r/Anxiety 2d ago

Medications? Advice Needed

So I am going to the doctor again next week and I want to ask about starting a new anxiety med. I’ve always been scared about taking medications, but last year it got so bad I really didn’t have any other options. I was prescribed Prozac and it made me so sick and my anxiety so much worse and my doctor kept telling me to push through and it would get better, but it ended up being so bad she pulled me off it because I was so sick. Then she prescribed me Lexapro and I was terrified to take it, ended up putting it off for a couple months, and then about a week in the nausea hit and I immediately stopped taking it. It’s been a few months and I know I desperately need to be on something, my anxiety is completely debilitating, but I’m so scared of those side effects. My sister has said Zoloft is good, she had issues with Lexapro too, but I’m just curious what everyone else does. Is there one that works faster? Less side effects? Should I try something different?


6 comments sorted by


u/Lunarose1207 2d ago

Lexapro was brutal didnt last 4 days. I asked to go back on zoloft since it was familiar to me and i had been on it for 2 years but my anxiety had gone away and came back double 😭


u/sm1434 2d ago

Oh no that’s awful!! I’m so sorry that happened 💖


u/-jp- 2d ago

Lexapro and other SSRIs are evidently very variable in their effectiveness. It works for me, but do not feel bad at all if it doesn't work for you. Nausea is a common side effect, so your experience is not out of the ordinary. Talk to your doctor, explain your reaction, and they ought to be able to prescribe something that works better for you.


u/Mr_Roger_That 2d ago



u/RemarkableDog4512 2d ago

Buspar has been the biggest help ever aside from Benzos and it doesn’t have the side effects or dependency that comes with ssri, snris or Benzos. Also works when you start taking it and doesn’t take weeks to get acclimated to, although you may increase your dose a bit after you do get used to it. It’s so dang low key too. No more ruminating on intrusive thoughts or over feeling negative emotions. Anger doesn’t turn to rage, sadness isn’t depression and regular anxiety doesn’t cause a panic attack. Combined with propranolol, they take care of the mental and physical anxiety symptoms. Recently added Wellbutrin for motivation and focus and it’s been very positive. I don’t think I would tolerate the Wellbutrin if I wasn’t on the Buspar first. I hope it’s a good fit for you bcs it’s really low impact when compared to other psych meds.


u/Jaded_Wrap2083 2d ago

They have a genesight test you can take to help find what the right medication for you is, it didn’t take long to get the results back, i actually had just found the chart to my results a few weeks ago, i took it a few years back because my meds were not working, i was on prozac at the time and it came back with results showing the type of medication that would possibly work for you. I’m almost positive you do like a cheek swab and they send it to a lab. My results showed that the medication I was taking wasn’t the right fit. Possibly talk to your doctor about that. For me I realized all the ssri’s I was prescribed in the past did not work for me but it is different for everybody.