r/BeAmazed May 19 '24

Mt. Everest base camp is much larger than I imagined Place

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u/NuclearBreadfruit May 19 '24

Yeah but how much of that is trash?


u/JamesTheJerk May 19 '24

All of it.


u/Striking-Count5593 May 19 '24

I'm betting it's hard enough to get equipment up there, they don't even bother to break it all down and bring it down. What a waste


u/JamesTheJerk May 19 '24

If I recall, the respective governments have recently passed laws whereby mountaineers must return down the mountain with everything they went up with, but there's so much junk up there from decades of expeditions that it looks like a giant trash heap.

I wonder if they could build a giant slide lol

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u/jluicifer May 19 '24

-- recycle it. There are some starving tigers in India, apparently

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u/_n3ll_ May 19 '24

including the people but not the sherpas

Apparently its not even a difficult thing to do. You just pay a bunch of money to trash nature and then wait in a line at the top to be able to snap your pic.


u/backleftwindowseat May 19 '24

The amount of frozen dead bodies would suggest that it's at least slightly difficult


u/_n3ll_ May 19 '24

For sure. Climbing any mountain isn't easy and people do still die on everest, unfortunately a lot of them are Nepalese nationals working there for tourist climbers.

What I meant was that it used to be reserved for the most elite climbers. Not so much anymore, which is also why people still die


u/FitShare2972 May 19 '24

It is its just the sherpa does all the hard bits and carry everything. So you just follow path they make. But weather is a huge factor. There is an amazing documentary called sherpa well worth the watch


u/_n3ll_ May 19 '24

I'll check it out, thanks!


u/poojinping May 20 '24

Everest has become a tourist destination for the rich. People who have no business being on a mountain are going for the world’s tallest peak climb. The Sherpa’s have to go out and install lines for these people to follow and keep bridges across all the crevices, manage supply at each base camp etc. Some professional teams also treat them as expendable of their comrades are stuck in a perilous situation and any rescue would be suicide. Some have forced Sherpa’s to go back for rescue. The average cost is around $55k.

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u/[deleted] May 19 '24

Pretty sure they use one of them as a marker when going up.


u/No_Significance_1550 May 19 '24


u/[deleted] May 19 '24

That's the one.


u/Torchonium May 19 '24

There are estimates that over 200 dead bodies are on Mount Everest. Some of those became landmarks.


u/Flat-Delivery6987 May 19 '24

Like green boots.


u/Westafricangrey May 20 '24

Green boots got moved a few years ago by the Chinese government

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u/Rough_Principle_3755 May 20 '24

When was the last recorded "left behind"? I imagine most of those had to have come before the massive industry that now surrounds taking the journey.

It requires training and is difficult, but money can compensate and make it easier since it has become a bit "touristy" with the assistance of professional sherpa teams.

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u/Wakkit1988 May 19 '24

Being difficult is different than it being dangerous. Playing Russian Roulette is very easy and dangerous as well.


u/manofactivity May 20 '24

Apparently its not even a difficult thing to do

The summit day alone is like a 900m vert ascent on steep, rocky, icy terrain in 20kg+ of clothing and personal gear and in the freezing cold with 1/3rd of normal oxygen.

It's extremely fucking difficult. And you have to do that after several weeks of comparable climbing.

Yes, sherpas make it much easier. But they are making it much easier than its previous difficulty, which was almost entirely impossible.


u/Puzzleheaded_Yam7582 May 19 '24

Mid-60% success rate of small sample size of people who attempt under the age of 40.

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u/mjbertha May 20 '24

Did you know climbers burn 10k calories on average per day climbing Everest. Also roughly 20k calories in the 4 hour window to and from the summit. Super easy.


u/shroom_consumer May 20 '24

Climbing Everest is literally one of the most physically difficult things you could possibly do. Fuck, just getting to the bloody base camp would be incredibly difficult for the average person.


u/demerdar May 20 '24

lol no. It’s still very dangerous.


u/Pluckypato May 20 '24

How many go and end up staying? 😳🙈 🏔️


u/nenomi May 20 '24

Why would you say that? can you explain?


u/zyon86 May 19 '24

Well said.


u/Audenond May 19 '24

Are all the tents in that video really trash? Do people just set up tents and leave them there? Or are people just trying to be funny.

