r/AskReddit 9d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/ismelldirti 9d ago

Years worth of income


u/duhogman 9d ago

If you made $100k per year that would put you at half way to being a billionaire. Kinda hurts to put that into perspective.


u/vkapadia 9d ago

Scale is a hell of a thing.

Another way to see the huge difference between $1m and $1b:

Let's say you made $1/second (which is an insanely good salary, $3600/hr), and you earned this not just business hours, but 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Earning $1m would take you less than 12 days. Earning $1b would take you over 31 years.


u/Johns-schlong 9d ago

I always like:

"The difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is about a billion dollars"


u/vkapadia 9d ago

Yup. To a billionaire, a millionaire is a rounding error.


u/Nerdsamwich 8d ago

This is why I laugh at the bootlickers who cry that raising taxes on the rich would be "punishing success". If you just take away 99% of a billionaire's assets, he's still got ten million bucks. There's no appreciable effect on their quality of life, even after losing statistically everything.


u/Proof_Aerie9411 8d ago

Oh no, now they only have two mansions, and only six cars. Won’t someone think of the poor rich people? 🤪