r/Anxiety 12d ago

Monthly Check-In Thread Official

Hello everyone! Welcome to the r/Anxiety monthly check-in thread. We want this to serve as casual community chat for anyone who wants to get or stay involved without having to make a full post. Plus you can use this as an easy way to give us feedback on what you like and don't like about the subreddit.

Our mod team also maintains an official mental health Discord server for people who prefer realtime community, venting, peer support and off topic chat. We hope to see you there! Join link: https://discord.com/invite/9sSCSe9

Checking In

Let us know what's on your mind! This includes (but is not limited to) any significant life changes/events that have happened recently; an improvement or decrease in your mental health; any upcoming plans that you're looking forward to (or dreading); issues you're dealing with in your own local or extended community; general sources of stress or frustration in your daily life; words of advice or comfort you want to share with everyone; questions/comments/concerns you want to share with the moderators and community regarding the subreddit.

Thanks and stay safe,

The r/Anxiety Mod Team


33 comments sorted by


u/misoghoul 9h ago

Hi everyone! I had two dental appoints last month, a lot of stress built up in my body. I am proud of myself because knowing me I would not want to even step foot in the building. But each time I did it. I am dreading the third visit to do my left side for fillings.

I am honestly, just tired of those needles poking me to numb my cheeks, and gums. Or dealing with the numb sensation.

I have a doctors visit next week, will definitely discuss over all health, and look into therapy sessions if its available at no cost to me.


u/Glittering_Habit_161 10h ago

I just had my probably 10th anxiety attack just now and I hate it so much and my first time having one was when I was watching XO Kitty last year, then when my dog was going to be put down in October last year and when I was just walking into college and it took about 10 minutes to go away and it was really painful and I hate the pain so much


u/redditModsAreAwful12 18h ago

I'm reaching out to old friends and Ive hung out once or twice......but I just have this internal, "Alright, let's get this over with." I know life begins at the edge of my comfort zone, but man I come running right back to my comfort zone anytime I leave. I just see interactions with people as a chore or a to-do item :/ I'm worried I'm rekindling friendships, will start to feel better, and then I'll just neglect them/seclude myself again.


u/_VoItage_1 1d ago

I’m stressed out with college stuff because ik I got due payment coming up to pay for classes (just graduated) but I don’t know about doing student loans and stuff. I was also told I gotta retake a placement test for math because I won’t be able to reach my credits fast enough for the major I’m in.

On top of that I thought the easiest thing to do for myself would be to get a job, go to college in the spring cuz I’m in summer rn, and just work, however, it’s already been a fucking week and I’m growing impatient if these jobs I applied to even notices me or not. Maybe I did a mistake with the availability hours…


u/ambersai 1d ago

I feel like my nervous system is out of whack. I have my docs appt next week and aim super nervous.

Also, my spouse have been stressing me out a couple of weeks ago. They been out of town for a week now and coming home tomorrow. I honestly enjoyed them not being here. Now Im anxious because I know they will stress me out again.


u/famdy 1d ago

There is nothing more damaging that a non-working relationship.. Seek a family therapist, or walk away.

People seem to focus more on the acute stressors, like losing a beloved one or losing a job. but it's the chronic ones that cuts years of your lifespan. and nothing more stressing than fighting your partner all the time.


u/Deviatefish7 1d ago

So basically, I'm trying to go out of my safe space, I'm from the US, and this will be my first time in a long time since Covid to travel internationally, I'm going to Australia and with the money and all that stuff going on, I mean money isn't much of a problem just that I'm so scared to have put all that money in and then bail out in the very last moment! in total for the 4 days there, I'll be spending $2000 only in airfares and hotel.

I'm thinking of bringing along my elderly mum but also now I have an extra anxiety that she'll be flying without me, as she's coming from different country than US, then we'll meet in Sydney Airport, I think with the itinerary right now, just being so anxious about it all, I'll be waiting on the airport for her because mine will arrived a little more than 3 hours before hers.

then the check in at hotel is usually 3pm, but we'll be arriving in the airport before noon.

Ill be taking off early from work, only working halfday to take my flight from my city to LAX then took LAX to Syd.

I really want to do this but I'm just planning too much for a month now and it's drivng me nuts lol.

I really want to see my mum as well, since it'll be 4 days in Sydney, I want to treat her even if I'm going there mostly for myself.

Then sometimes I just feel like I'm low in oxygen that I can't breathe, feeling passing out, feeling lightheaded and started shaking like mad. Even in my small city I felt so anxious that my knees feels buckling just standing in line or waiting for the pedestrian when I think of people watching me.

It's so damn stupid! I don't know what it is, just that started like that 13 years ago and then gradually it's stop but there's just certain days when it get so bad that I feel so lightheaded.

The other day I was working on my desk and my desk just keep on vibrating dunno why and how, maybe the computer, but it started to make me panic, I really don't like it, when things just vibrate and then my heartbeat just started to go with feeling like I'm going to have a breakdown.