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u/HelloAttila May 20 '24

Really sad when you think about it. Basically the entire place has turned to a theme park and is just trashed. From reading articles all the junk brought up is left up there as it would require to much worth to bring it back down.. (well, don’t go up there then )

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u/OkProfit2540 May 19 '24

At this point they might as well start building a town/city up there.


u/Neldemir May 19 '24

I was gonna say that! Wouldn’t it be cleaner and probably even more ecologically efficient to just build a couple hotels there? Maybe a supermarket and an even more overpriced Starbucks (you know for the cold)


u/banmeharder616 May 20 '24

Glamping up there is part of the $50k experience

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u/Every_Tap8117 May 19 '24

surprised there isnt one by now to be honest.

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u/manofactivity May 20 '24

Base camp is situated on unstable rock and ice due to the moving glacier beneath it. The camp moves regularly, and I believe was last moved in 2022 (several hundred metres away).

They are not able to build a town up there.

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u/Leozz97 May 19 '24

More disgusted than amazed


u/pastdense May 19 '24

It indeed was once a huge achievement for climbers. It is now a very expensive novelty excursion for the self-involved.


u/spong3 May 19 '24

Totally. The dream of climbing Everest is so boring at this point. None of these executive clowns could do it without the sherpas and base camp amenities


u/Nethri May 19 '24

They pretty much always used sherpas FYI.


u/undeadmanana May 19 '24

I thought they had to, as some sort of regulation or policy to ensure safety.


u/Nethri May 19 '24

Now yeah, but I mean when the first attempts were made to climb Everest they were already using local guides and sherpas. They meaning explorers / mountain climbers.

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u/banmeharder616 May 19 '24

Rolling into base camp and they're just cooking meat and watching TV and I'm like wtf is this?


u/elbotacongatos May 20 '24

I once was in a very remote place, as remote as maybe it is visited 3 times in the year. It took us 3 days hiking just to get to the base. Anyway, an organized tour horse riding came that same evening to the base camp, maybe around 10 folks from everywhere around the world. There was this one that spent most day just watching TV on his tablet. I just couldn't believe it.

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u/Crafty_Enthusiasm_99 May 20 '24

Neither could 90% of the people in this thread, even with the Sherpas

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u/manofactivity May 20 '24

Yeah, I wish they would've climbed more like the first successful expedition (Hillary & Norgay's), which... *checks notes*... used over 350 porters.

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u/Loud-Start1394 May 20 '24

Said from a place of comfort.


u/NeighborhoodDue7915 May 19 '24

If a person climb’s Mt Everest tomorrow, is it not a very impressive physical feat?


u/spong3 May 19 '24

Idk it just feels like alpine hiking that requires a substantial amount of waste. Air travel, oxygen tanks (that just get dropped like litter), specialized gear… you can have experiences in Alaska or Colorado or whatever high altitude mountainous place nearer to you if you want to access that challenge or thrill. Everest is for the brag

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u/cmcewen May 19 '24

Are you under the impression any rich asshole can hike Everest? It’s a massive physical feat even with modern tech

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u/Pro_Moriarty May 19 '24

My first and only thought. Like Vegas of the climbing world.

All those intrepid individuals and teams who used skill, grit and determination to scale that mammoth, are now sullied by John Q Rich-Boy and his squadron of hired help all wearing "energy drink tshirts"

At least the climbers climb (K2) isn't such a circus.


u/Tommyblockhead20 May 19 '24

It’s wild how many people pretend to be an expert on something they know nothing about. Mt. Everest seems to be one of the worst things on Reddit. I’ve seen so many redditors lambast recent mountaineers for using help, while simultaneously praising the early mountaineers. Wanna guess how much help early mountaineers had? Try hundreds of helpers. The first successful summit involved around 340 porters and sherpas. Extreme mountaineering is not something to be done with just a small team.


u/Kuhzoom May 20 '24

People are delusional. They genuinely think that any rich asshole can just “pay” their way up the highest mountain in the world lmao. Like all of their info is just from reading other people’s Reddit comments


u/Crafty_Enthusiasm_99 May 20 '24

It helps them feel better about their own lack of fitness

Jfc your average gym goer has zero shot at it even with Sherpas, let alone keyboard warriors

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u/Pro_Moriarty May 20 '24

Ok, so I'll stand corrected on the volume of people but most of those were porters.

