolutely breathtaking.

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u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/pushdose 6d ago edited 6d ago

The MSG Sphere. It’s not a projector, the screen is LED panels so the light is being emitted at the viewer. This allows some insane lighting effects that aren’t possible with projectors. You really feel like you’re in the scene with the action because the light can come from all around you.

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u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/snoosh00 6d ago

So omnimax, which is at the soon to be demolished Ontario science center... Installed 30 years ago.


u/EViLTeW 6d ago

There's also the museum of science and industry in Chicago. Been there since the mid 80s. I think San Diego had one in the 70s.

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u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Illicit-Tangent 6d ago

I went to these as a kid, it was called OMNI Max. I'm not sure if that is a universal name for it, but definitely not the future, I went to a theater like this in the 90s.


u/lordofduct 6d ago

Mugar Omni Theatre at the Museum of Science Boston!!!!!!

It was like 1995 or so I went to it the first time. Super cool.


u/TheyAreGiants 6d ago

My first thought. I can still hear Leonard Nimoy’s voice.

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u/NegotiationJumpy4837 6d ago edited 6d ago

Yeah OP's video doesn't really show it well at all. There's video straight up as well. This maybe can help show the scope a little better: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MyK5Wv9Jmsk (U2 is in the little black circle at the bottom, but the video is a little grainy)

Plus the sound in the Sphere is ridiculously good:

The Sphere features a spatial audio system using beamforming and wave field synthesis technologies. The sound system includes 1,600 speaker arrays installed behind the LED panels, along with 300 mobile modules with 167,000 speaker drivers controlled by a massive computer-controlled concert-grade audio system

I really liked the Sphere. I saw Aronofsky's film and Dead & Company.

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u/bingojed 6d ago

I just went to the Sphere last night and I gotta say … I was disappointed. I mean, it’s fine, but it is just OmniMax for $99+. The earth movies I saw on the old OmniMax were more entertaining.


u/TyH621 6d ago

It’s absolutely mind-blowing when used as a concert venue, saw a Dead and Co show there and it was fantastic. I can’t see this movie being worth the money though.


u/svachalek 6d ago

Yeah I went a few months ago. It’s definitely the best tech I’ve seen, but not by a huge margin, not enough to justify the price and the wait.

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u/pman1891 6d ago

Yes but an IMAX projector on a round screen is called OMNIMAX.

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u/Vegetable-Train2339 6d ago

Instead of enjoying the moment ,keep looking on a 6 inch smartphone screen, to be able to share on the sociall media apps..and missing everything..


u/Affectionate-Yak5280 6d ago

100%. I don't understand this behavior in any setting. Movie, concert, wedding etc etc

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u/AdamWest1966 6d ago

Hopefully each seat comes with complimentary barf bags.


u/Then-Practice7172 6d ago

This would probably make me barf


u/thebadyearblimp 6d ago

I almost fell out of my seat a couple times when they did these sweeping shots from above. Might've been the mushrooms though who knows


u/JFunkX 6d ago

Me too. Can't do the Back to the Future ride, Star Tours, To Fly (Air and Space Museum)...


u/fluffman86 6d ago

Yup. Went to see Top Gun Maverick in "real" IMAX at the local museum. It was filmed flat and projected on the curved screen and I made it 5 minutes before leaving and getting a refund.

Went to see the movie on another large 4K screen and it was amazing. Would love to go back to the museum to see a nature or space documentary or something that was filmed curved.

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u/Rene_Coty113 6d ago

Just buy a Quest 3.


u/Upstairs-Job-3092 6d ago

That’s soarin around the world at Disney without the lifting seats


u/blyatlejuice 6d ago

I saw this at the liberty science center in New Jersey in 2001


u/yolandiland 5d ago

The museum of science in Boston has one of these too!


u/Red_Maple 6d ago

Looks like the Soarin’ around the world ride at Disney World (Epcot), which opened in 2005. Great ride, but not quite the future.


u/RabidSquirrelio 6d ago

Omnimax is not IMAX or the MGM Sphere. They have been around since the 90's. I've been to the one in Cincinnati many times. They have many projectors and speakers behind a wrap around 3-story screen. The best visual and audio quality and emersion experience I've ever seen. They have to be filmed on a special camera on special film for the Omnimax theater, specifically, and aren't digitally compatible. They can't show a regular movie on that screen. They give some people vertigo, though. I remember it feeling like a roller coaster sometimes, especially on The Grand Canyon Film, with the plane flying and diving into the canyon. They make movies that are mostly nature documentaries, specifically for these theatres. The new one showing in Cincinnati right now is Blue Whales: Return of the giants and they always sow rhe popular Volcano film.