I refuse to ever take a medication because 13 years ago I was on it, I don't feel like myself and never alert, it's like I always just want to sleep all day and will never want to wake up..



u/heimweh_maedchen 3d ago

I say the stupidest shit in front of strangers and then proceed to beat myself up over it. Rinse repeat despair ugh


u/heimweh_maedchen 3d ago

Im crashing hard at lunch right now. My work colleagues are happily chatting around me but all I can think about is how i have 33 pounds to lose and its all my fault my body looks the way it does and how im suffering in this heatwave all covered up because my self esteem fucking sucks.


u/writeronthemoon 4d ago

Just recently got married! So happy for that. But job hunting has me feeling like a loser, and everyone else is unavailable with work kids, etc, so I feel lonely.

Can't sleep well recently. I toss and turn. Stay up late. Then I get chai tea before 3pm the next day sometimes. That and screentime probably exacerbating lack of sleep.


u/PoliticalCompassUser 4d ago

Recently my dog who I got to help me with my anxiety just passed away from an accident. My sister is dealing with her broken ankle. And I feel like my anxiety is back with a lot of a physical symptoms now. Usually it's been mostly mental but lately it's been making stomach very sensitive making it hard to eat and enjoy meals. Just been a bad month so far


u/heimweh_maedchen 5d ago

I just want to know what my personality and face looks like from a third person pov.


u/Carrot-Toastie 5d ago

Lately I've been having a lot of intrusive thoughts, way more than my usual amount. I'm having a harder time shaking them off. It feels like my brain is extra sticky. Idk what triggered it but its exhausting.


u/Nietzsches-Burden 7d ago

After months of relentless anxiety, irritability, and feeling on the verge of panic attacks from things that wouldn't have gotten to me before, I've "conceded" and I'm trying medication again. My last go around was horrific, but that was when I was in my early 20s. Now that I'm 30 I'm hoping for a different experience. I just can't battle my body's anxiety reactions with regular coping mechanisms anymore, it's so overwhelming. Face flushing and feeling hot, feeling dizzy, heart palpitations, chest pain, and other stuff that is just intolerable. Plus my cat is really sick and might pass away, this year is feeling so cruel. I'm trying Wellbutrin, because at least if it doesn't help the anxiety it should at least help me to stop smoking cigarettes or vice versa. Might as well have one win from this. In better news, I have a new job coming up. Which is also anxiety producing but hey at least it's paid anxiety 😎


u/Spaceqwe 7d ago

I have learned to deal with a huge portion of psychological anxiety but physical anxiety still not. About an hour ago the anxiety episode lessened notably but left my mind blank. I'm glad that I can deal with psychological anxiety but this is really weird now that I'm dealing with issues which were caused by psychological distress and affected me physically a lot too. Now it feels to be the other way around.

This aftereffect of physical anxiety I'm having left me psychologically detached in a weird way. This beats alternative but I'm confused now that I've been staring at a blank computer screen for half an hour or more. Part of this brain fog may have been also caused by years of using many different psychiatric medications but I know I've seen more positive effects of em than negative.

The mental blankness is so high right now that I'm starting to think I may be on the wrong subreddit.


u/writeronthemoon 4d ago

You're at the right place. And I'm sorry you're experiencing this. How do you control the psychological aspect, may I ask? That's the worst part, for me.


u/Spaceqwe 4d ago

I am on a high dose antidepressant and other pills so that partly helps even though not as much as they used to. I’m not sure how but I’ve sorta been able to stop thinking when an anxiety attack happens. I also recognize if a thought is a legit worry or unnecessary anxiety. Maybe it’s because of years of experience.

Wish I could help you more but I don’t know what else to say as it’s something within me which makes it hard to explain.


u/Decent_Editor3570 8d ago

i’m really confused at what i just experienced so i’m putting it in here because i want to address it and cope with it properly. but basically i haven’t panicked or had intense anxiety in a really long time. mainly because ive learned to address my symptoms and generally (very) negative thoughts patterns. but today i had a pretty big argument with somebody im close to. it was definitely a very long time coming but i haven’t had something like this happen to me in years. i think i started spiraling because of that and i googled things like “am i bad person? am i a toxic person?” and i started having a flood of negative thoughts about myself. i could feel the self-worth i took so long to build shattering. i was legit questioning every single thing about myself. then its like my body just froze. i was lying on my bed, not moving at all as i cried. and the negative thoughts just kept coming and i didn’t stop them. finally, after 10ish minutes i snapped out of it and it felt like i kind of came out of a trance. is this something people with anxiety experience? is this a different way of my body coping with it? i’ve always experienced hyperventilating, high heart rate, like the typical anxiety attack symptoms but this was a first for me. i kind of just dissociated but i was also present?? i’m not sure what’s going on and im a little bit worried bcs i really don’t want my anxiety getting bad again. it took a lot to pull myself out of the worst parts and get to where i am today.


u/writeronthemoon 4d ago

This does sound familiar to me. I think it's another manifestation of anxiety. It sucks balls because it almost seems normal so it's easy to convince yourself it's true. But it's not! It's the anxiety talking.


u/evey_17 7d ago

Im so sorry you are having a very tough time. It is unnerving to have a terrible argument with someone close-your feelings make sense to me. You would not be wondering if you were a terrible person if you were a terrible person. Most awful people will just blame others and never take any kind of self reflection. I hope today is easier. Wishing you the best.


u/Freak80MC 8d ago

I'm starting to think I have anxiety, and like... bad anxiety at that.

