r/Anxiety 2d ago

Any advice for dealing with anxiety about my first job? Advice Needed

Hey guys! I'll be doing orientation for my first minimum wage job this Friday and I'm absolutely terrified. Do you have any advice on how to cope with this?


2 comments sorted by


u/bing-no 2d ago

Just know that orientation is there to help get you started, no one expects perfection right away. Plus, the best thing you can do is arrive on time and look presentable!

It can be scary, but just know that they are in charge of giving you the tools to succeed. Plus, asking a lot of questions is a great way to learn!


u/TThisusernameSUCCs 2d ago

This is very reassuring thank you so much, it's just scary because I have no idea what to expect so it's really nice to know it's low stakes.