r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/piray003 5d ago

5000 tons of yttrium metal, valued at ~$30/kg, should theoretically be worth $136,077,720. However, only 8k-12k tons of yttrium oxide is produced annually, and from that only a few tons of yttrium metal is produced each year by reducing yttrium fluoride to a metal sponge with calcium magnesium alloy, so I'd imagine the spot price of yttrium metal would decrease significantly by flooding the market with 5k tons all at once.

However, if I sold it off gradually in my life time I bet I could still net at least ~$50 million (that's a guess, if someone wants to do the math to get the actual figure.) That's probably what I'd go with.



What if you only get 5000mol?


u/el-destroya 4d ago

That's still about 445kg of pure yttrium, so about 13k USD for the pure metal, significantly more if processed into pure oxides.