The last few appointments I've had to cancel and lots of times it feels like reasons outside my control, but it always stresses me out to have to text or email, or, god forbid, call someone to cancel. I fear they will blame me in some way for not keeping the appointment, and I feel that way for the reasons outside my control but ESPECIALLY feel that way when it feels like the source of why I couldn't keep the appointment was me.

I've started to notice that when an appointment is coming up, it feels like I can't breathe, at least in a mental sorta way. Idk how else to describe it, like my mind has stopped and I can't relax, like my mind is tensed up. And the only way to untense is to cancel the appointment because I can't deal with this feeling for hours waiting on my appointment to come and go. And I feel like I literally can't function feeling like this, so if I even made it to the appointment, I would be a complete mess of a human being. Yet the idea of having to go through the process of cancelling terrifies me especially if I've had to cancel a few times before this. It's like I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't. But I can't deal with this tense feeling so I inevitably cancel so I can finally feel like I can untense and breathe again.

It feels like I'm stuck in some sort of cycle and only very few times when all the planets align do I feel good enough to keep my appointments and nothing else comes my way to ruin my plans. And I hate it, makes me feel like a failure that I can't keep simple appointments.

And then if I need to respond to texts, emails, or calls about setting up a new appointment, the negative feelings start up again. I try to ignore everything the best I can but I have to eventually take a look and respond back and what sucks is when it's a short thing I'm responding to, it's like "why did I ignore this so long instead of responding right away" and then I respond to confirm a new appointment date and then don't even feel much better anyway.


u/Alexeipajitnov 8d ago

I'm freaking out because I have to go for additional imaging after they found something in my mammogram. I don't want to die I have three kids, man.


u/MrRealitydotcom 8d ago

Sending good vibes to you


u/Powerful_Cat_5583 9d ago

I watched Inside out 2 and just shoked. Realized that my whole life was full of anxiety and my thrive to achive goals related professional thing was based on anxiety on myself. Anyhow, it helped somewhat point which is that I learned more about me and my feelings and started to handle it carefully, finally show hospitality to my heart. Stongly recommend to people who have been thorugh hard times.


u/writeronthemoon 4d ago

It resonated with me, too


u/WadeCountyClutch 9d ago

I’m watching inside out 2 with my gf tonight and I’m pretty sure it’s going to piss me off considering the new emotion is anxiety. I know the movie is probably going to say “it’s okay to have this” But I’m still in the anger stage in this. I’m mad because it held me back, it prevented me from going to the next level. For three years it kept me in a damn bubble. I’m sorry if this offends anyone but this is nothing I like celebrating or wearing on my sleeve. It prevented me from enjoying my life


u/writeronthemoon 4d ago

So what did you think?


u/heimweh_maedchen 9d ago

3rd day into my new job and I already know I’ll hate it here. I was so desperate for a permanent role I accepted the first offer give to me 🤡


u/Liz_C678 9d ago

Job interview in 1.5 hours. My whole body is shaking. Why oh why oh why do I have to do things like this to make money and survive? It's torture.

I'm trying to breathe, take it one step at a time. But man oh man, I'm scared. So scared about being on display, not knowing the questions or people involved. Ugh ugh ugh.


u/writeronthemoon 4d ago

Sending you hugs. In a similar boat.


u/Double_Peace_6332 10d ago

Just when I feel like things are looking up, anxiety came creeping in. I am so tired of feeling this way. I’m doing everything I can to pick myself up every time I fall back. Feels like giving up today.


u/Ok-Heron-577 GAD, health anxiety, OCD 4d ago

It really does feel like a one step forward, two steps back scenario. ❤️ We'll get there, I know it. Just gotta stick through the rough patches.


u/stardustr3v3ri3 11d ago

I think I just want someone to tell me my anxiety is nothing and it's all in my head. For days, i've been on edge about everything. I keep thinking about volcanos, supervolcanos, asteroids, false vacum theory, WWIII, climate change etc. just I finally identified my anxiety as both general and existential anxiety. Combined with my OCD pushing me to repeatedly keep reading the news in search of "something." I definitely don't want my anxious thoughts confirmed, but i guess it's like "if i check the news and see that everythings okay, i'll be okay." But now I'm double anxious that my thoughts and anxiety means something when really it's just a resurgence of stuff I was anxious about all my life and having a lot of free time due to not being in school. I just want to enjoy my summer and make my anxiety stop, but how do you fight existential dread/anxiety? I just needed to get this off my chest, thanks