That aside, guided routes are put up, so in essence Everest becomes a difficult walk up, with advances in modern tech you are warmer, lighter and better equipped for it, which also makes your stuff instantly disposable, adding to the garbage

478 people summitted everest in 2023

Nepals supreme court are now limiting the number of permits



u/ResponsiblePlant3605 May 20 '24

478 times $50,000 and without counting people who paid but couldn't make it, so that's a lot of money that tells you that insanity will continue.

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u/Wooden_Standard_4319 May 19 '24

Wait until you see the cities we've built around the world

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u/StatisticianDear3978 May 19 '24

No Mcdonalds?


u/FuzzyComedian638 May 19 '24

Don't give anyone ideas.

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u/Schmoe20 May 19 '24

On Mt. Fuji they have vending machines.


u/InteractionSad2454 May 19 '24

Damn ! What do climbers drink after they reach the top ? Bottled Fiji water worth 50$/L ?


u/smoothymcmellow May 19 '24

It's Japan, it's probably still 200JPY ($1.30USD)

Jokes aside, in winter, I did appreciate the canned hot coffee you could get out of vending machines. The Japanese will not let places be trashed, they will carry their rubbish until it's appropriate to dispose of it.

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u/[deleted] May 19 '24

Yes they should have a McDonald's


u/InteractionSad2454 May 19 '24

A taco-bell too ! Let everyone shit more 🔥


u/Puzzleheaded_Yam7582 May 19 '24

We should ban anything with this soundtrack.


u/GoAgainKid May 19 '24

Whacking an Interstellar track onto a video might be the laziest possible way of trying to make it more interesting.


u/engineeringretard May 19 '24

Reddit has sound?!?


u/rbankole May 19 '24

I can’t hear you…what?

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u/akuaba May 19 '24

You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

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u/Environmental_Cod367 May 19 '24

After we've cleaned the oceans I guess we're gonna have to clean up the fking mountains >.> 😔


u/HefflumpGuy May 19 '24

After we've cleaned the oceans

Are you cleaning the oceans?


u/greentangent May 19 '24

I believe the operation working in the Pacific was designed by a guy in his early 20's. Don't lose hope.


u/HefflumpGuy May 19 '24

Where I live, the young people eat fast food, then dump all the trash out of the car windows. I don't see much hope for the future while idiots like that walk among us.


u/Environmental_Cod367 May 19 '24

Where I live, the Netherlands, MacDonalds and KFC are regularly fined if they don't clean up those messes.


u/banmeharder616 May 20 '24

This should be common practice. McDonald's bags everywhere there's a bench or carpark and we're supposed to be clean n green. From New Zealand.

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u/HefflumpGuy May 20 '24

A couple of years ago I was thinking of filling a bag with all their rubbish, taking it into their restaurant and dumping it on their counter.

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u/Environmental_Cod367 May 19 '24

I meant a collective "we", not least cus part of our taxes pay for the operation.


u/TechnologyNo4121 May 21 '24

If it's of any consolation I've been there just before the tourist season and it's actually surprisingly clean! Not to say the tourists won't fuck things up in their time there. But, off season it's pristine wilderness.

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u/rbankole May 19 '24

World’s highest and trashiest neighborhood

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u/AtomicRevGib May 19 '24

We need to stop this now. Conquering Everest is not a thing anymore, it was done and dusted decades ago. The only thing these idiots are achieving now is the further despoiling of one of the most beautiful parts of this planet.


u/Tommyblockhead20 May 19 '24

Ya good luck with that. The two groups that actually see the mountain, the locals and those who want to climb it, will strongly disagree with you. Banning it will destroy the income of the locals/country as a whole, and mountaineers will just climb a different mountain.

I’m glad Redditors care about the environment, but it would be nice if that energy was focused somewhere more productive than being mad another country allows one of their >1,000 mountains to be moderately impacted by humans (while seemingly not caring that their own country has altered so much more nature).