u/ThisIsGettinWeirdNow 6d ago

I’ll watch when it’s down to $10


u/worm30478 6d ago

It cost over $2 billion to build. That ain't happening. I was just there for 2 nights of dead and company. It's absolutely worth every penny I paid to do it.


u/NavyDragons 6d ago

Sounds like their problem not ours. I don't have any glaring need to experience a slightly larger screen. They do have a need to put butt's in those seats


u/_stankypete 6d ago

I think theyll be ok without you if a 10$ price is a sticking point

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u/lego-lion-lady 6d ago

I remember doing something similar at Disney World as a little kid! What I remember most was one part where they made it look like we were flying over an orange orchard, and they actually used fans to blow the smell of oranges at us!


u/galaxyapp 6d ago

It's just way too much of a headache for movie sets to greatly increase the FoV. So much more prep to happen, more extras, sets, and scenery.

All of which will get cropped for home viewing. So your doing all that for some tiny portion of an ever declining theater audience.


Only works for nature documentaries


u/Ravenouscandycane 6d ago

WOOOOWWWWE in the middle of the theater lol. I guess it’s empty tho so whatever. Hope they don’t act like that when it’s full


u/664mezcal619 6d ago

Future?? There one by where I live in Tijuana Mexico called cecut, they show nature movies like the rainforest or deep ocean. It’s cool but does get you nauseous cause of the angle you sit and watch.


u/Justacityboy12 6d ago

First time I have ever seen Americans being amazed about something we already got in Mexico of all the places, and even better from our own state, fuck yeah bro!

Saludos desde Mexicali carnal!

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u/supernova-juice 6d ago

Isn't this that ride at Disney?

I hope it isn't the future of all cinemas, because that means some folks will never be able to go. Not everyone can handle an immersion experience. Also, I wouldn't want to be thisclose to the action in a movie like in a violent nature lol


u/zimmer1569 5d ago

I thought so too at the beginning but Disney one is way way smaller and you sit on a floating bench with seatbelts. It's amazing too though.

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u/UF1977 6d ago

I remember “OMNIMAX” dome theaters like this when I was a kid (mid- to late-80s). I don’t know if they were ever anywhere but science museum type places. The way they pulled in your peripheral vision to mess with your perception was pretty trippy; like IMAX but a lot more so.


u/pleasant-obsession 6d ago

Tickets are gonna be $40 a piece


u/BloatedManball 6d ago

This is the Sphere, so double that and you might be close.

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u/Ru-Ling 6d ago

Astroworld had this when I would go in the 1970s. You would lie on the floor and watch up above you.


u/Quick_Love_9872 6d ago

All the geniuses recording the screen with their phone instead of just enjoying the experience. Have none of these people heard of IMAX? Real IMAX not the IMAX screen they have at the movie theater.


u/ryencool 6d ago edited 6d ago

This is an imax screen. My grandpa took me to the one in Fort Worth many times, as far back as 30 years ago.

Not new.

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u/Thiel619 6d ago

Make it bigger so that we can look behind us when watching scary movies.


u/Donairmen 5d ago

Omnimax. They're awesome.


u/MountainMan17 5d ago

People in theater: "Let me look at this revolutionary screen... through my phone!"


u/staroceanx 6d ago

You can have the same effect on VR …


u/Maxolo 6d ago

You can have a better effect on VR since it can be also 3D

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u/oclafloptson 6d ago

LMAO we were doing this in the 20th century. This is the history of cinema at its peak


u/TranslateErr0r 6d ago

No, this is the past of cinemas.


u/SpiritualPen6362 6d ago

ngl comparitively to all things available to us combined with cost ... this is not worth it.

plus I've just seen it here on my phone for free.

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u/PAPABEAR837 6d ago

Me: 2 tickets please.

Ticket booth guy: sure. that’ll be $285.97.


u/Grobo_ 6d ago

The sphere is cool and all but the prices are not cool at all


u/TazerKnuckles 6d ago

Idk cheapest seats I see are $79 before fees. What you would expect from Vegas, can’t wait!


u/kickenchicken11 6d ago

Haven’t these been around for ages? I remember going to one of these in Chicago, isn’t it called omnimax?


u/Sealie81 6d ago

Here in Tampa, Florida we used to have an imax like this and at the time it was the largest one in the southeastern united states. This is a true IMAX theater. Not the one where the screen is a few feet taller and longer. When this thing comes on and shows you a vid in full screen, it is something that you will never have seen before or probably ever again in cinema. It is breath-taking! Shame they shut ours down a few years ago at Mosi - the Museum of Science and Industry.


u/Goldeneel77 6d ago

We used to take field trips to that place quite a bit when I was in elementary and middle school. They would bus us from Sarasota which is pretty far for a bunch of kids on a bus. The hurricane room was always my favorite.

