r/Anxiety 2d ago

Does anyone else feel like their life is finished when they get a new physical symptom? DAE Questions

It happens every couple of months. Something new will make itself known and I’ll fall into despair.

We came back from holiday last week and I started to feel pressure in my prostate area and needing to pee more often. I went to the doctors yesterday and he gave me a prostate exam (horrible) said it felt ok but has taken urine samples to see if there is an infection.

All I can feel right now is an aching pressure in that area which is stopping me from being able to think about anything else, and on top of that, the thought of having to take antibiotics if there is an infection is hanging over me like a very dark and dread filled cloud.

I’ve never felt anything like this before and I just feel completely doomed. Like nothing can help me and life is over. I keep nearly falling into a panic attack and can’t picture any future. This happens every time something new roles around. But I CANNOT just function and carry on with life until it goes away. Then something else starts a few weeks later.

The most popular thought is the classic “yeah last time was scary but THIS is the one that is serious and going to end you. Urgh. It’s such a trapping feeling. Anyone else?


15 comments sorted by


u/Secure_Atmosphere315 2d ago

literally me. I think when I find something i start focusing on it too much, then panic, then anxiety it’s a spiral. it’s all gonna be okay it’s all in our head. I read somewhere “if something is really wrong the symptoms will be loud”.


u/Dominic_0203047 1d ago

Thank you for your reply 🙏🏼


u/KaleMunoz 2d ago

That’s called impending doom. It’s a classic anxiety/panic symptom. It’s not reflective of the severity of your conditions. I promise.

FWIW, I once dealt with really bizarre symptoms kind of like this, and the doctor was sure I had a bladder infection. I didn’t. It faded away with the anxiety after a few days.


u/Dominic_0203047 1d ago

Thank you 🙏🏼


u/nikkiradtoo5 2d ago

Yes ! All I can do is focus on the feeling even if it isn’t a big deal. It’ll make the pain or discomfort or the feeling about one hundred times worse than it actually is since I just hyper fixate on it. It’ll become everything I think about for days.


u/Dominic_0203047 1d ago

I totally agree, thanks 🙏🏼


u/wilbursbest 2d ago

Horrible feeling. ):

Currently dealing with the same stuff. You're not alone. It's always something. The worst part is how it can be a cycle of symptoms that your anxiety causes. So it's like a chicken or the egg situation. (heart palpitations caused by anxiety = DYING from heart failure)

Health anxiety is so evil and life ruining. I wish the best for you!


u/Dominic_0203047 1d ago

Thank you, Im sorry that you’re going through it too. Feel free to message me anytime if you don’t want to be alone with it 🙏🏼


u/PartyManager7230 2d ago

Lately..every couple hours I’m sure this is it I’m taking my last breath


u/Dominic_0203047 1d ago

I know that feeling all too well!!


u/strawberryjamcloud_ 2d ago

I think the only "disease" we have is anxiety which can manifest itself physically due to excessive catastrophizing and rumination. have u ever noticed when ur more anxious the more "problems" u have physically ? it sucks


u/Dominic_0203047 1d ago

Yeah you’re completely right. It’s so frustrating because it’s impossible to tell placebo from reality in those mindsets 😔


u/strawberryjamcloud_ 1d ago

yup i swear. i've gone through an anxiety spiral before and after i healed it, i could look back and question myself like damn every thing i went through 99% it was mainly just anxiety. the constant doctors visit that i went to, because every single little thing that pops up id freak out and catastrophize. when i healed my anxiety i could really step back and observe those patterns. it was all just in my head that was causing all these.

but anw ya im back in the spiral and it sucks


u/RikStarX 2d ago

It's like you've looked inside my head, I'm 35 now and had anxiety and intrusive thoughts since puberty. I take sertaline now which has helped a good amount, still have bad days/weeks. I remember thinking I'm feeling mentally okay now but would worry about what I'm gonna worry about next, I've ruined many seasonal occasions because something has popped in my head and completely taken over my train of thought. Usually health anxiety for me, and everything is cancer. It'll beat me senseless for weeks or months then fade away. Its horrible, and saps any enjoyable experience out of life. Anxiety can manifest it's self differently for everyone, but in my head I'm the only one experiencing "what I have".. In reality, thousands are too.


u/Paran0iaAg3nt 1d ago

i'm going through this right now with constant fatigue. i'm going to get my blood drawn in a couple of weeks when i finish my iron pills (which aren't even helping with the fatigue) and you're absolutely right in that horrible looming feeling over your head just ready to spoil your day. i went through this with dizziness, stomach and bladder problems. it's always something. i know that if i constantly think about how i'm not going to get better is actually making everything feel worse and just prolonging this ill state and i try hard not to but sometimes it just gets the better of me.