r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/DropItLikeItsHotBear 5d ago

"Yes," to any question or request I ask or make. That goes for any amount of any thing, any kind of demand, any possession, any position, etc.


u/across7777 5d ago

Is it your very next 5,000 questions, or do you get to pick when you use a special yes?


u/magusheart 5d ago



u/TourAlternative364 5d ago

Some minor annoyance, break a shoelace  you absentmindedly say...oh...kill me now....

They all stare at you intently


u/AlertNotAnxious 4d ago

Or when OP sees a beautiful image and says „f*ck me, that’s a stunning view”


u/TourAlternative364 4d ago

Jesus Christ keeps appearing and each time he brings the apocalypse, 4 horsemen etc


u/SolidFew3788 3d ago

Here's what you do. As soon as you are told that your next 5000 questions are going to be answered with a yes, you duct tape your mouth shut, and send venmo requests to 5000 people asking for 0.01%-1% of the recipients total worth and send to 5000 people. Make sure Bezos and Musk are included in the list, along with any other rich fucks you hate. If you can't find their private emails, use a few of your yes's to message their respective companies asking for those emails. They have to say yes.

Reserve a few questions for other non-materialistic shit you want, just make sure you ask them all through email and all during the same time frame.

Phrase it with, will you please do [this thing I want], date, time, and location TBA?

Or, politician so and so, please consult with me on every vote or action you will ever have to take in the future, k thx.

Or, politician/public figure, please retire and never speak out about your views ever again.

Company xxx with hazardous footprint, please correct your safety protocols

Country leader X, please seize all conflict and free your people/end war, etc. Important here, if you're asking for a war resolution, contact both sides of conflict with what that resolution will entail so both are in agreement.

You get the idea. Spend a day or two doing your research with your gob taped and no one else near you. Ask your brain to stay awake and clear during this time. Communicate only through text or email and make sure to set send confirmation active to avoid mistakes. Wait a few days for everyone to read their emails and fill your coffers/grant your requests. Once a satisfactory amount of money is deposited and all really important requests are granted, send another mass email with some dumb question to a much wider audience to use up any leftover questions. Once you get your first no, you're OK to enter back into society. This may take a while, but all you have to do is message all the important people in your life, like family, friend, and employers to happily let you take a month to yourself, away. They'll say yes. Just keep your damn mouth taped shut when not eating.


u/TourAlternative364 3d ago

Sheez. I need you on my hypothetical questions team! Ok wasted a request there. Can you implement that for me SolidFew?

(Of course you can! You can't refuse! 😃)


u/SolidFew3788 3d ago

Yes, master!


u/FrancisAnn 4d ago

This could end SO badly. Have you never seen a movie? But...on second thought, let me go start writing the screenplay now.


u/ManyAreMyNames 4d ago

Have you seen season one of Jessica Jones on Netflix?


u/Miserable_Fennel_492 3d ago

I like your style, kid