r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/shino4242 5d ago

5000 yellow vans stuffed full of $100 dollar bills in real non counterfiet USD


u/Kripnova 4d ago

Yk I don’t even want the money, but I would love a bright yellow van… I’ve looked through this whole thread thinking of what I wanted 5000 of and, yep 5000 bright yellow vans. Never have to worry about transportation ever again. One breaks down? You have a back up. Need a part? Well lemme grab it from the lot of 4999. That’s actually brilliant. And my family would have reliable vehicles too we would all be driving bright yellow vans. I think I would like them to be 2005 Chrysler town and country’s (brand new preferably). But that would be perfect.


u/LongjumpingBrief6428 4d ago

A brand new 2005 Chrysler Town and Country. You may need a little Febreeze and some reupholstered interior, since I doubt 5000 bright yellow new 2005 Chrysler Town and Country vans were stored inside somewhere for about 20 years.


u/Kripnova 4d ago

That’s alright, as long as they have low mileage and little to no rust, I’ll be happy. My first car was a 2005 Chrysler town and country. She had mismatched black and white door panels. I can’t even tell you if she was originally black or white. She was so rusted sometimes we would lose a piece of her driving around. She had no suspension left. Not a bit. You hit a hard pothole, person in the back is hitting their head on the ceiling. But she could haul ass. She was so fast. Someone had fucked with her speed regulation and she got going so fucking quick. I used to race her, and I never lost. I drove her to prom, raced a mustang on the way there (I won). She ran for over three years before dying. Eventually the rust killed her. It took out her power steering first. Which I drove without for a year. But that caused tension internally and took out a bunch of other stuff and one day, she just never ran again. I miss her every day.