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u/The_Original_Gronkie May 19 '24

I used to want to travel the world, but as I look into the places I'd like to visit, they all sound ridiculously crowded and expensive, and deeply un-fun. Ive now completely lost the urge to travel. I might still get to a few of the more lightly travelled Caribbean islands, but that's about it.


u/HefflumpGuy May 19 '24

Ive now completely lost the urge to travel. I might still get to a few of the more lightly travelled Caribbean islands

People wanting to visit unexplored places is the thing which ultimately destroys them. I've seen it happening on the Thai islands. As each island gets overrun with tourists, the 'adventurous' people go in search of a quieter place, then everyone else follows.


u/Sciby May 19 '24

yeah because one of those adventurous people will feel the need to also be an influencer, will share all the details, then complain about the swarm of tourist-locusts.


u/HefflumpGuy May 20 '24

I went to Koh Phanghan in February 1991. It was still underdeveloped and fairly quiet. I bought a map of the island and on the back it said the first tourist had arrived 10 years ago, then 20 people had come the next year, then 300 came the year after, then 5000 and on and on. There was no internet at the time and the popularity spread by word of mouth. I went back in October 1991 and they'd built a paved road from one side to the other and a police station to keep all the tourists under control. I went back again in 2005 and spent a few hours in Haad Rin before deciding I didn't even want to spend one night there because all the bamboo huts had been replaced by concrete hotels all over the beach and the once quiet full moon parties had turned into a giant commercial enterprise.

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u/L-System May 19 '24

It's a common sentiment. People are ruining [Random Hobby]. [Random Hobby] is dying... I've lost the urge to [Random Hobby].

I'd argue every single hobby is the best it's ever been, except elephant hunting and the like, big decline there...

Travelling is definitely the best it's ever been. Trips to the most exotic places in the world are accessible. And don't complain about tourist locusts, if you're there to experience it, you are one.

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u/AtomicRevGib May 19 '24 edited May 19 '24

Yep. I always wanted to visit places like The Great Pyramids of Egypt, Macchu Pichu and Angkor Wat, but like you say, they've become 'bucket list' popular destinations and local cash cows.


u/The_Original_Gronkie May 19 '24

Exactly, ever see a photo of the grounds around the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Nothing but hundreds of people trying get the same photo of them pushing it. I would be seriously disappointed to walk up on that scene.

Oh, well, I missed the window. I'll spend my retirement in other ways, or just hitting interesting places in America.


u/AtomicRevGib May 19 '24

When I saw the images ot the fast food joints right by the Pyramids of Giza, my heart sank.

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u/StoicSunbro May 19 '24

Last year I did a gap year and saw many cities in Western Europe, as well as Seoul, central Japan, Taipei , Singapore, and Sydney.

I did much of it in winter so the crowds were minimal and hotel/plane prices were much cheaper. The downside is the weather can be bad and anything green is often dead. Places are often still pretty though.

I encourage you to go and see the things you want to see. You will more likely regret not going more than going.

Pics if interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/travel/comments/12kn3yg

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u/LatekaDog May 19 '24

Someone will have to pay to fill the economic activity for the are though otherwise its not going anywhere.

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u/lessthanabelian May 19 '24

You want some government entity to come in, stomp all over Nepal, and physically close off access? Because the Nepalese obviously don't want to do that.

Also the Himalayas are fucking huge and Everest is a tiny speck.

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u/backhand-english May 19 '24

And now lets take a look at the base of Everest. Tent after tent after tent. Look at all these cunts

  • David Attenborrough, BBC Earth.


u/POOTY-POOTS May 19 '24

Some future civilization is going to find mountains of artifacts at that site and conclude with confusion that it was some kind of settlement, possibly never knowing that it was a camp for a bunch of rich adrenaline junkies.


u/Potential-Style-3861 May 19 '24

Not even adrenaline junkies anymore. Just executives who want a new talking point on their Linkedin bio.


u/Yalla6969 May 20 '24

Motivation post about climbing the everest.


u/_PukyLover_ May 19 '24

I will put that place in my personal list of places that I have absolutely no interest in visiting!


u/bobsmeds May 19 '24

Is that a base camp for ants?!?