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u/bajungadustin 6d ago

This 50 years old now. Not new even in the slightest.


u/Otherwise-Safety-579 6d ago

OP learns about IMAX. I'd love if it was the future but the empty seats speak for themselves 😭


u/Animanganime 6d ago

Just IMAX, but larger (44 times), much higher dynamic range (each pixel emits light by itself), 6.6 times brighter, perfect black (each LED can turn off completely), 120fps and super high resolution (16K X 16K, 31 times more pixels than 4K)

Edit: added more numbers for comparison.

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u/VirtualPoolBoy 6d ago

So the future is 1986??


u/TheReverseShock 6d ago

Imax was invented in like the 70s bro

edit: 1967


u/Kithslayer 6d ago

Ahh, yes, the Mugar Omni Theater.

Which is thirty-five years old.


u/One_Word_Respoonse 6d ago

It’s basically like the 4D theater at Disney World


u/papuniu 6d ago

it's like Futuroscope in France 30 years ago


u/Charlesvania 6d ago

Theres this thing called imax and its been around forever


u/TranslateErr0r 6d ago

No, this is the past of cinemas.


u/Biscuits4u2 6d ago

These have been around for a long time. OP should get out of the house more.


u/paintypainter 6d ago

Oh, there goes my vertigo


u/GoalRepresentative33 6d ago

I first saw this in six flags. I believe the name of the ride was mach 1 or something like that


u/R_Steelman61 6d ago

Entertainment that can will be transfered into the home. In this case vr will allow these experiences just by slipping on a headset.

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u/SpiritfireSparks 6d ago

The Boston museum of science has something similar in its planetarium exhibit but it's a full 360


u/startripjk 6d ago edited 6d ago

They had better come up with a gimmick. Because the crap they are putting out (that they call movies) sure aren't worth the price of admission. How about just make an entertaining movie? P.S. Disneyland had an attraction called "CircleVision" (or, something like that). It was pretty much the same thing. Only, you stood up and held onto a railing. This was in 1965.


u/VikZrei 6d ago

Abel Gance, a french director from the early XXth century, shot his movie about Napoléon with 3 cameras so the movie is screened in panorama. The Lumière brothers also experimented a 360° photographic screening room called photorama. Not saying that this dome isn't innovative but that it's not something that no one thought of/tried to achieve


u/Xaliana6 6d ago

I wish the future of cinema will be holodeck


u/caspissinclair 6d ago

Dude, there's a much bigger screen if you'd just look up!


u/Prestigious-Sell1298 6d ago

Rest assured that the porn industry will find a way to make coin from this technology.


u/Themindfulcrow 6d ago

Isn’t this just imax?

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u/UDownvoteButImRight 6d ago

Oh good. Now it will be even MORE expensive to go to the movies.


u/TMA8992 6d ago

I think toronto used to have something like this. I remember seeming it when I was a kid and shit was intense. Some dome thing

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u/SnooKiwis5538 6d ago

Lol, people never been to planetariums.


u/MBNLA 6d ago

Isn't this the Omnimax IMAX theater? They've had this technology for at least 20 years.


u/PepinoSanchez 6d ago

And what does humanity do? Take out the phone to film it and show it on a 6" screen 🤦.


u/AlphaCygnus6944 6d ago

No thank you.


u/pinkflowerzz86 6d ago

Nothing new, was around 20 years ago.


u/Jib4ny4n 6d ago

Imagine watching Endgame in that when it first came out...woahh


u/KickBakZach 6d ago

I've been in one of these theaters. It's insane how real it feels


u/Possible-Bus-2812 6d ago

Planetarium Science Center at Bibliotheca Alexandrina,, React haha..


u/Magazine-Plane 6d ago

Is that the franklin institute? That theater is bad ass. Its just like that.


u/KendrickMaynard 6d ago

Boomers: "You'll ruin your eyesight!"


u/vand3lay1ndustries 6d ago

The worst part about watching a movie at the sphere was the hundreds of phones that seemed to be recording just like this the entire time. 


u/Snakepli55ken 6d ago

IMAX theaters have been around forever lol


u/TruePresence1 6d ago

Europapark ?


u/horrified-expression 6d ago

It would be nice to see the screen rather than pan endlessly at the audience


u/MorningLineDirt 6d ago

We’ve had a screen like that i denmark since 1989


u/lexievv 6d ago

Imo these kind of screens only work when it's a first person perspective movie.

Otherwise it's just neckpain and confusion in the making.