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u/Witty_Science_2035 May 19 '24

Such a pile of shame


u/igpila May 19 '24

Gross and dumb


u/Santaconartist May 19 '24

I don't really understand why people are so down on there being tents on a base camp on a mountain...people live on mountains around the world right? This isn't the top of Everest It's base camp where people acclimate before summitting right? I might be missing something


u/BainshieWrites May 20 '24

Because redditors are fat cunts jealous of people physically stronger than them, so delude themselves into thinking "If I had the money I could do that" as they shit their own pants for the 5th time this day.


u/0xAERG May 19 '24

I was thinking the same, but I found out this is actually near the top.


u/Kuhzoom May 20 '24

“Near” the top is relative lol. Would you say 10,000 vertical feet or 20km total “close”?


u/Crafty_Enthusiasm_99 May 20 '24

It is nowhere near the top my friend

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u/ExpertCompetition844 May 19 '24

Base camp? More like base city!


u/Zealousideal_Drop807 May 19 '24

As an expert that climbed the everest in roblox this is not accurate. The base camp was much smaller


u/mastek_keks May 19 '24


u/auddbot May 19 '24

Song Found!

Interstellar (Main Theme Piano) by Gacabe & Jecabe (02:29; matched: 100%)

Released on 2021-12-03.

I am a bot and this action was performed automatically | GitHub new issue | Donate Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot


u/Xim_X_anny May 19 '24

Idk why but they look like miniatures


u/Strange-Average5444 May 19 '24

Looks like a trash heap at the top of the world. it gets to say hi to the trash orbiting in space.


u/Prior-Elk3751 May 19 '24

Honest question, cause maybe it’s just me. Hasn’t climbing the Everest completely lost its appeal since it has become a mass tourist destination? I get it, it is of course still a physical challenge, but people pay the Sherpas to literally do the heavy lifting only to then stand in line on top for a photograph. A couple of years ago, if you told me you climbed Mount Everest, I would have been absolutely amazed. Today I would just mark you down as “was able to pay for it”.


u/Psychological-Pea720 May 20 '24

They’ve always used sherpas. The first expedition had literal hundreds of them.

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u/[deleted] May 19 '24


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u/paswut May 19 '24

Are the Nepalese incompetent, or could they switch to a lottery system for outsiders to climb everest. e.g. it costs $10k for each entry into the lottery. They do a limited number of picks each climbing season. The winners of the lottery can sell their slot on an auction if they so desire.


u/Crafty_Enthusiasm_99 May 20 '24

Nepal is a poor third world country. It's hard to apply the same standards there when the country is starving

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u/Gatto_con_Capello May 19 '24

They are shuttling a shit ton of tourists to the top, so yeah... To be expected tbh


u/Bob-Berbowski May 19 '24

You think it looks disgusting… wait until you smell it.


u/Makehernut203 May 19 '24

And people pay to climb up there smh


u/effingthis May 19 '24

Where do people poop?

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u/Distinct-Quantity-35 May 19 '24

That’s a whole ass town


u/SamuraiApocalypse9 May 19 '24

It’s sad now


u/philo351 May 19 '24

This is where all the bass players meet up?


u/Professional_Elk_489 May 19 '24

The only thing that impresses me is visiting the titanic in an underwater submersible


u/Space_Ape2000 May 19 '24

Hmm I don't imagine they have sewage infrastructure in place there, sooooo.....


u/Cryingfortheshard May 19 '24

All of these people have to shit somewhere.


u/Rangirocks99 May 19 '24

And no Starbucks 🤣🤣🤣


u/NapoleonDynamite82 May 19 '24

Yes but do they have a Starbucks?


u/FarmImportant9537 May 19 '24

Where's the spa and the restaurant?


u/kidblazin13 May 19 '24

Alot of trash…and shit. People can’t leave the beauty of it alone.


u/Zakal74 May 19 '24

Freezing Man


u/Eleo4756 May 19 '24

Reminds me of Time Square, NYC bus stop.


u/ramanthan7313 May 19 '24

Commercial civilization that looks like cancer!


u/Due_Potential_6956 May 19 '24

At first I thought that was someone walking and recording trash, then my brain saw what I was actually looking at.


u/MissKjnes May 19 '24

Yes, is so big….and full of shit from all the assholes shiting and dirting a peaceful and natural place


u/xamo76 May 19 '24

That's what Mars will look like after a few months


u/Ambitious_Ad_3044 May 19 '24

How much of that is shit?


u/Tkaczyk1995 May 19 '24

Surprised there wasn’t a quick pan to Everest for scale


u/wassimu May 19 '24

All that poop. 💩💩💩💩


u/kluuttzz11 May 19 '24

I dont know why I just imagined a wooden shack at the base of a massive mountain. Pretty impressive setup!


u/Bonez_Lo May 19 '24

How the fck did they get all the materials up there to build lol… seems hard enough for a person to just get their body up there… or is there some sort of back road we don’t know about ?


u/PhysicsLawBreaker May 20 '24

They carry it on Buffalos or on their backs. Light important stuff can be flown in via helicopter, but that is of course very expensive. It takes a week to walk up there. There are no vehicles up there, not even in Lukla, which is where you start.

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u/Llama2Boot2Boot May 19 '24

Why is everyone so surprised this is an industry


u/[deleted] May 19 '24

Proof that there are too many people with too much money…


u/blinking616 May 19 '24

Nothing amazing here!! Just a disgrace of all the trash left in nature


u/DiscipleExyo May 19 '24

So no one has skydived and landed on mt everest and then paraglide back down? I am disappoint

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u/All-inyourmind May 19 '24

Good Lord that’s not a camp that’s a town


u/Black_Hole_parallax May 19 '24

Sagarmatha is probably the most overrated mountain in the world. At this point build a city on it.


u/Sam2794 May 19 '24

The biggest plague: humans…


u/VirginiaLuthier May 19 '24

I hear they have a dentist and an "escort" service, too.....


u/IAMSTILLHERE2020 May 19 '24

AI is going to take those jobs soon. Also, it will replace the people trying to go to the top of Mt. Everest.

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u/Working_Ad_4650 May 19 '24

This is very disappointing.


u/Naughtynuzzler May 19 '24

But does it have tiny little shops?!?!


u/SexyCouple4Bliss May 19 '24

More proof that the world doesn’t tax the rich enough


u/edtufic May 19 '24

Imagine all that people pooping at that altitude! 🤢


u/AverageFishEye May 19 '24

A slum for rich people in the himalayas


u/charlie_s1234 May 19 '24

The whole thing just sounds like shit


u/Front-Paper-7486 May 19 '24

So basically people have done to Everest what Californians did to Colorado.


u/gregsapopin May 19 '24

They should just build a big hotel.


u/siddemo May 19 '24

That's gross.


u/DGenesis23 May 19 '24

Why would anyone even bother at this point? I mean, it’s about as accessible as a trip to the supermarket. It’s not some great feat anymore, it’s just dudes with more money than sense going on a brief hike while they get some locals to do all the donkey work.

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u/ReadingRainbow5 May 19 '24

This is embarrassing. This used to be one of man’s greatest achievements and now it’s a tourist attraction.


u/Chinesewindup May 19 '24

What a fucking mess ..


u/Aromatic-Dish-167 May 19 '24

It looks like bacteria growing across those mountains


u/Flat-Delivery6987 May 19 '24

What a fucking eyesore. We are a blight on this planet.


u/Perfect-Duck1960 May 19 '24

Everest is IN TROUBLE

Everest is currently dealing with environmental challenges. This video effectively outlines the issues concerning trash and human waste at Everest camps, as well as the anticipated changes. Hikers will soon be required to carry down their own waste, which marks a positive step forward.


u/PlasmaBigCannon May 19 '24

Everest base camp is at the bottom of the mountain where climbers can easily breathe and function. Every group who climbs ventures up to smaller camps along the mountain and returns to base camp several times before they attempt to summit the mountain. This is mostly to allow the body to adjust to the altitude over several days.


u/ndnver May 19 '24

Gotta be honest. Looks like hell awful place. Zero interest in going there.


u/Kingzer15 May 19 '24

Wow six flags everest really is something


u/kendalld27 May 19 '24



u/Scar-90 May 20 '24

Most of it frozen garbage and poop


u/666-Slayer May 20 '24

I can’t think of place that is less appealing then this.


u/Galactroid May 20 '24

Human ambition is much greater than the heights of Everest


u/Unfair_Pin_6135 May 20 '24

Poop mountain


u/FireTurk182 May 20 '24

So the rich can brag at the country club they climbed Everest some are carried by the Sherpas very sick bunch of people

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u/Saixcrazy May 20 '24

Ppl need to stop going there


u/pizat1 May 20 '24

I bet it stinks like shit out there.


u/Alternative-Half-783 May 20 '24

Need to charge more $$$$